cordova.define("cordova-plugin-advanced-http.messages", function(require, exports, module) { module.exports = { ADDING_COOKIES_NOT_SUPPORTED: 'advanced-http: "setHeader" does not support adding cookies, please use "setCookie" function instead', EMPTY_FILE_PATHS: 'advanced-http: "filePaths" option array must not be empty, ', EMPTY_NAMES: 'advanced-http: "names" option array must not be empty, ', INSTANCE_TYPE_MISMATCH_DATA: 'advanced-http: "data" option is configured to support only following instance types:', INVALID_CLIENT_AUTH_ALIAS: 'advanced-http: invalid client certificate alias, needs to be a string or undefined, ', INVALID_CLIENT_AUTH_MODE: 'advanced-http: invalid client certificate authentication mode, supported modes are:', INVALID_CLIENT_AUTH_OPTIONS: 'advanced-http: invalid client certificate authentication options, needs to be an dictionary style object', INVALID_CLIENT_AUTH_PKCS_PASSWORD: 'advanced-http: invalid PKCS12 container password, needs to be a string, ', INVALID_CLIENT_AUTH_RAW_PKCS: 'advanced-http: invalid PKCS12 container, needs to be an array buffer, ', INVALID_DATA_SERIALIZER: 'advanced-http: invalid serializer, supported serializers are:', INVALID_DOWNLOAD_FILE_PATH: 'advanced-http: invalid "filePath" value, needs to be a string, ', INVALID_FOLLOW_REDIRECT_VALUE: 'advanced-http: invalid follow redirect value, needs to be a boolean value, ', INVALID_HEADER_VALUE: 'advanced-http: invalid header value, needs to be a string or null, ', INVALID_HTTP_METHOD: 'advanced-http: invalid HTTP method, supported methods are:', INVALID_RESPONSE_TYPE: 'advanced-http: invalid response type, supported types are:', INVALID_SSL_CERT_MODE: 'advanced-http: invalid SSL cert mode, supported modes are:', INVALID_TIMEOUT_VALUE: 'advanced-http: invalid timeout value, needs to be a positive numeric value, ', MANDATORY_FAIL: 'advanced-http: missing mandatory "onFail" callback function', MANDATORY_SUCCESS: 'advanced-http: missing mandatory "onSuccess" callback function', MISSING_BLOB_API: 'advanced-http: Blob API is not supported in this webview. If you want to use "multipart/form-data" requests, you need to load a polyfill library before loading this plugin. Check out for more info.', MISSING_FILE_READER_API: 'advanced-http: FileReader API is not supported in this webview. If you want to use "multipart/form-data" requests, you need to load a polyfill library before loading this plugin. Check out for more info.', MISSING_FORMDATA_API: 'advanced-http: FormData API is not supported in this webview. If you want to use "multipart/form-data" requests, you need to load a polyfill library before loading this plugin. Check out for more info.', MISSING_FORMDATA_ENTRIES_API: 'advanced-http: Given instance of FormData does not implement FormData API specification correctly, FormData.entries() is missing. If you want to use "multipart/form-data" requests, you can use an included ponyfill. Check out for more info.', MISSING_TEXT_ENCODER_API: 'advanced-http: TextEncoder API is not supported in this webview. If you want to use "multipart/form-data" requests, you need to load a polyfill library before loading this plugin. Check out for more info.', POST_PROCESSING_FAILED: 'advanced-http: an error occured during post processing response:', TYPE_MISMATCH_DATA: 'advanced-http: "data" option is configured to support only following data types:', TYPE_MISMATCH_FILE_PATHS: 'advanced-http: "filePaths" option needs to be an string array, ', TYPE_MISMATCH_HEADERS: 'advanced-http: "headers" option needs to be an dictionary style object with string values, ', TYPE_MISMATCH_NAMES: 'advanced-http: "names" option needs to be an string array, ', TYPE_MISMATCH_PARAMS: 'advanced-http: "params" option needs to be an dictionary style object, ', }; });