Repositorio del curso CCOM4030 el semestre B91 del proyecto Artesanías con el Instituto de Cultura

compile.txt 774B

  1. Synopsis
  2. cordova-cli compile [PROD] [TARGET] [PLATS] [-- POPTS]
  3. PROD: --debug|--release
  4. TARGET: --device|--emulator|--target=FOO
  5. PLATS: PLATFORM [...]
  6. POPTS: platformopts
  7. Builds the app for specified platforms, or all platforms
  8. Options
  9. --debug ............................ Deploy a debug build
  10. --release .......................... Deploy a release build
  11. --device ........................... Deploy to a device
  12. --emulator ......................... Deploy to an emulator
  13. --target ........................... Deploy to a specific target
  14. To provide platform specific options, you must include them after `--`.
  15. Examples
  16. cordova-cli compile android windows --debug --device
  17. cordova-cli compile android --release