Repositorio del curso CCOM4030 el semestre B91 del proyecto Artesanías con el Instituto de Cultura 1.5KB

0.1.0 / 2014-05-11

  • Merge branch ‘master’ of
  • fix captureStackTrace #8
  • add compatible node version to
  • add lint to test/index-amd.html to test/index.html
  • update to Node v0.11.10
  • Merge pull request #7 from DavidBruant/patch-1
  • ! is as good as !!!
  • Merge pull request #6 from remy/master
  • Attempt to get captureStackTrace support in other browsers
  • Merge pull request #4 from OscarGodson/master
  • Typo in package.json
  • Add package.json file so it can be used with NPM
  • add Object_keys from deep-equal for fix #3
  • update to Node v0.9.9 assert.js
  • update to 0.9.5
  • remove require.js src file from test
  • Merge pull request #2 from shovon/amd-support
  • Added amd support.

0.0.2 / 2014-01-17

  • Switching component.json to bower.json to avoid deprecation warnings

0.0.1 / 2012-12-06

  • added component.json for bower
  • add Object.create comatibile for issue #1
  • update assert to v0.8.1
  • fix
  • to make it perfect: s/the both-sides/both sides/
  • Assert to assert
  • updates README
  • add
  • add index.html for browser test
  • fix replace for browser
  • mod copyright
  • add common object instead of require(‘common’)
  • semmicolon
  • add test-assert.js
  • remove case of buffer(browser dosen’t has)
  • define util.inherits instead of require(‘util’)
  • export assert to global or module
  • modefy license
  • initial commit