Repositorio del curso CCOM4030 el semestre B91 del proyecto kilometro0

.travis.yml 548B

  1. language: node_js
  2. node_js:
  3. - '0.10'
  4. branches:
  5. only:
  6. - master
  7. - proof
  8. - travis-ci
  9. # Not using `npm install --dev` because it is recursive. It will pull in the all
  10. # development dependencies for CoffeeScript. Way too much spew in the Travis CI
  11. # build output.
  12. before_install:
  13. - npm install
  14. - npm install istanbul coveralls
  15. env:
  16. global:
  17. - secure: "BxUHTsa1WVANLQoimilbZwa1MCWSdM9hOmPWBE/rsYb7uT/iiqkRXXwnWhKtN5CLvTvIQbiAzq4iyPID0S8UHrnxClYQrOuA6QkrtwgIEuDAmijao/bgxobPOremvkwXcpMGIwzYKyYQQtSEaEIQbqf6gSSKW9dBh/GZ/vfTsqo="