Android Versions ================ A node module to get Android versions by API level, NDK level, semantic version, or version name. Versions are referenced from []( The version for "Current Development Build" (`"CUR_DEVELOPMENT"`) is not included in the list of `VERSIONS`. [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![build status][travis-image]][travis-url] [npm-image]: [npm-url]: [travis-image]: [travis-url]: ## Install ```bash # NPM npm install android-versions --save # YARN yarn add android-versions ``` ## Usage View the tests for more advanced usage. ```javascript const android = require('android-versions') ``` #### Get by API level: ```javascript console.log(android.get(23)) => { api: 23, ndk: 8, semver: "6.0", name: "Marshmallow", versionCode: "M" } ``` #### Get by version: ```javascript console.log(android.get("2.3.3")) => { api: 10, ndk: 5, semver: "2.3.3", name: "Gingerbread", versionCode: "GINGERBREAD_MR1" } ``` #### Get all by predicate: ``` android.getAll((version) => { return version.ndk > 5 && version.api < 15 }).map((version) => version.versionCode) => [ "HONEYCOMB_MR1", "HONEYCOMB_MR2", "ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH" ] ``` #### Access a specific version with all info: ``` android.LOLLIPOP => { api: 21, ndk: 8, semver: "5.0", name: "Lollipop", versionCode: "LOLLIPOP" } ``` #### Access the complete reference of Android versions with all info: ```javascript android.VERSIONS => { BASE: { api: 1, ndk: 0, semver: "1.0", name: "(no code name)", versionCode: "BASE" }, ... N: { api: 24, ndk: 8, semver: "7.0", name: "Nougat", versionCode: "N" } ... } ``` ## Test ```bash npm run test ``` ## License MIT