# objectorarray [![npm version][1]][0] [![downloads][2]][0] Is the value an object or an array but not null or RegExp? ## Install ``` $ yarn add objectorarray ``` ## Usage ```js import objectorarray from 'objectorarray' ``` ### True All of the following return true: ```js objectorarray({}) objectorarray([]) objectorarray(Object.create({})) objectorarray(Object.create(Object.prototype)) objectorarray(Object.create(null)) objectorarray(new Foo) ``` ### False All of the following return false: ```js objectorarray() objectorarray(function () {}) objectorarray(1) objectorarray(/foo/) objectorarray(undefined) objectorarray(null) ``` ## License MIT [0]: https://npmjs.org/package/objectorarray [1]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/objectorarray.svg?style=flat-square [2]: http://img.shields.io/npm/dm/objectorarray.svg?style=flat-square