'use strict'; // @ts-check // ================================================================================== // graphics.js // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Description: System Information - library // for Node.js // Copyright: (c) 2014 - 2020 // Author: Sebastian Hildebrandt // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // License: MIT // ================================================================================== // 7. Graphics (controller, display) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const os = require('os'); const exec = require('child_process').exec; const execSync = require('child_process').execSync; const util = require('./util'); let _platform = process.platform; const _linux = (_platform === 'linux'); const _darwin = (_platform === 'darwin'); const _windows = (_platform === 'win32'); const _freebsd = (_platform === 'freebsd'); const _openbsd = (_platform === 'openbsd'); const _netbsd = (_platform === 'netbsd'); const _sunos = (_platform === 'sunos'); let _resolutionx = 0; let _resolutiony = 0; let _pixeldepth = 0; let _refreshrate = 0; const videoTypes = { '-2': 'UNINITIALIZED', '-1': 'OTHER', '0': 'HD15', '1': 'SVIDEO', '2': 'Composite video', '3': 'Component video', '4': 'DVI', '5': 'HDMI', '6': 'LVDS', '8': 'D_JPN', '9': 'SDI', '10': 'DP', '11': 'DP embedded', '12': 'UDI', '13': 'UDI embedded', '14': 'SDTVDONGLE', '15': 'MIRACAST', '2147483648': 'INTERNAL' }; function graphics(callback) { function parseLinesDarwin(lines) { let starts = []; let level = -1; let lastlevel = -1; let controllers = []; let displays = []; let currentController = { vendor: '', model: '', bus: '', vram: -1, vramDynamic: false }; let currentDisplay = { vendor: '', model: '', main: false, builtin: false, connection: '', sizex: -1, sizey: -1, pixeldepth: -1, resolutionx: -1, resolutiony: -1, currentResX: -1, currentResY: -1, positionX: 0, positionY: 0, currentRefreshRate: -1 }; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if ('' !== lines[i].trim()) { let start = lines[i].search(/\S|$/); if (-1 === starts.indexOf(start)) { starts.push(start); } level = starts.indexOf(start); if (level < lastlevel) { if (Object.keys(currentController).length > 0) {// just changed to Displays controllers.push(currentController); currentController = { vendor: '', model: '', bus: '', vram: -1, vramDynamic: false }; } if (Object.keys(currentDisplay).length > 0) {// just changed to Displays displays.push(currentDisplay); currentDisplay = { vendor: '', model: '', main: false, builtin: false, connection: '', sizex: -1, sizey: -1, pixeldepth: -1, resolutionx: -1, resolutiony: -1, currentResX: -1, currentResY: -1, positionX: 0, positionY: 0, currentRefreshRate: -1 }; } } lastlevel = level; let parts = lines[i].split(':'); if (2 === level) { // grafics controller level if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase().indexOf('chipsetmodel') !== -1) currentController.model = parts[1].trim(); if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase().indexOf('bus') !== -1) currentController.bus = parts[1].trim(); if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase().indexOf('vendor') !== -1) currentController.vendor = parts[1].split('(')[0].trim(); if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase().indexOf('vram(total)') !== -1) { currentController.vram = parseInt(parts[1]); // in MB if (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('gb') !== -1) { currentController.vram = currentController.vram * 1024; } currentController.vramDynamic = false; } if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase().indexOf('vram(dynamic,max)') !== -1) { currentController.vram = parseInt(parts[1]); // in MB if (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('gb') !== -1) { currentController.vram = currentController.vram * 1024; } currentController.vramDynamic = true; } } if (3 === level) { // display controller level if (parts.length > 1 && '' === parts[1]) { currentDisplay.vendor = ''; currentDisplay.model = parts[0].trim(); currentDisplay.main = false; currentDisplay.builtin = false; currentDisplay.connection = ''; currentDisplay.sizex = -1; currentDisplay.sizey = -1; currentDisplay.positionX = 0; currentDisplay.positionY = 0; currentDisplay.pixeldepth = -1; } } if (4 === level) { // display controller details level if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase().indexOf('resolution') !== -1) { let resolution = parts[1].split('x'); currentDisplay.resolutionx = (resolution.length > 1 ? parseInt(resolution[0]) : 0); currentDisplay.resolutiony = (resolution.length > 1 ? parseInt(resolution[1]) : 0); currentDisplay.currentResX = currentDisplay.resolutionx; currentDisplay.currentResY = currentDisplay.resolutiony; } if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase().indexOf('pixeldepth') !== -1) currentDisplay.pixeldepth = parseInt(parts[1]); // in BIT if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase().indexOf('framebufferdepth') !== -1) currentDisplay.pixeldepth = parseInt(parts[1]); // in BIT if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase().indexOf('maindisplay') !== -1 && parts[1].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase() === 'yes') currentDisplay.main = true; if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase().indexOf('built-in') !== -1 && parts[1].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase() === 'yes') { currentDisplay.builtin = true; currentDisplay.connection = ''; } if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase().indexOf('connectiontype') !== -1) { currentDisplay.builtin = false; currentDisplay.connection = parts[1].trim(); } } } } if (Object.keys(currentController).length > 0) {// just changed to Displays controllers.push(currentController); } if (Object.keys(currentDisplay).length > 0) {// just changed to Displays displays.push(currentDisplay); } return ({ controllers: controllers, displays: displays }); } function parseLinesLinuxControllers(lines) { let controllers = []; let currentController = { vendor: '', model: '', bus: '', vram: -1, vramDynamic: false }; let isGraphicsController = false; // PCI bus IDs let pciIDs = []; try { pciIDs = execSync('export LC_ALL=C; dmidecode -t 9 2>/dev/null; unset LC_ALL | grep "Bus Address: "').toString().split('\n'); for (let i = 0; i < pciIDs.length; i++) { pciIDs[i] = pciIDs[i].replace('Bus Address:', '').replace('0000:', '').trim(); } pciIDs = pciIDs.filter(function (el) { return el != null && el; }); } catch (e) { util.noop(); } for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if ('' !== lines[i].trim()) { if (' ' !== lines[i][0] && '\t' !== lines[i][0]) { // first line of new entry let isExternal = (pciIDs.indexOf(lines[i].split(' ')[0]) >= 0); let vgapos = lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(' vga '); let _3dcontrollerpos = lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf('3d controller'); if (vgapos !== -1 || _3dcontrollerpos !== -1) { // VGA if (_3dcontrollerpos !== -1 && vgapos === -1) { vgapos = _3dcontrollerpos; } if (currentController.vendor || currentController.model || currentController.bus || currentController.vram !== -1 || currentController.vramDynamic) { // already a controller found controllers.push(currentController); currentController = { vendor: '', model: '', bus: '', vram: -1, vramDynamic: false }; } isGraphicsController = true; let endpos = lines[i].search(/\[[0-9a-f]{4}:[0-9a-f]{4}]|$/); let parts = lines[i].substr(vgapos, endpos - vgapos).split(':'); if (parts.length > 1) { parts[1] = parts[1].trim(); if (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('corporation') >= 0) { currentController.vendor = parts[1].substr(0, parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('corporation') + 11).trim(); currentController.model = parts[1].substr(parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('corporation') + 11, 200).trim().split('(')[0]; currentController.bus = (pciIDs.length > 0 && isExternal) ? 'PCIe' : 'Onboard'; currentController.vram = -1; currentController.vramDynamic = false; } else if (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(' inc.') >= 0) { if ((parts[1].match(new RegExp(']', 'g')) || []).length > 1) { currentController.vendor = parts[1].substr(0, parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(']') + 1).trim(); currentController.model = parts[1].substr(parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(']') + 1, 200).trim().split('(')[0].trim(); } else { currentController.vendor = parts[1].substr(0, parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(' inc.') + 5).trim(); currentController.model = parts[1].substr(parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(' inc.') + 5, 200).trim().split('(')[0].trim(); } currentController.bus = (pciIDs.length > 0 && isExternal) ? 'PCIe' : 'Onboard'; currentController.vram = -1; currentController.vramDynamic = false; } else if (parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(' ltd.') >= 0) { if ((parts[1].match(new RegExp(']', 'g')) || []).length > 1) { currentController.vendor = parts[1].substr(0, parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(']') + 1).trim(); currentController.model = parts[1].substr(parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(']') + 1, 200).trim().split('(')[0].trim(); } else { currentController.vendor = parts[1].substr(0, parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(' ltd.') + 5).trim(); currentController.model = parts[1].substr(parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(' ltd.') + 5, 200).trim().split('(')[0].trim(); } } } } else { isGraphicsController = false; } } if (isGraphicsController) { // within VGA details let parts = lines[i].split(':'); if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase().indexOf('devicename') !== -1 && parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('onboard') !== -1) currentController.bus = 'Onboard'; if (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].replace(/ +/g, '').toLowerCase().indexOf('region') !== -1 && parts[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('memory') !== -1) { let memparts = parts[1].split('='); if (memparts.length > 1) { currentController.vram = parseInt(memparts[1]); } } } } } if (currentController.vendor || currentController.model || currentController.bus || currentController.vram !== -1 || currentController.vramDynamic) { // already a controller found controllers.push(currentController); } return (controllers); } function parseLinesLinuxEdid(edid) { // parsen EDID // --> model // --> resolutionx // --> resolutiony // --> builtin = false // --> pixeldepth (?) // --> sizex // --> sizey let result = { vendor: '', model: '', main: false, builtin: false, connection: '', sizex: -1, sizey: -1, pixeldepth: -1, resolutionx: -1, resolutiony: -1, currentResX: -1, currentResY: -1, positionX: 0, positionY: 0, currentRefreshRate: -1 }; // find first "Detailed Timing Description" let start = 108; if (edid.substr(start, 6) === '000000') { start += 36; } if (edid.substr(start, 6) === '000000') { start += 36; } if (edid.substr(start, 6) === '000000') { start += 36; } if (edid.substr(start, 6) === '000000') { start += 36; } result.resolutionx = parseInt('0x0' + edid.substr(start + 8, 1) + edid.substr(start + 4, 2)); result.resolutiony = parseInt('0x0' + edid.substr(start + 14, 1) + edid.substr(start + 10, 2)); result.sizex = parseInt('0x0' + edid.substr(start + 28, 1) + edid.substr(start + 24, 2)); result.sizey = parseInt('0x0' + edid.substr(start + 29, 1) + edid.substr(start + 26, 2)); // monitor name start = edid.indexOf('000000fc00'); // find first "Monitor Description Data" if (start >= 0) { let model_raw = edid.substr(start + 10, 26); if (model_raw.indexOf('0a') !== -1) { model_raw = model_raw.substr(0, model_raw.indexOf('0a')); } try { if (model_raw.length > 2) { result.model = model_raw.match(/.{1,2}/g).map(function (v) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(v, 16)); }).join(''); } } catch (e) { util.noop(); } } else { result.model = ''; } return result; } function parseLinesLinuxDisplays(lines, depth) { let displays = []; let currentDisplay = { vendor: '', model: '', main: false, builtin: false, connection: '', sizex: -1, sizey: -1, pixeldepth: -1, resolutionx: -1, resolutiony: -1, currentResX: -1, currentResY: -1, positionX: 0, positionY: 0, currentRefreshRate: -1 }; let is_edid = false; let is_current = false; let edid_raw = ''; let start = 0; for (let i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) { // start with second line if ('' !== lines[i].trim()) { if (' ' !== lines[i][0] && '\t' !== lines[i][0] && lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(' connected ') !== -1) { // first line of new entry if (currentDisplay.model || currentDisplay.main || currentDisplay.builtin || currentDisplay.connection || currentDisplay.sizex !== -1 || currentDisplay.pixeldepth !== -1 || currentDisplay.resolutionx !== -1) { // push last display to array displays.push(currentDisplay); currentDisplay = { vendor: '', model: '', main: false, builtin: false, connection: '', sizex: -1, sizey: -1, pixeldepth: -1, resolutionx: -1, resolutiony: -1, currentResX: -1, currentResY: -1, positionX: 0, positionY: 0, currentRefreshRate: -1 }; } let parts = lines[i].split(' '); currentDisplay.connection = parts[0]; currentDisplay.main = lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(' primary ') >= 0; currentDisplay.builtin = (parts[0].toLowerCase().indexOf('edp') >= 0); } // try to read EDID information if (is_edid) { if (lines[i].search(/\S|$/) > start) { edid_raw += lines[i].toLowerCase().trim(); } else { // parsen EDID let edid_decoded = parseLinesLinuxEdid(edid_raw); currentDisplay.vendor = edid_decoded.vendor; currentDisplay.model = edid_decoded.model; currentDisplay.resolutionx = edid_decoded.resolutionx; currentDisplay.resolutiony = edid_decoded.resolutiony; currentDisplay.sizex = edid_decoded.sizex; currentDisplay.sizey = edid_decoded.sizey; currentDisplay.pixeldepth = depth; is_edid = false; } } if (lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf('edid:') >= 0) { is_edid = true; start = lines[i].search(/\S|$/); } if (lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf('*current') >= 0) { const parts1 = lines[i].split('('); if (parts1 && parts1.length > 1 && parts1[0].indexOf('x') >= 0) { const resParts = parts1[0].trim().split('x'); currentDisplay.currentResX = util.toInt(resParts[0]); currentDisplay.currentResY = util.toInt(resParts[1]); } is_current = true; } if (is_current && lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf('clock') >= 0 && lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf('hz') >= 0 && lines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf('v: height') >= 0) { const parts1 = lines[i].split('clock'); if (parts1 && parts1.length > 1 && parts1[1].toLowerCase().indexOf('hz') >= 0) { currentDisplay.currentRefreshRate = util.toInt(parts1[1]); } is_current = false; } } } // pushen displays if (currentDisplay.model || currentDisplay.main || currentDisplay.builtin || currentDisplay.connection || currentDisplay.sizex !== -1 || currentDisplay.pixeldepth !== -1 || currentDisplay.resolutionx !== -1) { // still information there displays.push(currentDisplay); } return displays; } // function starts here return new Promise((resolve) => { process.nextTick(() => { let result = { controllers: [], displays: [] }; if (_darwin) { let cmd = 'system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType'; exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n'); result = parseLinesDarwin(lines); } if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); }); } if (_linux) { // Raspberry: https://elinux.org/RPI_vcgencmd_usage if (util.isRaspberry() && util.isRaspbian()) { let cmd = 'fbset -s | grep \'mode "\'; vcgencmd get_mem gpu; tvservice -s; tvservice -n;'; exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) { let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n'); if (lines.length > 3 && lines[0].indexOf('mode "') >= -1 && lines[2].indexOf('0x12000a') > -1) { const parts = lines[0].replace('mode', '').replace(/"/g, '').trim().split('x'); if (parts.length === 2) { result.displays.push({ vendor: '', model: util.getValue(lines, 'device_name', '='), main: true, builtin: false, connection: 'HDMI', sizex: -1, sizey: -1, pixeldepth: -1, resolutionx: parseInt(parts[0], 10), resolutiony: parseInt(parts[1], 10), currentResX: -1, currentResY: -1, positionX: 0, positionY: 0, currentRefreshRate: -1 }); } } if (lines.length > 1 && lines[1].indexOf('gpu=') >= -1) { result.controllers.push({ vendor: 'Broadcom', model: 'VideoCore IV', bus: '', vram: lines[1].replace('gpu=', ''), vramDynamic: true }); } if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); }); } else { let cmd = 'lspci -vvv 2>/dev/null'; exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n'); result.controllers = parseLinesLinuxControllers(lines); } let cmd = 'xdpyinfo 2>/dev/null | grep \'depth of root window\' | awk \'{ print $5 }\''; exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) { let depth = 0; if (!error) { let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n'); depth = parseInt(lines[0]) || 0; } let cmd = 'xrandr --verbose 2>/dev/null'; exec(cmd, function (error, stdout) { if (!error) { let lines = stdout.toString().split('\n'); result.displays = parseLinesLinuxDisplays(lines, depth); } if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); }); }); }); } } if (_freebsd || _openbsd || _netbsd) { if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); } if (_sunos) { if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); } if (_windows) { // https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/heyscriptingguy/2013/10/03/use-powershell-to-discover-multi-monitor-information/ // https://devblogs.microsoft.com/scripting/use-powershell-to-discover-multi-monitor-information/ try { const workload = []; workload.push(util.wmic('path win32_VideoController get /value')); workload.push(util.wmic('path win32_desktopmonitor get /value')); workload.push(util.powerShell('Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\\wmi -ClassName WmiMonitorBasicDisplayParams | fl')); workload.push(util.powerShell('Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms; [System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::AllScreens')); workload.push(util.powerShell('Get-CimInstance -Namespace root\\wmi -ClassName WmiMonitorConnectionParams | fl')); workload.push(util.powerShell('gwmi WmiMonitorID -Namespace root\\wmi | ForEach-Object {(($_.ManufacturerName -notmatch 0 | foreach {[char]$_}) -join "") + "|" + (($_.ProductCodeID -notmatch 0 | foreach {[char]$_}) -join "") + "|" + (($_.UserFriendlyName -notmatch 0 | foreach {[char]$_}) -join "") + "|" + (($_.SerialNumberID -notmatch 0 | foreach {[char]$_}) -join "") + "|" + $_.InstanceName}')); Promise.all( workload ).then(data => { // controller let csections = data[0].split(/\n\s*\n/); result.controllers = parseLinesWindowsControllers(csections); // displays let dsections = data[1].split(/\n\s*\n/); // result.displays = parseLinesWindowsDisplays(dsections); dsections.shift(); dsections.pop(); // monitor (powershell) let msections = data[2].split('Active '); msections.shift(); // forms.screens (powershell) let ssections = data[3].split('BitsPerPixel '); ssections.shift(); // connection params (powershell) - video type let tsections = data[4].split(/\n\s*\n/); tsections.shift(); // monitor ID (powershell) - model / vendor const res = data[5].split(/\r\n/); let isections = []; res.forEach(element => { const parts = element.split('|'); if (parts.length === 5) { isections.push({ vendor: parts[0], code: parts[1], model: parts[2], serial: parts[3], instanceId: parts[4] }); } }); result.displays = parseLinesWindowsDisplaysPowershell(ssections, msections, dsections, tsections, isections); if (result.displays.length === 1) { if (_resolutionx) { result.displays[0].resolutionx = _resolutionx; if (!result.displays[0].currentResX) { result.displays[0].currentResX = _resolutionx; } } if (_resolutiony) { result.displays[0].resolutiony = _resolutiony; if (result.displays[0].currentResY === 0) { result.displays[0].currentResY = _resolutiony; } } if (_pixeldepth) { result.displays[0].pixeldepth = _pixeldepth; } if (_refreshrate && !result.displays[0].refreshrate) { result.displays[0].currentRefreshRate = _refreshrate; } } if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); }) .catch(() => { if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); }); } catch (e) { if (callback) { callback(result); } resolve(result); } } }); }); function parseLinesWindowsControllers(sections) { let controllers = []; for (let i in sections) { if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(sections, i)) { if (sections[i].trim() !== '') { let lines = sections[i].trim().split('\r\n'); controllers.push({ vendor: util.getValue(lines, 'AdapterCompatibility', '='), model: util.getValue(lines, 'name', '='), bus: util.getValue(lines, 'PNPDeviceID', '=').startsWith('PCI') ? 'PCI' : '', vram: parseInt(util.getValue(lines, 'AdapterRAM', '='), 10) / 1024 / 1024, vramDynamic: (util.getValue(lines, 'VideoMemoryType', '=') === '2') }); _resolutionx = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'CurrentHorizontalResolution', '=')) || _resolutionx; _resolutiony = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'CurrentVerticalResolution', '=')) || _resolutiony; _refreshrate = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'CurrentRefreshRate', '=')) || _refreshrate; _pixeldepth = util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'CurrentBitsPerPixel', '=')) || _pixeldepth; } } } return controllers; } // function parseLinesWindowsDisplays(sections) { // let displays = []; // for (let i in sections) { // if (sections.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // if (sections[i].trim() !== '') { // let lines = sections[i].trim().split('\r\n'); // displays.push({ // vendor: util.getValue(lines, 'MonitorManufacturer', '='), // model: util.getValue(lines, 'Name', '='), // main: false, // builtin: false, // connection: '', // sizex: -1, // sizey: -1, // pixeldepth: -1, // resolutionx: util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'ScreenWidth', '=')), // resolutiony: util.toInt(util.getValue(lines, 'ScreenHeight', '=')), // }); // } // } // } // return displays; // } function parseLinesWindowsDisplaysPowershell(ssections, msections, dsections, tsections, isections) { let displays = []; let vendor = ''; let model = ''; let deviceID = ''; let resolutionx = 0; let resolutiony = 0; if (dsections && dsections.length) { let linesDisplay = dsections[0].split(os.EOL); vendor = util.getValue(linesDisplay, 'MonitorManufacturer', '='); model = util.getValue(linesDisplay, 'Name', '='); deviceID = util.getValue(linesDisplay, 'PNPDeviceID', '=').replace(/&/g, '&').toLowerCase(); resolutionx = util.toInt(util.getValue(linesDisplay, 'ScreenWidth', '=')); resolutiony = util.toInt(util.getValue(linesDisplay, 'ScreenHeight', '=')); } for (let i = 0; i < ssections.length; i++) { if (ssections[i].trim() !== '') { ssections[i] = 'BitsPerPixel ' + ssections[i]; msections[i] = 'Active ' + msections[i]; let linesScreen = ssections[i].split(os.EOL); let linesMonitor = msections[i].split(os.EOL); let linesConnection = tsections[i].split(os.EOL); const bitsPerPixel = util.getValue(linesScreen, 'BitsPerPixel'); const bounds = util.getValue(linesScreen, 'Bounds').replace('{', '').replace('}', '').split(','); const primary = util.getValue(linesScreen, 'Primary'); const sizex = util.getValue(linesMonitor, 'MaxHorizontalImageSize'); const sizey = util.getValue(linesMonitor, 'MaxVerticalImageSize'); const instanceName = util.getValue(linesMonitor, 'InstanceName').toLowerCase(); const videoOutputTechnology = util.getValue(linesConnection, 'VideoOutputTechnology'); let displayVendor = ''; let displayModel = ''; isections.forEach(element => { if (element.instanceId.toLowerCase().startsWith(instanceName) && vendor.startsWith('(') && model.startsWith('PnP')) { displayVendor = element.vendor; displayModel = element.model; } }); displays.push({ vendor: instanceName.startsWith(deviceID) && displayVendor === '' ? vendor : displayVendor, model: instanceName.startsWith(deviceID) && displayModel === '' ? model : displayModel, main: primary.toLowerCase() === 'true', builtin: videoOutputTechnology === '2147483648', connection: videoOutputTechnology && videoTypes[videoOutputTechnology] ? videoTypes[videoOutputTechnology] : '', resolutionx: util.toInt(util.getValue(bounds, 'Width', '=')), resolutiony: util.toInt(util.getValue(bounds, 'Height', '=')), sizex: sizex ? parseInt(sizex, 10) : -1, sizey: sizey ? parseInt(sizey, 10) : -1, pixeldepth: bitsPerPixel, currentResX: util.toInt(util.getValue(bounds, 'Width', '=')), currentResY: util.toInt(util.getValue(bounds, 'Height', '=')), positionX: util.toInt(util.getValue(bounds, 'X', '=')), positionY: util.toInt(util.getValue(bounds, 'Y', '=')), }); } } if (ssections.length === 0) { displays.push({ vendor, model, main: true, resolutionx, resolutiony, sizex: -1, sizey: -1, pixeldepth: -1, currentResX: resolutionx, currentResY: resolutiony, positionX: 0, positionY: 0 }); } return displays; } } exports.graphics = graphics;