123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839 |
- 'use strict';
- const request = require('request');
- const async = require('async');
- const Insight = require('.');
- // Messaged on each debounced `track()`
- // Gets the queue, merges is with the previous and tries to upload everything
- // If it fails, it will save everything again
- process.on('message', msg => {
- const insight = new Insight(msg);
- const {config} = insight;
- const q = config.get('queue') || {};
- Object.assign(q, msg.queue);
- config.delete('queue');
- async.forEachSeries(Object.keys(q), (el, cb) => {
- const parts = el.split(' ');
- const id = parts[0];
- const payload = q[el];
- request(insight._getRequestObj(id, payload), err => {
- if (err) {
- cb(err);
- return;
- }
- cb();
- });
- }, err => {
- if (err) {
- const q2 = config.get('queue') || {};
- Object.assign(q2, q);
- config.set('queue', q2);
- }
- process.exit();
- });
- });