Repositorio del curso CCOM4030 el semestre B91 del proyecto Artesanías con el Instituto de Cultura



Node CI

This package can be used to install and uninstall Node.js packages using npm.



Installs a module from:

  • npm registry
  • git url
  • tarball
    • url
    • file on local file system
  • folder path on local system

Returns a Promise resolving to the absolute path of the installed package.

const fetch = require('cordova-fetch');

fetch(spec, dest, opts).then(pathToInstalledPackage => {
    // Do something

Fetch Parameters

Parameter | Description -|- spec | A spec for the package to be installed (anything supported by npm install) dest | Location where to install the package opts | Additional options (optional)

Fetch Options

Option | Default | Description -|-|- save | false | Adds the package as dependency to package.json iff true


Uninstalls a package from the given directory. Returns a Promise that resolves when removal has finished.

const { uninstall } = require('cordova-fetch');

uninstall(packageName, dest, opts).then(() => {
    // Do something

Uninstall Parameters

Parameter | Description -|- packageName | Name of the package to be uninstalled dest | Location from where to uninstall the package opts | An Object with additional options

Uninstall Options

Option | Default | Description -|-|- save | false | Removes dependency from package.json iff true