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Cordova iOS
Cordova iOS is an iOS application library that allows for Cordova-based projects to be built for the iOS Platform. Cordova based applications are, at the core, applications written with web technology: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Apache Cordova is a project of The Apache Software Foundation (ASF).
* Xcode 9.x (deprecated), 10, or greater. Download it at [http://developer.apple.com/downloads](http://developer.apple.com/downloads) or the [Mac App Store](http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/xcode/id497799835?mt=12).
* [node.js](https://nodejs.org)
Create a Cordova project
Follow the instructions in the [**Command-Line Usage** section](http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/edge/guide_cli_index.md.html#The%20Command-line%20Interface) of [http://docs.cordova.io](http://docs.cordova.io)
To use a **shared CordovaLib**, for example in development, link the appropriate cordova-ios platform folder path:
cordova platform add --link /path/to/cordova-ios
Updating a Cordova project
When you install a new cordova-cli version that comes with a new iOS platform version, from within your project:
cordova platform rm ios
cordova platform add ios
1. Run `npm install`
2. Run `npm test`
Futher reading
* [http://cordova.apache.org/](http://cordova.apache.org/)
* [http://wiki.apache.org/cordova/](http://wiki.apache.org/cordova/)