#tail To install: ```bash npm install tail ``` #Use: ```javascript Tail = require('tail').Tail; tail = new Tail("fileToTail"); tail.on("line", function(data) { console.log(data); }); tail.on("error", function(error) { console.log('ERROR: ', error); }); ```` Tail constructor accepts few parameters: ```javascript var fileToTail = "/path/to/fileToTail.txt"; var lineSeparator= "\n"; var fromBeginning = false; var watchOptions = {}; \\ as per node fs.watch documentations new Tail(fileToTail, lineSeparator, watchOptions,fromBeginning) ``` * `fileToTail` is the name (inclusive of the path) of the file to tail * `lineSeparator` is the line separator token (default "\n") * `watchOptions` is the full set of options that can be passed to `fs.watch` as per node documentation (default: {}) * `fromBeginning` force the tail of the file from the very beginning of it instead of from the first new line that will be appended(default: "\n") The only mandatory one is the first, i.e. the the file you want to tail. Tail emits two type of events: * line ``` function(data){} ``` * error ``` function(exception){} ``` If you simply want to stop the tail: ```javascript tail.unwatch() ``` And to start watching again: ```javascript tail.watch() ``` #Want to fork ? Tail is written in [CoffeeScript](http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/). The Cakefile generates the javascript that is then published to npm. #License MIT. Please see License file for more details.