/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ var exec = require('cordova/exec'); var modulemapper = require('cordova/modulemapper'); var utils = require('cordova/utils'); var FileError = require('./FileError'); var ProgressEvent = require('./ProgressEvent'); var origFileReader = modulemapper.getOriginalSymbol(window, 'FileReader'); /** * This class reads the mobile device file system. * * For Android: * The root directory is the root of the file system. * To read from the SD card, the file name is "sdcard/my_file.txt" * @constructor */ var FileReader = function () { this._readyState = 0; this._error = null; this._result = null; this._progress = null; this._localURL = ''; this._realReader = origFileReader ? new origFileReader() : {}; // eslint-disable-line new-cap }; /** * Defines the maximum size to read at a time via the native API. The default value is a compromise between * minimizing the overhead of many exec() calls while still reporting progress frequently enough for large files. * (Note attempts to allocate more than a few MB of contiguous memory on the native side are likely to cause * OOM exceptions, while the JS engine seems to have fewer problems managing large strings or ArrayBuffers.) */ FileReader.READ_CHUNK_SIZE = 256 * 1024; // States FileReader.EMPTY = 0; FileReader.LOADING = 1; FileReader.DONE = 2; utils.defineGetter(FileReader.prototype, 'readyState', function () { return this._localURL ? this._readyState : this._realReader.readyState; }); utils.defineGetter(FileReader.prototype, 'error', function () { return this._localURL ? this._error : this._realReader.error; }); utils.defineGetter(FileReader.prototype, 'result', function () { return this._localURL ? this._result : this._realReader.result; }); function defineEvent (eventName) { utils.defineGetterSetter(FileReader.prototype, eventName, function () { return this._realReader[eventName] || null; }, function (value) { this._realReader[eventName] = value; }); } defineEvent('onloadstart'); // When the read starts. defineEvent('onprogress'); // While reading (and decoding) file or fileBlob data, and reporting partial file data (progress.loaded/progress.total) defineEvent('onload'); // When the read has successfully completed. defineEvent('onerror'); // When the read has failed (see errors). defineEvent('onloadend'); // When the request has completed (either in success or failure). defineEvent('onabort'); // When the read has been aborted. For instance, by invoking the abort() method. function initRead (reader, file) { // Already loading something if (reader.readyState === FileReader.LOADING) { throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR); } reader._result = null; reader._error = null; reader._progress = 0; reader._readyState = FileReader.LOADING; if (typeof file.localURL === 'string') { reader._localURL = file.localURL; } else { reader._localURL = ''; return true; } if (reader.onloadstart) { reader.onloadstart(new ProgressEvent('loadstart', {target: reader})); } } /** * Callback used by the following read* functions to handle incremental or final success. * Must be bound to the FileReader's this along with all but the last parameter, * e.g. readSuccessCallback.bind(this, "readAsText", "UTF-8", offset, totalSize, accumulate) * @param readType The name of the read function to call. * @param encoding Text encoding, or null if this is not a text type read. * @param offset Starting offset of the read. * @param totalSize Total number of bytes or chars to read. * @param accumulate A function that takes the callback result and accumulates it in this._result. * @param r Callback result returned by the last read exec() call, or null to begin reading. */ function readSuccessCallback (readType, encoding, offset, totalSize, accumulate, r) { if (this._readyState === FileReader.DONE) { return; } var CHUNK_SIZE = FileReader.READ_CHUNK_SIZE; if (readType === 'readAsDataURL') { // Windows proxy does not support reading file slices as Data URLs // so read the whole file at once. CHUNK_SIZE = cordova.platformId === 'windows' ? totalSize : // eslint-disable-line no-undef // Calculate new chunk size for data URLs to be multiply of 3 // Otherwise concatenated base64 chunks won't be valid base64 data FileReader.READ_CHUNK_SIZE - (FileReader.READ_CHUNK_SIZE % 3) + 3; } if (typeof r !== 'undefined') { accumulate(r); this._progress = Math.min(this._progress + CHUNK_SIZE, totalSize); if (typeof this.onprogress === 'function') { this.onprogress(new ProgressEvent('progress', {loaded: this._progress, total: totalSize})); } } if (typeof r === 'undefined' || this._progress < totalSize) { var execArgs = [ this._localURL, offset + this._progress, offset + this._progress + Math.min(totalSize - this._progress, CHUNK_SIZE)]; if (encoding) { execArgs.splice(1, 0, encoding); } exec( readSuccessCallback.bind(this, readType, encoding, offset, totalSize, accumulate), readFailureCallback.bind(this), 'File', readType, execArgs); } else { this._readyState = FileReader.DONE; if (typeof this.onload === 'function') { this.onload(new ProgressEvent('load', {target: this})); } if (typeof this.onloadend === 'function') { this.onloadend(new ProgressEvent('loadend', {target: this})); } } } /** * Callback used by the following read* functions to handle errors. * Must be bound to the FileReader's this, e.g. readFailureCallback.bind(this) */ function readFailureCallback (e) { if (this._readyState === FileReader.DONE) { return; } this._readyState = FileReader.DONE; this._result = null; this._error = new FileError(e); if (typeof this.onerror === 'function') { this.onerror(new ProgressEvent('error', {target: this})); } if (typeof this.onloadend === 'function') { this.onloadend(new ProgressEvent('loadend', {target: this})); } } /** * Abort reading file. */ FileReader.prototype.abort = function () { if (origFileReader && !this._localURL) { return this._realReader.abort(); } this._result = null; if (this._readyState === FileReader.DONE || this._readyState === FileReader.EMPTY) { return; } this._readyState = FileReader.DONE; // If abort callback if (typeof this.onabort === 'function') { this.onabort(new ProgressEvent('abort', {target: this})); } // If load end callback if (typeof this.onloadend === 'function') { this.onloadend(new ProgressEvent('loadend', {target: this})); } }; /** * Read text file. * * @param file {File} File object containing file properties * @param encoding [Optional] (see http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets) */ FileReader.prototype.readAsText = function (file, encoding) { if (initRead(this, file)) { return this._realReader.readAsText(file, encoding); } // Default encoding is UTF-8 var enc = encoding || 'UTF-8'; var totalSize = file.end - file.start; readSuccessCallback.bind(this)('readAsText', enc, file.start, totalSize, function (r) { if (this._progress === 0) { this._result = ''; } this._result += r; }.bind(this)); }; /** * Read file and return data as a base64 encoded data url. * A data url is of the form: * data:[][;base64], * * @param file {File} File object containing file properties */ FileReader.prototype.readAsDataURL = function (file) { if (initRead(this, file)) { return this._realReader.readAsDataURL(file); } var totalSize = file.end - file.start; readSuccessCallback.bind(this)('readAsDataURL', null, file.start, totalSize, function (r) { var commaIndex = r.indexOf(','); if (this._progress === 0) { this._result = r; } else { this._result += r.substring(commaIndex + 1); } }.bind(this)); }; /** * Read file and return data as a binary data. * * @param file {File} File object containing file properties */ FileReader.prototype.readAsBinaryString = function (file) { if (initRead(this, file)) { return this._realReader.readAsBinaryString(file); } var totalSize = file.end - file.start; readSuccessCallback.bind(this)('readAsBinaryString', null, file.start, totalSize, function (r) { if (this._progress === 0) { this._result = ''; } this._result += r; }.bind(this)); }; /** * Read file and return data as a binary data. * * @param file {File} File object containing file properties */ FileReader.prototype.readAsArrayBuffer = function (file) { if (initRead(this, file)) { return this._realReader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); } var totalSize = file.end - file.start; readSuccessCallback.bind(this)('readAsArrayBuffer', null, file.start, totalSize, function (r) { var resultArray = (this._progress === 0 ? new Uint8Array(totalSize) : new Uint8Array(this._result)); resultArray.set(new Uint8Array(r), this._progress); this._result = resultArray.buffer; }.bind(this)); }; module.exports = FileReader;