/** * @license MIT * * This contains the type declarations for the xterm.js library. Note that * some interfaces differ between this file and the actual implementation in * src/, that's because this file declares the *public* API which is intended * to be stable and consumed by external programs. */ /// declare module 'xterm' { /** * A string representing text font weight. */ export type FontWeight = 'normal' | 'bold' | '100' | '200' | '300' | '400' | '500' | '600' | '700' | '800' | '900'; /** * A string representing log level. */ export type LogLevel = 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'off'; /** * A string representing a renderer type. */ export type RendererType = 'dom' | 'canvas'; /** * An object containing start up options for the terminal. */ export interface ITerminalOptions { /** * Whether background should support non-opaque color. It must be set before * executing the `Terminal.open()` method and can't be changed later without * executing it again. Note that enabling this can negatively impact * performance. */ allowTransparency?: boolean; /** * A data uri of the sound to use for the bell when `bellStyle = 'sound'`. */ bellSound?: string; /** * The type of the bell notification the terminal will use. */ bellStyle?: 'none' /*| 'visual'*/ | 'sound' /*| 'both'*/; /** * When enabled the cursor will be set to the beginning of the next line * with every new line. This equivalent to sending '\r\n' for each '\n'. * Normally the termios settings of the underlying PTY deals with the * translation of '\n' to '\r\n' and this setting should not be used. If you * deal with data from a non-PTY related source, this settings might be * useful. */ convertEol?: boolean; /** * The number of columns in the terminal. */ cols?: number; /** * Whether the cursor blinks. */ cursorBlink?: boolean; /** * The style of the cursor. */ cursorStyle?: 'block' | 'underline' | 'bar'; /** * Whether input should be disabled. */ disableStdin?: boolean; /** * Whether to draw bold text in bright colors. The default is true. */ drawBoldTextInBrightColors?: boolean; /** * The modifier key hold to multiply scroll speed. */ fastScrollModifier?: 'alt' | 'ctrl' | 'shift' | undefined; /** * The scroll speed multiplier used for fast scrolling. */ fastScrollSensitivity?: number; /** * The font size used to render text. */ fontSize?: number; /** * The font family used to render text. */ fontFamily?: string; /** * The font weight used to render non-bold text. */ fontWeight?: FontWeight; /** * The font weight used to render bold text. */ fontWeightBold?: FontWeight; /** * The spacing in whole pixels between characters.. */ letterSpacing?: number; /** * The line height used to render text. */ lineHeight?: number; /** * What log level to use, this will log for all levels below and including * what is set: * * 1. debug * 2. info (default) * 3. warn * 4. error * 5. off */ logLevel?: LogLevel; /** * Whether to treat option as the meta key. */ macOptionIsMeta?: boolean; /** * Whether holding a modifier key will force normal selection behavior, * regardless of whether the terminal is in mouse events mode. This will * also prevent mouse events from being emitted by the terminal. For * example, this allows you to use xterm.js' regular selection inside tmux * with mouse mode enabled. */ macOptionClickForcesSelection?: boolean; /** * The type of renderer to use, this allows using the fallback DOM renderer * when canvas is too slow for the environment. The following features do * not work when the DOM renderer is used: * * - Letter spacing * - Cursor blink */ rendererType?: RendererType; /** * Whether to select the word under the cursor on right click, this is * standard behavior in a lot of macOS applications. */ rightClickSelectsWord?: boolean; /** * The number of rows in the terminal. */ rows?: number; /** * Whether screen reader support is enabled. When on this will expose * supporting elements in the DOM to support NVDA on Windows and VoiceOver * on macOS. */ screenReaderMode?: boolean; /** * The amount of scrollback in the terminal. Scrollback is the amount of * rows that are retained when lines are scrolled beyond the initial * viewport. */ scrollback?: number; /** * The scrolling speed multiplier used for adjusting normal scrolling speed. */ scrollSensitivity?: number; /** * The size of tab stops in the terminal. */ tabStopWidth?: number; /** * The color theme of the terminal. */ theme?: ITheme; /** * Whether "Windows mode" is enabled. Because Windows backends winpty and * conpty operate by doing line wrapping on their side, xterm.js does not * have access to wrapped lines. When Windows mode is enabled the following * changes will be in effect: * * - Reflow is disabled. * - Lines are assumed to be wrapped if the last character of the line is * not whitespace. */ windowsMode?: boolean; /** * A string containing all characters that are considered word separated by the * double click to select work logic. */ wordSeparator?: string; } /** * Contains colors to theme the terminal with. */ export interface ITheme { /** The default foreground color */ foreground?: string; /** The default background color */ background?: string; /** The cursor color */ cursor?: string; /** The accent color of the cursor (fg color for a block cursor) */ cursorAccent?: string; /** The selection background color (can be transparent) */ selection?: string; /** ANSI black (eg. `\x1b[30m`) */ black?: string; /** ANSI red (eg. `\x1b[31m`) */ red?: string; /** ANSI green (eg. `\x1b[32m`) */ green?: string; /** ANSI yellow (eg. `\x1b[33m`) */ yellow?: string; /** ANSI blue (eg. `\x1b[34m`) */ blue?: string; /** ANSI magenta (eg. `\x1b[35m`) */ magenta?: string; /** ANSI cyan (eg. `\x1b[36m`) */ cyan?: string; /** ANSI white (eg. `\x1b[37m`) */ white?: string; /** ANSI bright black (eg. `\x1b[1;30m`) */ brightBlack?: string; /** ANSI bright red (eg. `\x1b[1;31m`) */ brightRed?: string; /** ANSI bright green (eg. `\x1b[1;32m`) */ brightGreen?: string; /** ANSI bright yellow (eg. `\x1b[1;33m`) */ brightYellow?: string; /** ANSI bright blue (eg. `\x1b[1;34m`) */ brightBlue?: string; /** ANSI bright magenta (eg. `\x1b[1;35m`) */ brightMagenta?: string; /** ANSI bright cyan (eg. `\x1b[1;36m`) */ brightCyan?: string; /** ANSI bright white (eg. `\x1b[1;37m`) */ brightWhite?: string; } /** * An object containing options for a link matcher. */ export interface ILinkMatcherOptions { /** * The index of the link from the regex.match(text) call. This defaults to 0 * (for regular expressions without capture groups). */ matchIndex?: number; /** * A callback that validates whether to create an individual link, pass * whether the link is valid to the callback. */ validationCallback?: (uri: string, callback: (isValid: boolean) => void) => void; /** * A callback that fires when the mouse hovers over a link for a moment. */ tooltipCallback?: (event: MouseEvent, uri: string, location: IViewportRange) => boolean | void; /** * A callback that fires when the mouse leaves a link. Note that this can * happen even when tooltipCallback hasn't fired for the link yet. */ leaveCallback?: () => void; /** * The priority of the link matcher, this defines the order in which the * link matcher is evaluated relative to others, from highest to lowest. The * default value is 0. */ priority?: number; /** * A callback that fires when the mousedown and click events occur that * determines whether a link will be activated upon click. This enables * only activating a link when a certain modifier is held down, if not the * mouse event will continue propagation (eg. double click to select word). */ willLinkActivate?: (event: MouseEvent, uri: string) => boolean; } /** * An object that can be disposed via a dispose function. */ export interface IDisposable { dispose(): void; } /** * An event that can be listened to. * @returns an `IDisposable` to stop listening. */ export interface IEvent { (listener: (e: T) => any): IDisposable; } /** * Represents a specific line in the terminal that is tracked when scrollback * is trimmed and lines are added or removed. This is a single line that may * be part of a larger wrapped line. */ export interface IMarker extends IDisposable { /** * A unique identifier for this marker. */ readonly id: number; /** * Whether this marker is disposed. */ readonly isDisposed: boolean; /** * The actual line index in the buffer at this point in time. This is set to * -1 if the marker has been disposed. */ readonly line: number; } /** * The set of localizable strings. */ export interface ILocalizableStrings { /** * The aria label for the underlying input textarea for the terminal. */ promptLabel: string; /** * Announcement for when line reading is suppressed due to too many lines * being printed to the terminal when `screenReaderMode` is enabled. */ tooMuchOutput: string; } /** * The class that represents an xterm.js terminal. */ export class Terminal implements IDisposable { /** * The element containing the terminal. */ readonly element: HTMLElement | undefined; /** * The textarea that accepts input for the terminal. */ readonly textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement | undefined; /** * The number of rows in the terminal's viewport. Use * `ITerminalOptions.rows` to set this in the constructor and * `Terminal.resize` for when the terminal exists. */ readonly rows: number; /** * The number of columns in the terminal's viewport. Use * `ITerminalOptions.cols` to set this in the constructor and * `Terminal.resize` for when the terminal exists. */ readonly cols: number; /** * (EXPERIMENTAL) The terminal's current buffer, this might be either the * normal buffer or the alt buffer depending on what's running in the * terminal. */ readonly buffer: IBuffer; /** * (EXPERIMENTAL) Get all markers registered against the buffer. If the alt * buffer is active this will always return []. */ readonly markers: ReadonlyArray; /** * (EXPERIMENTAL) Get the parser interface to register * custom escape sequence handlers. */ readonly parser: IParser; /** * Natural language strings that can be localized. */ static strings: ILocalizableStrings; /** * Creates a new `Terminal` object. * * @param options An object containing a set of options. */ constructor(options?: ITerminalOptions); /** * Adds an event listener for the cursor moves. * @returns an `IDisposable` to stop listening. */ onCursorMove: IEvent; /** * Adds an event listener for when a data event fires. This happens for * example when the user types or pastes into the terminal. The event value * is whatever `string` results, in a typical setup, this should be passed * on to the backing pty. * @returns an `IDisposable` to stop listening. */ onData: IEvent; /** * Adds an event listener for a key is pressed. The event value contains the * string that will be sent in the data event as well as the DOM event that * triggered it. * @returns an `IDisposable` to stop listening. */ onKey: IEvent<{ key: string, domEvent: KeyboardEvent }>; /** * Adds an event listener for when a line feed is added. * @returns an `IDisposable` to stop listening. */ onLineFeed: IEvent; /** * Adds an event listener for when a scroll occurs. The event value is the * new position of the viewport. * @returns an `IDisposable` to stop listening. */ onScroll: IEvent; /** * Adds an event listener for when a selection change occurs. * @returns an `IDisposable` to stop listening. */ onSelectionChange: IEvent; /** * Adds an event listener for when rows are rendered. The event value * contains the start row and end rows of the rendered area (ranges from `0` * to `Terminal.rows - 1`). * @returns an `IDisposable` to stop listening. */ onRender: IEvent<{ start: number, end: number }>; /** * Adds an event listener for when the terminal is resized. The event value * contains the new size. * @returns an `IDisposable` to stop listening. */ onResize: IEvent<{ cols: number, rows: number }>; /** * Adds an event listener for when an OSC 0 or OSC 2 title change occurs. * The event value is the new title. * @returns an `IDisposable` to stop listening. */ onTitleChange: IEvent; /** * Unfocus the terminal. */ blur(): void; /** * Focus the terminal. */ focus(): void; /** * Resizes the terminal. It's best practice to debounce calls to resize, * this will help ensure that the pty can respond to the resize event * before another one occurs. * @param x The number of columns to resize to. * @param y The number of rows to resize to. */ resize(columns: number, rows: number): void; /** * Opens the terminal within an element. * @param parent The element to create the terminal within. This element * must be visible (have dimensions) when `open` is called as several DOM- * based measurements need to be performed when this function is called. */ open(parent: HTMLElement): void; /** * Attaches a custom key event handler which is run before keys are * processed, giving consumers of xterm.js ultimate control as to what keys * should be processed by the terminal and what keys should not. * @param customKeyEventHandler The custom KeyboardEvent handler to attach. * This is a function that takes a KeyboardEvent, allowing consumers to stop * propagation and/or prevent the default action. The function returns * whether the event should be processed by xterm.js. */ attachCustomKeyEventHandler(customKeyEventHandler: (event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean): void; /** * (EXPERIMENTAL) Registers a link matcher, allowing custom link patterns to * be matched and handled. * @param regex The regular expression to search for, specifically this * searches the textContent of the rows. You will want to use \s to match a * space ' ' character for example. * @param handler The callback when the link is called. * @param options Options for the link matcher. * @return The ID of the new matcher, this can be used to deregister. */ registerLinkMatcher(regex: RegExp, handler: (event: MouseEvent, uri: string) => void, options?: ILinkMatcherOptions): number; /** * (EXPERIMENTAL) Deregisters a link matcher if it has been registered. * @param matcherId The link matcher's ID (returned after register) */ deregisterLinkMatcher(matcherId: number): void; /** * (EXPERIMENTAL) Registers a character joiner, allowing custom sequences of * characters to be rendered as a single unit. This is useful in particular * for rendering ligatures and graphemes, among other things. * * Each registered character joiner is called with a string of text * representing a portion of a line in the terminal that can be rendered as * a single unit. The joiner must return a sorted array, where each entry is * itself an array of length two, containing the start (inclusive) and end * (exclusive) index of a substring of the input that should be rendered as * a single unit. When multiple joiners are provided, the results of each * are collected. If there are any overlapping substrings between them, they * are combined into one larger unit that is drawn together. * * All character joiners that are registered get called every time a line is * rendered in the terminal, so it is essential for the handler function to * run as quickly as possible to avoid slowdowns when rendering. Similarly, * joiners should strive to return the smallest possible substrings to * render together, since they aren't drawn as optimally as individual * characters. * * NOTE: character joiners are only used by the canvas renderer. * * @param handler The function that determines character joins. It is called * with a string of text that is eligible for joining and returns an array * where each entry is an array containing the start (inclusive) and end * (exclusive) indexes of ranges that should be rendered as a single unit. * @return The ID of the new joiner, this can be used to deregister */ registerCharacterJoiner(handler: (text: string) => [number, number][]): number; /** * (EXPERIMENTAL) Deregisters the character joiner if one was registered. * NOTE: character joiners are only used by the canvas renderer. * @param joinerId The character joiner's ID (returned after register) */ deregisterCharacterJoiner(joinerId: number): void; /** * (EXPERIMENTAL) Adds a marker to the normal buffer and returns it. If the * alt buffer is active, undefined is returned. * @param cursorYOffset The y position offset of the marker from the cursor. */ addMarker(cursorYOffset: number): IMarker; /** * Gets whether the terminal has an active selection. */ hasSelection(): boolean; /** * Gets the terminal's current selection, this is useful for implementing * copy behavior outside of xterm.js. */ getSelection(): string; /** * Gets the selection position or undefined if there is no selection. */ getSelectionPosition(): ISelectionPosition | undefined; /** * Clears the current terminal selection. */ clearSelection(): void; /** * Selects text within the terminal. * @param column The column the selection starts at.. * @param row The row the selection starts at. * @param length The length of the selection. */ select(column: number, row: number, length: number): void; /** * Selects all text within the terminal. */ selectAll(): void; /** * Selects text in the buffer between 2 lines. * @param start The 0-based line index to select from (inclusive). * @param end The 0-based line index to select to (inclusive). */ selectLines(start: number, end: number): void; /* * Disposes of the terminal, detaching it from the DOM and removing any * active listeners. */ dispose(): void; /** * Scroll the display of the terminal * @param amount The number of lines to scroll down (negative scroll up). */ scrollLines(amount: number): void; /** * Scroll the display of the terminal by a number of pages. * @param pageCount The number of pages to scroll (negative scrolls up). */ scrollPages(pageCount: number): void; /** * Scrolls the display of the terminal to the top. */ scrollToTop(): void; /** * Scrolls the display of the terminal to the bottom. */ scrollToBottom(): void; /** * Scrolls to a line within the buffer. * @param line The 0-based line index to scroll to. */ scrollToLine(line: number): void; /** * Clear the entire buffer, making the prompt line the new first line. */ clear(): void; /** * Write data to the terminal. * @param data The data to write to the terminal. This can either be raw * bytes given as Uint8Array from the pty or a string. Raw bytes will always * be treated as UTF-8 encoded, string data as UTF-16. * @param callback Optional callback that fires when the data was processed * by the parser. */ write(data: string | Uint8Array, callback?: () => void): void; /** * Writes data to the terminal, followed by a break line character (\n). * @param data The data to write to the terminal. This can either be raw * bytes given as Uint8Array from the pty or a string. Raw bytes will always * be treated as UTF-8 encoded, string data as UTF-16. * @param callback Optional callback that fires when the data was processed * by the parser. */ writeln(data: string | Uint8Array, callback?: () => void): void; /** * Write UTF8 data to the terminal. * @param data The data to write to the terminal. * @param callback Optional callback when data was processed. * @deprecated use `write` instead */ writeUtf8(data: Uint8Array, callback?: () => void): void; /** * Writes text to the terminal, performing the necessary transformations for pasted text. * @param data The text to write to the terminal. */ paste(data: string): void; /** * Retrieves an option's value from the terminal. * @param key The option key. */ getOption(key: 'bellSound' | 'bellStyle' | 'cursorStyle' | 'fontFamily' | 'fontWeight' | 'fontWeightBold' | 'logLevel' | 'rendererType' | 'termName' | 'wordSeparator'): string; /** * Retrieves an option's value from the terminal. * @param key The option key. */ getOption(key: 'allowTransparency' | 'cancelEvents' | 'convertEol' | 'cursorBlink' | 'disableStdin' | 'macOptionIsMeta' | 'rightClickSelectsWord' | 'popOnBell' | 'screenKeys' | 'useFlowControl' | 'visualBell' | 'windowsMode'): boolean; /** * Retrieves an option's value from the terminal. * @param key The option key. */ getOption(key: 'colors'): string[]; /** * Retrieves an option's value from the terminal. * @param key The option key. */ getOption(key: 'cols' | 'fontSize' | 'letterSpacing' | 'lineHeight' | 'rows' | 'tabStopWidth' | 'scrollback'): number; /** * Retrieves an option's value from the terminal. * @param key The option key. */ getOption(key: 'handler'): (data: string) => void; /** * Retrieves an option's value from the terminal. * @param key The option key. */ getOption(key: string): any; /** * Sets an option on the terminal. * @param key The option key. * @param value The option value. */ setOption(key: 'fontFamily' | 'termName' | 'bellSound' | 'wordSeparator', value: string): void; /** * Sets an option on the terminal. * @param key The option key. * @param value The option value. */ setOption(key: 'fontWeight' | 'fontWeightBold', value: null | 'normal' | 'bold' | '100' | '200' | '300' | '400' | '500' | '600' | '700' | '800' | '900'): void; /** * Sets an option on the terminal. * @param key The option key. * @param value The option value. */ setOption(key: 'logLevel', value: LogLevel): void; /** * Sets an option on the terminal. * @param key The option key. * @param value The option value. */ setOption(key: 'bellStyle', value: null | 'none' | 'visual' | 'sound' | 'both'): void; /** * Sets an option on the terminal. * @param key The option key. * @param value The option value. */ setOption(key: 'cursorStyle', value: null | 'block' | 'underline' | 'bar'): void; /** * Sets an option on the terminal. * @param key The option key. * @param value The option value. */ setOption(key: 'allowTransparency' | 'cancelEvents' | 'convertEol' | 'cursorBlink' | 'disableStdin' | 'macOptionIsMeta' | 'popOnBell' | 'rightClickSelectsWord' | 'screenKeys' | 'useFlowControl' | 'visualBell' | 'windowsMode', value: boolean): void; /** * Sets an option on the terminal. * @param key The option key. * @param value The option value. */ setOption(key: 'colors', value: string[]): void; /** * Sets an option on the terminal. * @param key The option key. * @param value The option value. */ setOption(key: 'fontSize' | 'letterSpacing' | 'lineHeight' | 'tabStopWidth' | 'scrollback', value: number): void; /** * Sets an option on the terminal. * @param key The option key. * @param value The option value. */ setOption(key: 'handler', value: (data: string) => void): void; /** * Sets an option on the terminal. * @param key The option key. * @param value The option value. */ setOption(key: 'theme', value: ITheme): void; /** * Sets an option on the terminal. * @param key The option key. * @param value The option value. */ setOption(key: 'cols' | 'rows', value: number): void; /** * Sets an option on the terminal. * @param key The option key. * @param value The option value. */ setOption(key: string, value: any): void; /** * Tells the renderer to refresh terminal content between two rows * (inclusive) at the next opportunity. * @param start The row to start from (between 0 and this.rows - 1). * @param end The row to end at (between start and this.rows - 1). */ refresh(start: number, end: number): void; /** * Perform a full reset (RIS, aka '\x1bc'). */ reset(): void; /** * Loads an addon into this instance of xterm.js. * @param addon The addon to load. */ loadAddon(addon: ITerminalAddon): void; } /** * An addon that can provide additional functionality to the terminal. */ export interface ITerminalAddon extends IDisposable { /** * This is called when the addon is activated. */ activate(terminal: Terminal): void; } /** * An object representing a selection within the terminal. */ interface ISelectionPosition { /** * The start column of the selection. */ startColumn: number; /** * The start row of the selection. */ startRow: number; /** * The end column of the selection. */ endColumn: number; /** * The end row of the selection. */ endRow: number; } /** * An object representing a range within the viewport of the terminal. */ export interface IViewportRange { /** * The start of the range. */ start: IViewportRangePosition; /** * The end of the range. */ end: IViewportRangePosition; } /** * An object representing a cell position within the viewport of the terminal. */ interface IViewportRangePosition { /** * The x position of the cell. This is a 0-based index that refers to the * space in between columns, not the column itself. Index 0 refers to the * left side of the viewport, index `Terminal.cols` refers to the right side * of the viewport. This can be thought of as how a cursor is positioned in * a text editor. */ x: number; /** * The y position of the cell. This is a 0-based index that refers to a * specific row. */ y: number; } /** * Represents a terminal buffer. */ interface IBuffer { /** * The y position of the cursor. This ranges between `0` (when the * cursor is at baseY) and `Terminal.rows - 1` (when the cursor is on the * last row). */ readonly cursorY: number; /** * The x position of the cursor. This ranges between `0` (left side) and * `Terminal.cols - 1` (right side). */ readonly cursorX: number; /** * The line within the buffer where the top of the viewport is. */ readonly viewportY: number; /** * The line within the buffer where the top of the bottom page is (when * fully scrolled down); */ readonly baseY: number; /** * The amount of lines in the buffer. */ readonly length: number; /** * Gets a line from the buffer, or undefined if the line index does not * exist. * * Note that the result of this function should be used immediately after * calling as when the terminal updates it could lead to unexpected * behavior. * * @param y The line index to get. */ getLine(y: number): IBufferLine | undefined; } /** * Represents a line in the terminal's buffer. */ interface IBufferLine { /** * Whether the line is wrapped from the previous line. */ readonly isWrapped: boolean; /** * Gets a cell from the line, or undefined if the line index does not exist. * * Note that the result of this function should be used immediately after * calling as when the terminal updates it could lead to unexpected * behavior. * * @param x The character index to get. */ getCell(x: number): IBufferCell | undefined; /** * Gets the line as a string. Note that this is gets only the string for the * line, not taking isWrapped into account. * * @param trimRight Whether to trim any whitespace at the right of the line. * @param startColumn The column to start from (inclusive). * @param endColumn The column to end at (exclusive). */ translateToString(trimRight?: boolean, startColumn?: number, endColumn?: number): string; } /** * Represents a single cell in the terminal's buffer. */ interface IBufferCell { /** * The character within the cell. */ readonly char: string; /** * The width of the character. Some examples: * * - This is `1` for most cells. * - This is `2` for wide character like CJK glyphs. * - This is `0` for cells immediately following cells with a width of `2`. */ readonly width: number; } /** * (EXPERIMENTAL) Data type to register a CSI, DCS or ESC callback in the parser * in the form: * ESC I..I F * CSI Prefix P..P I..I F * DCS Prefix P..P I..I F data_bytes ST * * with these rules/restrictions: * - prefix can only be used with CSI and DCS * - only one leading prefix byte is recognized by the parser * before any other parameter bytes (P..P) * - intermediate bytes are recognized up to 2 * * For custom sequences make sure to read ECMA-48 and the resources at * vt100.net to not clash with existing sequences or reserved address space. * General recommendations: * - use private address space (see ECMA-48) * - use max one intermediate byte (technically not limited by the spec, * in practice there are no sequences with more than one intermediate byte, * thus parsers might get confused with more intermediates) * - test against other common emulators to check whether they escape/ignore * the sequence correctly * * Notes: OSC command registration is handled differently (see addOscHandler) * APC, PM or SOS is currently not supported. */ export interface IFunctionIdentifier { /** * Optional prefix byte, must be in range \x3c .. \x3f. * Usable in CSI and DCS. */ prefix?: string; /** * Optional intermediate bytes, must be in range \x20 .. \x2f. * Usable in CSI, DCS and ESC. */ intermediates?: string; /** * Final byte, must be in range \x40 .. \x7e for CSI and DCS, * \x30 .. \x7e for ESC. */ final: string; } /** * (EXPERIMENTAL) Parser interface. */ export interface IParser { /** * Adds a handler for CSI escape sequences. * @param id Specifies the function identifier under which the callback * gets registered, e.g. {final: 'm'} for SGR. * @param callback The function to handle the sequence. The callback is * called with the numerical params. If the sequence has subparams the * array will contain subarrays with their numercial values. * Return true if the sequence was handled; false if we should try * a previous handler (set by addCsiHandler or setCsiHandler). * The most recently-added handler is tried first. * @return An IDisposable you can call to remove this handler. */ addCsiHandler(id: IFunctionIdentifier, callback: (params: (number | number[])[]) => boolean): IDisposable; /** * Adds a handler for DCS escape sequences. * @param id Specifies the function identifier under which the callback * gets registered, e.g. {intermediates: '$' final: 'q'} for DECRQSS. * @param callback The function to handle the sequence. Note that the * function will only be called once if the sequence finished sucessfully. * There is currently no way to intercept smaller data chunks, data chunks * will be stored up until the sequence is finished. Since DCS sequences * are not limited by the amount of data this might impose a problem for * big payloads. Currently xterm.js limits DCS payload to 10 MB * which should give enough room for most use cases. * The function gets the payload and numerical parameters as arguments. * Return true if the sequence was handled; false if we should try * a previous handler (set by addDcsHandler or setDcsHandler). * The most recently-added handler is tried first. * @return An IDisposable you can call to remove this handler. */ addDcsHandler(id: IFunctionIdentifier, callback: (data: string, param: (number | number[])[]) => boolean): IDisposable; /** * Adds a handler for ESC escape sequences. * @param id Specifies the function identifier under which the callback * gets registered, e.g. {intermediates: '%' final: 'G'} for * default charset selection. * @param callback The function to handle the sequence. * Return true if the sequence was handled; false if we should try * a previous handler (set by addEscHandler or setEscHandler). * The most recently-added handler is tried first. * @return An IDisposable you can call to remove this handler. */ addEscHandler(id: IFunctionIdentifier, handler: () => boolean): IDisposable; /** * Adds a handler for OSC escape sequences. * @param ident The number (first parameter) of the sequence. * @param callback The function to handle the sequence. Note that the * function will only be called once if the sequence finished sucessfully. * There is currently no way to intercept smaller data chunks, data chunks * will be stored up until the sequence is finished. Since OSC sequences * are not limited by the amount of data this might impose a problem for * big payloads. Currently xterm.js limits OSC payload to 10 MB * which should give enough room for most use cases. * The callback is called with OSC data string. * Return true if the sequence was handled; false if we should try * a previous handler (set by addOscHandler or setOscHandler). * The most recently-added handler is tried first. * @return An IDisposable you can call to remove this handler. */ addOscHandler(ident: number, callback: (data: string) => boolean): IDisposable; } }