Repositorio del curso CCOM4030 el semestre B91 del proyecto kilometro0

tests.js 11KB

  1. /*
  2. * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  3. * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
  4. * distributed with this work for additional information
  5. * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
  6. * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  7. * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  8. * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
  9. *
  10. *
  11. *
  12. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  13. * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  15. * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
  16. * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  17. * under the License.
  18. *
  19. */
  20. exports.defineAutoTests = function () {
  21. var isAndroid = (cordova.platformId === "android");
  22. describe('Whitelist API (cordova.whitelist)', function () {
  23. it("should exist", function () {
  24. expect(cordova.whitelist).toBeDefined();
  25. });
  26. describe("Match function (cordova.whitelist.match) that checks URLs against patterns", function () {
  27. function expectMatchWithResult(result) {
  28. return (function (url, patterns, description) {
  29. description = description || ((result ? "should accept " : "should reject ") + url + " for " + JSON.stringify(patterns));
  30. this.result = result;
  31. describe("Match function", function () {
  32. if (!isAndroid) {
  33. pending("Whitelist Plugin only exists for Android");
  34. }
  35. // Timeout is 7.5 seconds to allow physical devices enough
  36. // time to query the response. This is important for some
  37. // Android devices.
  38. var originalTimeout,
  39. cb;
  40. beforeEach(function (done) {
  41. originalTimeout = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL;
  42. jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 7500;
  43. cb = jasmine.createSpy('spy').and.callFake(function () {
  44. done();
  45. });
  46. cordova.whitelist.match(url, patterns, cb);
  47. });
  48. afterEach(function () {
  49. jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = originalTimeout;
  50. });
  51. it(description, function () {
  52. expect(cb).toHaveBeenCalledWith(result);
  53. });
  54. });
  55. });
  56. }
  57. var itShouldMatch = expectMatchWithResult(true);
  58. var itShouldNotMatch = expectMatchWithResult(false);
  59. it("should exist", function () {
  60. expect(cordova.whitelist.match).toBeDefined();
  61. expect(typeof cordova.whitelist.match).toBe("function");
  62. });
  63. itShouldMatch('', ['*'], "should accept any domain for *");
  64. itShouldNotMatch('', [], "should not accept any domain for []");
  65. itShouldMatch('', ['http://*']);
  66. itShouldMatch('', ['http://*']);
  67. itShouldMatch('', ['http://*']);
  68. itShouldMatch('', ['http://*']);
  69. itShouldMatch('', ['http://*']);
  70. itShouldMatch('', ['http://*']);
  71. itShouldMatch('', ['http://*']);
  72. itShouldNotMatch('', ['http://*']);
  73. itShouldNotMatch('', ['http://*']);
  74. itShouldNotMatch('', ['http://*']);
  75. itShouldNotMatch('', ['http://*']);
  76. itShouldNotMatch('', ['http://*']);
  77. itShouldNotMatch('', ['http://*']);
  78. itShouldNotMatch('', ['http://*']);
  79. itShouldMatch('', ['http://*', 'https://*']);
  80. itShouldMatch('', ['http://*', 'https://*']);
  81. itShouldNotMatch('', ['http://*', 'https://*']);
  82. itShouldNotMatch('', ['http://*', 'https://*']);
  83. itShouldMatch('', ['']);
  84. itShouldNotMatch('', ['']);
  85. itShouldNotMatch('', ['']);
  86. itShouldMatch('', ['http://*/*']);
  87. itShouldMatch('', ['http://*/*']);
  88. itShouldMatch('', ['http://*/foo*']);
  89. itShouldMatch('', ['http://*/foo*']);
  90. itShouldNotMatch('', ['http://*/foo*']);
  91. itShouldMatch('file:///foo', ['file:///*']);
  92. itShouldMatch('file:///foo', ['file:///foo*']);
  93. itShouldMatch('file:///foo/bar.html', ['file:///foo*']);
  94. itShouldNotMatch('file:///foo.html', []);
  95. itShouldNotMatch('', ['*']);
  96. itShouldNotMatch('', ['file:///foo*']);
  97. itShouldMatch('', ['*://*']);
  98. itShouldMatch('', ['*://*']);
  99. itShouldMatch('', ['*://*']);
  100. itShouldMatch('file://', ['*://*']);
  101. if (cordova.platformId == 'android')
  102. itShouldMatch('content://', ['*://*']);
  103. itShouldMatch('foo://', ['*://*']);
  104. itShouldNotMatch('', ['*://*']);
  105. itShouldMatch('', ['*']);
  106. itShouldMatch('', ['*']);
  107. itShouldNotMatch('', ['*']);
  108. itShouldMatch('', ['*']);
  109. itShouldMatch('', ['*']);
  110. itShouldNotMatch('', ['*']);
  111. itShouldNotMatch('', ['*']);
  112. itShouldNotMatch('', ['*']);
  113. itShouldNotMatch('', ['*']);
  114. itShouldNotMatch('', ['*']);
  115. itShouldMatch('', ['*']);
  116. itShouldMatch('', ['*']);
  117. itShouldMatch('', ['*.APACHE.ORG']);
  118. itShouldMatch('HTTP://', ['*']);
  119. itShouldMatch('HTTP://', ['http://*']);
  120. itShouldMatch('', ['HTTP://*']);
  121. itShouldMatch('', ['*://**']);
  122. itShouldMatch('', ['*://**']);
  123. itShouldNotMatch('', ['*://**']);
  124. itShouldNotMatch('', ['*://**']);
  125. itShouldNotMatch('', ['*://**']);
  126. });
  127. describe("Test function (cordova.whitelist.test) that checks against config.xml", function () {
  128. function expectTestWithResult(result) {
  129. return (function (url, description) {
  130. description = description || ((result ? "should accept " : "should reject ") + url);
  131. describe("Test function", function () {
  132. if (!isAndroid) {
  133. pending("Whitelist Plugin only exists for Android");
  134. }
  135. var cb,
  136. originalTimeout;
  137. beforeEach(function (done) {
  138. originalTimeout = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL;
  139. jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 7500;
  140. cb = jasmine.createSpy('spy').and.callFake(function (){
  141. done();
  142. });
  143. cordova.whitelist.test(url, cb);
  144. });
  145. afterEach(function () {
  146. jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = originalTimeout;
  147. });
  148. it(description, function () {
  149. expect(cb).toHaveBeenCalledWith(result);
  150. });
  151. });
  152. });
  153. }
  154. var itShouldAccept = expectTestWithResult(true);
  155. var itShouldReject = expectTestWithResult(false);
  156. it("should exist", function () {
  157. expect(cordova.whitelist.test).toBeDefined();
  158. expect(typeof cordova.whitelist.test).toBe("function");
  159. });
  160. itShouldAccept('');
  161. itShouldAccept('');
  162. itShouldAccept('');
  163. itShouldAccept('');
  164. itShouldAccept('');
  165. itShouldAccept('');
  166. itShouldAccept('');
  167. itShouldAccept('');
  168. itShouldReject('');
  169. itShouldReject('');
  170. itShouldReject('');
  171. itShouldReject('');
  172. itShouldAccept('file:///foo');
  173. if (cordova.platformId == 'android')
  174. itShouldReject('content:///foo');
  175. });
  176. });
  177. }