package com.censusproject.newarchitecture.components; import com.facebook.jni.HybridData; import com.facebook.proguard.annotations.DoNotStrip; import com.facebook.react.fabric.ComponentFactory; import com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader; /** * Class responsible to load the custom Fabric Components. This class has native methods and needs a * corresponding C++ implementation/header file to work correctly (already placed inside the jni/ * folder for you). * *

Please note that this class is used ONLY if you opt-in for the New Architecture (see the * `newArchEnabled` property). Is ignored otherwise. */ @DoNotStrip public class MainComponentsRegistry { static { SoLoader.loadLibrary("fabricjni"); } @DoNotStrip private final HybridData mHybridData; @DoNotStrip private native HybridData initHybrid(ComponentFactory componentFactory); @DoNotStrip private MainComponentsRegistry(ComponentFactory componentFactory) { mHybridData = initHybrid(componentFactory); } @DoNotStrip public static MainComponentsRegistry register(ComponentFactory componentFactory) { return new MainComponentsRegistry(componentFactory); } }