node-simple-plist ================= [![Build Status](]( A simple API for interacting with binary and plain text plist data. ## Installation ```sh $ npm install simple-plist ``` ## Reading Data ```js var plist = require('simple-plist'); // Read data from a file (xml or binary) (asynchronous) plist.readFile('/path/to/some.plist', function(err,data){ if (err) {throw err;} console.log( JSON.stringify(data) ); }); // Read data from a file (xml or binary) (synchronous) var data = plist.readFileSync('/path/to/some.plist'); console.log( JSON.stringify(data) ); ``` ## Writing Data ```js var plist = require('simple-plist'), data = plist.readFileSync('/path/to/some.plist'); // Write data to a xml file (asynchronous) plist.writeFile('/path/to/plaintext.plist', data, function(err){ if (err) { throw err; } }); // Write data to a xml file (synchronous) plist.writeFileSync('/path/to/plaintext.plist', data); // Write data to a binary plist file (asynchronous) plist.writeBinaryFile('/path/to/binary.plist', data, function(err){ if (err) { throw err; } }); // Write data to a binary plist file (synchronous) plist.writeBinaryFileSync('/path/to/binary.plist', data); ``` ## Mutating Plists In Memory ```js var plist = require('simple-plist'); // Convert a Javascript object to a plist xml string var xml = plist.stringify( {name: "Joe", answer:42} ); console.log(xml); // output is a valid plist xml string // Convert a plist xml string or a binary plist buffer to a Javascript object var data = plist.parse("nameJoe"); console.log( JSON.stringify(data) ); ```