Repositorio del curso CCOM4030 el semestre B91 del proyecto Artesanías con el Instituto de Cultura

  1. Synopsis
  2. cordova-cli plugin <command> [options]
  3. Manage project plugins
  4. add <plugin-spec> [...] ............ Add specified plugins and save them to
  5. config.xml & package.json.
  6. --searchpath <directory> ....... When looking up plugins by ID, look in this directory and
  7. each of its subdirectories before hitting the registry.
  8. Multiple search paths can be specified.
  9. --noregistry ................... Don't search the registry for plugins
  10. --link ......................... When installing from a local path, creates a symbolic link
  11. instead of copying files. The extent to which files are linked
  12. varies by platform. Useful for plugin development.
  13. --nosave ....................... Prevent saving the information for specified plugin
  14. into config.xml & package.json.
  15. --shrinkwrap ................... Used together with --save, saves the
  16. installed version numbers to config.xml
  17. --force ........................ Forces copying source files from the plugin even if the
  18. same file already exists in the target directory.
  19. remove <pluginid>|<name> [...] ..... Remove plugins with the given IDs/name and
  20. removes the information for specified plugin from config.xml & package.json.
  21. --nosave ....................... Prevents removing the information for
  22. specified plugin from config.xml & package.json.
  23. list .............................. List currently installed plugins
  24. save .............................. Saves the information for all currently added plugins to config.xml
  25. Syntax
  26. <plugin-spec> : <pluginID>[@<version>]|<directory>|<url>[#<commit-ish>][:subdir]
  27. <plugin> .......................... Plugin id (id of plugin in npm registry or --searchPath)
  28. <version> ......................... Major.minor.patch version specifier using semver
  29. <directory> ....................... Directory containing plugin.xml
  30. <url> ............................. Url to a git repository containing a plugin.xml
  31. <commit-ish> ...................... Commit/tag/branch reference. If none is specified, 'master' is used
  32. <subdir> .......................... Sub-directory to find plugin.xml for the specified plugin.
  33. Aliases
  34. plugins -> plugin
  35. rm -> remove
  36. ls -> list
  37. Examples
  38. cordova-cli plugin add cordova-plugin-camera cordova-plugin-file --nosave --searchpath ~/plugins
  39. cordova-cli plugin add cordova-plugin-camera@^2.0.0 --nosave
  40. cordova-cli plugin add --nosave
  41. cordova-cli plugin add ../cordova-plugin-camera --nosave
  42. cordova-cli plugin add ../cordova-plugin-camera.tgz --nosave
  43. cordova-cli plugin rm camera --nosave
  44. cordova-cli plugin ls