import _Promise from 'babel-runtime/core-js/promise'; import _Map from 'babel-runtime/core-js/map'; import _setImmediate from 'babel-runtime/core-js/set-immediate'; import _classCallCheck from 'babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck'; import _createClass from 'babel-runtime/helpers/createClass'; import util from '../util'; import platform from '../platform'; import animit from '../animit'; import GestureDetector from '../gesture-detector'; var directionMap = { vertical: { axis: 'Y', size: 'Height', dir: ['up', 'down'], t3d: ['0px, ', 'px, 0px'] }, horizontal: { axis: 'X', size: 'Width', dir: ['left', 'right'], t3d: ['', 'px, 0px, 0px'] } }; var Swiper = function () { function Swiper(params) { var _this = this; _classCallCheck(this, Swiper); // Parameters var FALSE = function FALSE() { return false; }; 'getInitialIndex getBubbleWidth isVertical isOverScrollable isCentered\n isAutoScrollable refreshHook preChangeHook postChangeHook overScrollHook'.split(/\s+/).forEach(function (key) { return _this[key] = params[key] || FALSE; }); this.getElement = params.getElement; // Required this.scrollHook = params.scrollHook; // Optional this.itemSize = params.itemSize || '100%'; this.getAutoScrollRatio = function () { var ratio = params.getAutoScrollRatio && params.getAutoScrollRatio.apply(params, arguments); ratio = typeof ratio === 'number' && ratio === ratio ? ratio : .5; if (ratio < 0.0 || ratio > 1.0) { util.throw('Invalid auto-scroll-ratio ' + ratio + '. Must be between 0 and 1'); } return ratio; }; // Prevent clicks only on desktop this.shouldBlock = util.globals.actualMobileOS === 'other'; // Bind handlers this.onDragStart = this.onDragStart.bind(this); this.onDrag = this.onDrag.bind(this); this.onDragEnd = this.onDragEnd.bind(this); this.onResize = this.onResize.bind(this); this._shouldFixScroll = util.globals.actualMobileOS === 'ios'; } _createClass(Swiper, [{ key: 'init', value: function init() { var _this2 = this; var _ref = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}, swipeable = _ref.swipeable, autoRefresh = _ref.autoRefresh; this.initialized = true; = this.getElement().children[0]; this.blocker = this.getElement().children[1]; if (! || !this.blocker) { util.throw('Expected "target" and "blocker" elements to exist before initializing Swiper'); } if (!this.shouldBlock) { = 'none'; } // Add classes this.getElement().classList.add('ons-swiper');'ons-swiper-target'); this.blocker.classList.add('ons-swiper-blocker'); // Setup listeners this._gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(this.getElement(), { dragMinDistance: 1, dragLockToAxis: true, passive: !this._shouldFixScroll }); this._mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function () { return _this2.refresh(); }); this.updateSwipeable(swipeable); this.updateAutoRefresh(autoRefresh); // Setup initial layout this._scroll = this._offset = this._lastActiveIndex = 0; this._updateLayout(); this._setupInitialIndex(); _setImmediate(function () { return _this2.initialized && _this2._setupInitialIndex(); }); // Fix rendering glitch on Android 4.1 // Fix for iframes where the width is inconsistent at the beginning if (window !== window.parent || this.offsetHeight === 0) { window.requestAnimationFrame(function () { return _this2.initialized && _this2.onResize(); }); } } }, { key: 'dispose', value: function dispose() { this.initialized = false; this.updateSwipeable(false); this.updateAutoRefresh(false); this._gestureDetector && this._gestureDetector.dispose(); = this.blocker = this._gestureDetector = this._mutationObserver = null; this.setupResize(false); } }, { key: 'onResize', value: function onResize() { var i = this._scroll / this.targetSize; this._reset(); this.setActiveIndex(i); this.refresh(); } }, { key: '_calculateItemSize', value: function _calculateItemSize() { var matches = this.itemSize.match(/^(\d+)(px|%)/); if (!matches) { util.throw('Invalid state: swiper\'s size unit must be \'%\' or \'px\''); } var value = parseInt(matches[1], 10); return matches[2] === '%' ? Math.round(value / 100 * this.targetSize) : value; } }, { key: '_setupInitialIndex', value: function _setupInitialIndex() { this._reset(); this._lastActiveIndex = Math.max(Math.min(Number(this.getInitialIndex()), this.itemCount), 0); this._scroll = this._offset + this.itemNumSize * this._lastActiveIndex; this._scrollTo(this._scroll); } }, { key: '_setSwiping', value: function _setSwiping(toggle) {'swiping', toggle); // Hides everything except shown pages } }, { key: 'setActiveIndex', value: function setActiveIndex(index) { var _this3 = this; var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; this._setSwiping(true); index = Math.max(0, Math.min(index, this.itemCount - 1)); var scroll = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.maxScroll, this._offset + this.itemNumSize * index)); if (platform.isUIWebView()) { /* Dirty fix for #2231( begin */ var concat = function concat(arrayOfArray) { return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arrayOfArray); }; var contents = concat(util.arrayFrom( (page) { return util.arrayFrom(page.children).filter(function (child) { return child.classList.contains('page__content'); }); })); var map = new _Map(); return new _Promise(function (resolve) { contents.forEach(function (content) { map.set(content, content.getAttribute('class')); content.classList.add('page__content--suppress-layer-creation'); }); requestAnimationFrame(resolve); }).then(function () { return _this3._changeTo(scroll, options); }).then(function () { return new _Promise(function (resolve) { contents.forEach(function (content) { content.setAttribute('class', map.get(content)); }); requestAnimationFrame(resolve); }); }); /* end */ } else { return this._changeTo(scroll, options); } } }, { key: 'getActiveIndex', value: function getActiveIndex() { var scroll = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : this._scroll; scroll -= this._offset; var count = this.itemCount, size = this.itemNumSize; if (this.itemNumSize === 0 || !util.isInteger(scroll)) { return this._lastActiveIndex; } if (scroll <= 0) { return 0; } for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (size * i <= scroll && size * (i + 1) > scroll) { return i; } } return count - 1; } }, { key: 'setupResize', value: function setupResize(add) { window[(add ? 'add' : 'remove') + 'EventListener']('resize', this.onResize, true); } }, { key: 'show', value: function show() { var _this4 = this; this.setupResize(true); this.onResize(); setTimeout(function () { return &&'active'); }, 1000 / 60); // Hide elements after animations } }, { key: 'hide', value: function hide() { this.setupResize(false);'active'); // Show elements before animations } }, { key: 'updateSwipeable', value: function updateSwipeable(shouldUpdate) { if (this._gestureDetector) { var action = shouldUpdate ? 'on' : 'off'; this._gestureDetector[action]('drag', this.onDrag); this._gestureDetector[action]('dragstart', this.onDragStart); this._gestureDetector[action]('dragend', this.onDragEnd); } } }, { key: 'updateAutoRefresh', value: function updateAutoRefresh(shouldWatch) { if (this._mutationObserver) { shouldWatch ? this._mutationObserver.observe(, { childList: true }) : this._mutationObserver.disconnect(); } } }, { key: 'updateItemSize', value: function updateItemSize(newSize) { this.itemSize = newSize || '100%'; this.refresh(); } }, { key: 'toggleBlocker', value: function toggleBlocker(block) { = block ? 'auto' : 'none'; } }, { key: '_canConsumeGesture', value: function _canConsumeGesture(gesture) { var d = gesture.direction; var isFirst = this._scroll === 0 && !this.isOverScrollable(); var isLast = this._scroll === this.maxScroll && !this.isOverScrollable(); return this.isVertical() ? d === 'down' && !isFirst || d === 'up' && !isLast : d === 'right' && !isFirst || d === 'left' && !isLast; } }, { key: 'onDragStart', value: function onDragStart(event) { var _this5 = this; this._ignoreDrag = event.consumed || !util.isValidGesture(event); if (!this._ignoreDrag) { var consume = event.consume; event.consume = function () { consume && consume();_this5._ignoreDrag = true; }; if (this._canConsumeGesture(event.gesture)) { var startX = && || 0, distFromEdge = this.getBubbleWidth() || 0, start = function start() { consume && consume(); event.consumed = true; _this5._started = true; // Avoid starting drag from outside _this5.shouldBlock && _this5.toggleBlocker(true); _this5._setSwiping(true); util.iosPreventScroll(_this5._gestureDetector); }; // Let parent elements consume the gesture or consume it right away startX < distFromEdge || startX > this.targetSize - distFromEdge ? _setImmediate(function () { return !_this5._ignoreDrag && start(); }) : start(); } } } }, { key: 'onDrag', value: function onDrag(event) { if (!event.gesture || this._ignoreDrag || !this._started) { return; } this._continued = true; // Fix for random 'dragend' without 'drag' event.stopPropagation(); this._scrollTo(this._scroll - this._getDelta(event), { throttle: true }); } }, { key: 'onDragEnd', value: function onDragEnd(event) { this._started = false; if (!event.gesture || this._ignoreDrag || !this._continued) { this._ignoreDrag = true; // onDragEnd might fire before onDragStart's setImmediate return; } this._continued = false; event.stopPropagation(); var scroll = this._scroll - this._getDelta(event); var normalizedScroll = this._normalizeScroll(scroll); scroll === normalizedScroll ? this._startMomentumScroll(scroll, event) : this._killOverScroll(normalizedScroll); this.shouldBlock && this.toggleBlocker(false); } }, { key: '_startMomentumScroll', value: function _startMomentumScroll(scroll, event) { var velocity = this._getVelocity(event), matchesDirection = event.gesture.interimDirection === this.dM.dir[this._getDelta(event) < 0 ? 0 : 1]; var nextScroll = this._getAutoScroll(scroll, velocity, matchesDirection); var duration = Math.abs(nextScroll - scroll) / (velocity + 0.01) / 1000; duration = Math.min(.25, Math.max(.1, duration)); this._changeTo(nextScroll, { swipe: true, animationOptions: { duration: duration, timing: 'cubic-bezier(.4, .7, .5, 1)' } }); } }, { key: '_killOverScroll', value: function _killOverScroll(scroll) { var _this6 = this; this._scroll = scroll; var direction = this.dM.dir[Number(scroll > 0)]; var killOverScroll = function killOverScroll() { return _this6._changeTo(scroll, { animationOptions: { duration: .4, timing: 'cubic-bezier(.1, .4, .1, 1)' } }); }; this.overScrollHook({ direction: direction, killOverScroll: killOverScroll }) || killOverScroll(); } }, { key: '_changeTo', value: function _changeTo(scroll) { var _this7 = this; var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; var e = { activeIndex: this.getActiveIndex(scroll), lastActiveIndex: this._lastActiveIndex, swipe: options.swipe || false }; var change = e.activeIndex !== e.lastActiveIndex; var canceled = change ? this.preChangeHook(e) : false; this._scroll = canceled ? this._offset + e.lastActiveIndex * this.itemNumSize : scroll; this._lastActiveIndex = canceled ? e.lastActiveIndex : e.activeIndex; return this._scrollTo(this._scroll, options).then(function () { if (scroll === _this7._scroll && !canceled) { _this7._setSwiping(false); change && _this7.postChangeHook(e); } else if (options.reject) { _this7._setSwiping(false); return _Promise.reject('Canceled'); } }); } }, { key: '_scrollTo', value: function _scrollTo(scroll) { var _this8 = this; var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; if (options.throttle) { var ratio = 0.35; if (scroll < 0) { scroll = this.isOverScrollable() ? Math.round(scroll * ratio) : 0; } else { var maxScroll = this.maxScroll; if (maxScroll < scroll) { scroll = this.isOverScrollable() ? maxScroll + Math.round((scroll - maxScroll) * ratio) : maxScroll; } } } var opt = options.animation === 'none' ? {} : options.animationOptions; this.scrollHook && this.itemNumSize > 0 && this.scrollHook((scroll / this.itemNumSize).toFixed(2), options.animationOptions || {}); return new _Promise(function (resolve) { return animit({ transform: _this8._getTransform(scroll) }, opt).play(resolve); }); } }, { key: '_getAutoScroll', value: function _getAutoScroll(scroll, velocity, matchesDirection) { var max = this.maxScroll, offset = this._offset, size = this.itemNumSize; if (!this.isAutoScrollable()) { return Math.max(0, Math.min(max, scroll)); } var arr = []; for (var s = offset; s < max; s += size) { arr.push(s); } arr.push(max); arr = arr.sort(function (left, right) { return Math.abs(left - scroll) - Math.abs(right - scroll); }).filter(function (item, pos) { return !pos || item !== arr[pos - 1]; }); var result = arr[0]; var lastScroll = this._lastActiveIndex * size + offset; var scrollRatio = Math.abs(scroll - lastScroll) / size; if (scrollRatio <= this.getAutoScrollRatio(matchesDirection, velocity, size)) { result = lastScroll; } else { if (scrollRatio < 1.0 && arr[0] === lastScroll && arr.length > 1) { result = arr[1]; } } return Math.max(0, Math.min(max, result)); } }, { key: '_reset', value: function _reset() { this._targetSize = this._itemNumSize = undefined; } }, { key: '_normalizeScroll', value: function _normalizeScroll(scroll) { return Math.max(Math.min(scroll, this.maxScroll), 0); } }, { key: 'refresh', value: function refresh() { this._reset(); this._updateLayout(); if (util.isInteger(this._scroll)) { var scroll = this._normalizeScroll(this._scroll); scroll !== this._scroll ? this._killOverScroll(scroll) : this._changeTo(scroll); } else { this._setupInitialIndex(); } this.refreshHook(); } }, { key: '_getDelta', value: function _getDelta(event) { return event.gesture['delta' + this.dM.axis]; } }, { key: '_getVelocity', value: function _getVelocity(event) { return event.gesture['velocity' + this.dM.axis]; } }, { key: '_getTransform', value: function _getTransform(scroll) { return 'translate3d(' + this.dM.t3d[0] + -scroll + this.dM.t3d[1] + ')'; } }, { key: '_updateLayout', value: function _updateLayout() { this.dM = directionMap[this.isVertical() ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal'];'ons-swiper-target--vertical', this.isVertical()); for (var c =[0]; c; c = c.nextElementSibling) {[this.dM.size.toLowerCase()] = this.itemSize; } if (this.isCentered()) { this._offset = (this.targetSize - this.itemNumSize) / -2 || 0; } } }, { key: 'itemCount', get: function get() { return; } }, { key: 'itemNumSize', get: function get() { if (typeof this._itemNumSize !== 'number' || this._itemNumSize !== this._itemNumSize) { this._itemNumSize = this._calculateItemSize(); } return this._itemNumSize; } }, { key: 'maxScroll', get: function get() { var max = this.itemCount * this.itemNumSize - this.targetSize; return Math.ceil(max < 0 ? 0 : max); // Need to return an integer value. } }, { key: 'targetSize', get: function get() { if (!this._targetSize) { this._targetSize =['offset' + this.dM.size]; } return this._targetSize; } }]); return Swiper; }(); export default Swiper;