import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react'; import { FlatList, StatusBar, StyleSheet, Text, TouchableOpacity, TextInput, View, Button, ActivityIndicator, Alert, ScrollView, RefreshControl } from "react-native"; import axios from 'axios' import * as SecureStore from 'expo-secure-store'; import Modal from 'react-native-modal'; const Item = ({ item, onPress, style }) => ( {`${item.code}`} ); // separates results, taken from const renderSeparator = () => { return ( ); }; const CurrentCourses = () =>{ const [courses, setCourses] = useState(null) const [refreshing, setRefreshing] = useState(false) const [selectedId, setSelectedId] = useState(null); // course_id const [animating, setAnimating] = useState(false) const [modalVisible, setModalVisible] = useState(false) const [code, setCode] = useState(null) const [days, setDays] = useState(null) const [courseName, setCourseName] = useState(null) const [prof, setProf] = useState(null) const [rooms, setRooms] = useState(null) const [section, setSection] = useState(null) const [hours, setHours] = useState(null) const [year, setYear] = useState(null) const [semestre, setSemestre] = useState(null) const toggle = ()=>{ setModalVisible(!modalVisible) setSelectedId(null) } const getMyCurrentCourses = async()=>{ const token = await SecureStore.getItemAsync('token') let id = await SecureStore.getItemAsync('id') let user_id = parseInt(id) try { let response = await axios(``, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', Authorization: `Token ${token}` }, data:{ user_id: user_id } }) console.log( if({ setCourses( } else{ setCourses( } console.log(courses) } catch(error){ console.log(error) } } const deleteOneCourse = async()=>{ const token = await SecureStore.getItemAsync('token') let id = await SecureStore.getItemAsync('id') let user_id = parseInt(id) console.log(semestre) console.log(year) try { let response = await axios(``, { method: 'DELETE', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', Authorization: `Token ${token}` }, data:{ user_id: user_id, course_id: selectedId, year: year, semestre: semestre } }) setAnimating(true) // after 3 seconds, the courses, the modal and the activity indicator will disappear setTimeout(()=>{ setAnimating(false) setModalVisible(false) setSelectedId(null) }, 3000) setTimeout(()=>{ Alert.alert( }, 5000) getMyCurrentCourses() // get current courses again setSection(null) setDays(null) setHours(null) setRooms(null) setProf(null) } catch(error){ console.log(error) } } const onRefresh = React.useCallback(async ()=>{ setRefreshing(true) getMyCurrentCourses() setRefreshing(false) }, [refreshing]) useEffect(()=>{ console.log('dimelo') getMyCurrentCourses() },[]) const renderItem = ({ item }) => { const backgroundColor = === selectedId ? "#e60505" : "#fafbfc"; return ( { setSelectedId( if(item.section === undefined){ setCourseName( setCode(item.code) setYear(item.year) setSemestre(item.semestre) setModalVisible(true) } else{ setCourseName( setCode(item.code) setYear(item.year) setSemestre(item.semestre) setSection(item.section) setDays(item.dias) setHours(item.horarios) setRooms(item.salones) setProf( setModalVisible(true) } }} style={{ backgroundColor }} /> ); }; // if student does not have courses currently, return this if(courses === null || courses === 'No tienes cursos'){ return ( } > No tienes cursos ) } return (} extraData={selectedId} ItemSeparatorComponent={renderSeparator} refreshControl={} /> Name: {courseName} Code: {code} {section === null ? '' : 'Section '+ section} {prof === null ? '' : 'Prof:' + prof} {days === null ? '' : 'Days: ' + days} {hours === null ? '' : 'Hours: '+ hours} {rooms === null ? '' : 'Rooms: ' + rooms}