Repositorio del curso CCOM4030 el semestre B91 del proyecto Artesanías con el Instituto de Cultura
Emmanuel b7eccee437 Navbar hace 5 años
example Navbar hace 5 años
test Navbar hace 5 años
.travis.yml Navbar hace 5 años
LICENSE Navbar hace 5 años
index.js Navbar hace 5 años
package.json Navbar hace 5 años
readme.markdown Navbar hace 5 años



Return a through stream that starts out paused and resumes on the next tick, unless somebody called .pause().

This module has the same signature as through.

browser support

build status


var resumer = require('resumer');
var s = createStream();

function createStream () {
    var stream = resumer();
    stream.queue('beep boop\n');
    return stream;
$ node example/resume.js
beep boop


var resumer = require('resumer')

resumer(write, end)

Return a new through stream from write and end, which default to pass-through .queue() functions if not specified.

The stream starts out paused and will be resumed on the next tick unless you call .pause() first.

write and end get passed directly through to through.


With npm do:

npm install resumer
