# with-open-file [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/raphinesse/with-open-file.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/raphinesse/with-open-file) > Do stuff with an open file, knowing it will finally be closed Because the built-in way requires way too much boilerplate. ## Install ``` $ npm install with-open-file ``` ## Usage ```js const withOpenFile = require('with-open-file') withOpenFile('foo.txt', 'r', fd => { // Process file using fd }) withOpenFile.sync('foo.txt', 'r', fd => { // Process file synchronously using fd }) ``` ## API ### withOpenFile(...openArgs, callback) Returns a `Promise` wrapping the result of calling `callback` with the requested file descriptor. ### withOpenFile.sync(...openArgs, callback) Returns the result of calling `callback` with the requested file descriptor. #### ...openArgs Arguments as supported by [`fs.openSync`](https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_fs_opensync_path_flags_mode) #### callback Type: `function` ## License MIT © Raphael von der Grün