'use strict'; var test = require('tape'); var forEach = require('foreach'); var is = require('object-is'); var debug = require('object-inspect'); var assign = require('object.assign'); var keys = require('object-keys'); var has = require('has'); var assertRecordTests = require('./helpers/assertRecord'); var v = require('./helpers/values'); var diffOps = require('./diffOps'); var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || Math.pow(2, 53) - 1; var getArraySubclassWithSpeciesConstructor = function getArraySubclass(speciesConstructor) { var Bar = function Bar() { var inst = []; Object.setPrototypeOf(inst, Bar.prototype); Object.defineProperty(inst, 'constructor', { value: Bar }); return inst; }; Bar.prototype = Object.create(Array.prototype); Object.setPrototypeOf(Bar, Array); Object.defineProperty(Bar, Symbol.species, { value: speciesConstructor }); return Bar; }; var hasSpecies = v.hasSymbols && Symbol.species; var hasGroups = 'groups' in (/a/).exec('a'); var groups = function groups(matchObject) { return hasGroups ? assign(matchObject, { groups: matchObject.groups }) : matchObject; }; var testEnumerableOwnNames = function (t, enumerableOwnNames) { forEach(v.primitives, function (nonObject) { t['throws']( function () { enumerableOwnNames(nonObject); }, debug(nonObject) + ' is not an Object' ); }); var Child = function Child() { this.own = {}; }; Child.prototype = { inherited: {} }; var obj = new Child(); t.equal('own' in obj, true, 'has "own"'); t.equal(has(obj, 'own'), true, 'has own "own"'); t.equal(Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(obj, 'own'), true, 'has enumerable "own"'); t.equal('inherited' in obj, true, 'has "inherited"'); t.equal(has(obj, 'inherited'), false, 'has non-own "inherited"'); t.equal(has(Child.prototype, 'inherited'), true, 'Child.prototype has own "inherited"'); t.equal(Child.prototype.inherited, obj.inherited, 'Child.prototype.inherited === obj.inherited'); t.equal(Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(Child.prototype, 'inherited'), true, 'has enumerable "inherited"'); t.equal('toString' in obj, true, 'has "toString"'); t.equal(has(obj, 'toString'), false, 'has non-own "toString"'); t.equal(has(Object.prototype, 'toString'), true, 'Object.prototype has own "toString"'); t.equal(Object.prototype.toString, obj.toString, 'Object.prototype.toString === obj.toString'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-call t.equal(Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(Object.prototype, 'toString'), false, 'has non-enumerable "toString"'); return obj; }; var es2015 = function ES2015(ES, ops, expectedMissing, skips) { test('has expected operations', function (t) { var diff = diffOps(ES, ops, expectedMissing); t.deepEqual(diff.extra, [], 'no extra ops'); t.deepEqual(diff.missing, [], 'no unexpected missing ops'); t.end(); }); test('ToPrimitive', function (t) { t.test('primitives', function (st) { var testPrimitive = function (primitive) { st.ok(is(ES.ToPrimitive(primitive), primitive), debug(primitive) + ' is returned correctly'); }; forEach(v.primitives, testPrimitive); st.end(); }); t.test('objects', function (st) { st.equal(ES.ToPrimitive(v.coercibleObject), 3, 'coercibleObject with no hint coerces to valueOf'); st.ok(is(ES.ToPrimitive({}), '[object Object]'), '{} with no hint coerces to Object#toString'); st.equal(ES.ToPrimitive(v.coercibleObject, Number), 3, 'coercibleObject with hint Number coerces to valueOf'); st.ok(is(ES.ToPrimitive({}, Number), '[object Object]'), '{} with hint Number coerces to NaN'); st.equal(ES.ToPrimitive(v.coercibleObject, String), 42, 'coercibleObject with hint String coerces to nonstringified toString'); st.equal(ES.ToPrimitive({}, String), '[object Object]', '{} with hint String coerces to Object#toString'); st.equal(ES.ToPrimitive(v.toStringOnlyObject), 7, 'toStringOnlyObject returns non-stringified toString'); st.equal(ES.ToPrimitive(v.valueOfOnlyObject), 4, 'valueOfOnlyObject returns valueOf'); st['throws'](function () { return ES.ToPrimitive(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws a TypeError'); st.end(); }); t.test('dates', function (st) { var invalid = new Date(NaN); st.equal(ES.ToPrimitive(invalid), Date.prototype.toString.call(invalid), 'invalid Date coerces to Date#toString'); var now = new Date(); st.equal(ES.ToPrimitive(now), Date.prototype.toString.call(now), 'Date coerces to Date#toString'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('ToBoolean', function (t) { t.equal(false, ES.ToBoolean(undefined), 'undefined coerces to false'); t.equal(false, ES.ToBoolean(null), 'null coerces to false'); t.equal(false, ES.ToBoolean(false), 'false returns false'); t.equal(true, ES.ToBoolean(true), 'true returns true'); t.test('numbers', function (st) { forEach(v.zeroes.concat(NaN), function (falsyNumber) { st.equal(false, ES.ToBoolean(falsyNumber), 'falsy number ' + falsyNumber + ' coerces to false'); }); forEach(v.infinities.concat([42, 1]), function (truthyNumber) { st.equal(true, ES.ToBoolean(truthyNumber), 'truthy number ' + truthyNumber + ' coerces to true'); }); st.end(); }); t.equal(false, ES.ToBoolean(''), 'empty string coerces to false'); t.equal(true, ES.ToBoolean('foo'), 'nonempty string coerces to true'); t.test('objects', function (st) { forEach(v.objects, function (obj) { st.equal(true, ES.ToBoolean(obj), 'object coerces to true'); }); st.equal(true, ES.ToBoolean(v.uncoercibleObject), 'uncoercibleObject coerces to true'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('ToNumber', function (t) { t.ok(is(NaN, ES.ToNumber(undefined)), 'undefined coerces to NaN'); t.ok(is(ES.ToNumber(null), 0), 'null coerces to +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToNumber(false), 0), 'false coerces to +0'); t.equal(1, ES.ToNumber(true), 'true coerces to 1'); t.test('numbers', function (st) { st.ok(is(NaN, ES.ToNumber(NaN)), 'NaN returns itself'); forEach(v.zeroes.concat(v.infinities, 42), function (num) { st.equal(num, ES.ToNumber(num), num + ' returns itself'); }); forEach(['foo', '0', '4a', '2.0', 'Infinity', '-Infinity'], function (numString) { st.ok(is(+numString, ES.ToNumber(numString)), '"' + numString + '" coerces to ' + Number(numString)); }); st.end(); }); t.test('objects', function (st) { forEach(v.objects, function (object) { st.ok(is(ES.ToNumber(object), ES.ToNumber(ES.ToPrimitive(object))), 'object ' + object + ' coerces to same as ToPrimitive of object does'); }); st['throws'](function () { return ES.ToNumber(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws'); st.end(); }); t.test('binary literals', function (st) { st.equal(ES.ToNumber('0b10'), 2, '0b10 is 2'); st.equal(ES.ToNumber({ toString: function () { return '0b11'; } }), 3, 'Object that toStrings to 0b11 is 3'); st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber('0b12'), NaN), '0b12 is NaN'); st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber({ toString: function () { return '0b112'; } }), NaN), 'Object that toStrings to 0b112 is NaN'); st.end(); }); t.test('octal literals', function (st) { st.equal(ES.ToNumber('0o10'), 8, '0o10 is 8'); st.equal(ES.ToNumber({ toString: function () { return '0o11'; } }), 9, 'Object that toStrings to 0o11 is 9'); st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber('0o18'), NaN), '0o18 is NaN'); st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber({ toString: function () { return '0o118'; } }), NaN), 'Object that toStrings to 0o118 is NaN'); st.end(); }); t.test('signed hex numbers', function (st) { st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber('-0xF'), NaN), '-0xF is NaN'); st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber(' -0xF '), NaN), 'space-padded -0xF is NaN'); st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber('+0xF'), NaN), '+0xF is NaN'); st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber(' +0xF '), NaN), 'space-padded +0xF is NaN'); st.end(); }); t.test('trimming of whitespace and non-whitespace characters', function (st) { var whitespace = ' \t\x0b\f\xa0\ufeff\n\r\u2028\u2029\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000'; st.equal(0, ES.ToNumber(whitespace + 0 + whitespace), 'whitespace is trimmed'); // Zero-width space (zws), next line character (nel), and non-character (bom) are not whitespace. var nonWhitespaces = { '\\u0085': '\u0085', '\\u200b': '\u200b', '\\ufffe': '\ufffe' }; forEach(nonWhitespaces, function (desc, nonWS) { st.equal(true, is(ES.ToNumber(nonWS + 0 + nonWS), NaN), 'non-whitespace ' + desc + ' not trimmed'); }); st.end(); }); forEach(v.symbols, function (symbol) { t['throws']( function () { ES.ToNumber(symbol); }, TypeError, 'Symbols can’t be converted to a Number: ' + debug(symbol) ); }); t.test('dates', function (st) { var invalid = new Date(NaN); st.ok(is(ES.ToNumber(invalid), NaN), 'invalid Date coerces to NaN'); var now = Date.now(); st.equal(ES.ToNumber(new Date(now)), now, 'Date coerces to timestamp'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('ToInteger', function (t) { t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInteger(NaN)), 'NaN coerces to +0'); forEach([0, Infinity, 42], function (num) { t.ok(is(num, ES.ToInteger(num)), num + ' returns itself'); t.ok(is(-num, ES.ToInteger(-num)), '-' + num + ' returns itself'); }); t.equal(3, ES.ToInteger(Math.PI), 'pi returns 3'); t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToInteger(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws'); t.end(); }); test('ToInt32', function (t) { t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt32(NaN)), 'NaN coerces to +0'); forEach([0, Infinity], function (num) { t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt32(num)), num + ' returns +0'); t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt32(-num)), '-' + num + ' returns +0'); }); t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToInt32(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt32(0x100000000), 0), '2^32 returns +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt32(0x100000000 - 1), -1), '2^32 - 1 returns -1'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt32(0x80000000), -0x80000000), '2^31 returns -2^31'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt32(0x80000000 - 1), 0x80000000 - 1), '2^31 - 1 returns 2^31 - 1'); forEach([0, Infinity, NaN, 0x100000000, 0x80000000, 0x10000, 0x42], function (num) { t.ok(is(ES.ToInt32(num), ES.ToInt32(ES.ToUint32(num))), 'ToInt32(x) === ToInt32(ToUint32(x)) for 0x' + num.toString(16)); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt32(-num), ES.ToInt32(ES.ToUint32(-num))), 'ToInt32(x) === ToInt32(ToUint32(x)) for -0x' + num.toString(16)); }); t.end(); }); test('ToUint32', function (t) { t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint32(NaN)), 'NaN coerces to +0'); forEach([0, Infinity], function (num) { t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint32(num)), num + ' returns +0'); t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint32(-num)), '-' + num + ' returns +0'); }); t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToUint32(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint32(0x100000000), 0), '2^32 returns +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint32(0x100000000 - 1), 0x100000000 - 1), '2^32 - 1 returns 2^32 - 1'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint32(0x80000000), 0x80000000), '2^31 returns 2^31'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint32(0x80000000 - 1), 0x80000000 - 1), '2^31 - 1 returns 2^31 - 1'); forEach([0, Infinity, NaN, 0x100000000, 0x80000000, 0x10000, 0x42], function (num) { t.ok(is(ES.ToUint32(num), ES.ToUint32(ES.ToInt32(num))), 'ToUint32(x) === ToUint32(ToInt32(x)) for 0x' + num.toString(16)); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint32(-num), ES.ToUint32(ES.ToInt32(-num))), 'ToUint32(x) === ToUint32(ToInt32(x)) for -0x' + num.toString(16)); }); t.end(); }); test('ToInt16', function (t) { t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt16(NaN)), 'NaN coerces to +0'); forEach([0, Infinity], function (num) { t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt16(num)), num + ' returns +0'); t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt16(-num)), '-' + num + ' returns +0'); }); t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToInt16(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt16(0x100000000), 0), '2^32 returns +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt16(0x100000000 - 1), -1), '2^32 - 1 returns -1'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt16(0x80000000), 0), '2^31 returns +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt16(0x80000000 - 1), -1), '2^31 - 1 returns -1'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt16(0x10000), 0), '2^16 returns +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt16(0x10000 - 1), -1), '2^16 - 1 returns -1'); t.end(); }); test('ToUint16', function (t) { t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint16(NaN)), 'NaN coerces to +0'); forEach([0, Infinity], function (num) { t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint16(num)), num + ' returns +0'); t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint16(-num)), '-' + num + ' returns +0'); }); t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToUint16(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint16(0x100000000), 0), '2^32 returns +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint16(0x100000000 - 1), 0x10000 - 1), '2^32 - 1 returns 2^16 - 1'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint16(0x80000000), 0), '2^31 returns +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint16(0x80000000 - 1), 0x10000 - 1), '2^31 - 1 returns 2^16 - 1'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint16(0x10000), 0), '2^16 returns +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint16(0x10000 - 1), 0x10000 - 1), '2^16 - 1 returns 2^16 - 1'); t.end(); }); test('ToInt8', function (t) { t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt8(NaN)), 'NaN coerces to +0'); forEach([0, Infinity], function (num) { t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt8(num)), num + ' returns +0'); t.ok(is(0, ES.ToInt8(-num)), '-' + num + ' returns +0'); }); t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToInt8(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x100000000), 0), '2^32 returns +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x100000000 - 1), -1), '2^32 - 1 returns -1'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x80000000), 0), '2^31 returns +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x80000000 - 1), -1), '2^31 - 1 returns -1'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x10000), 0), '2^16 returns +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x10000 - 1), -1), '2^16 - 1 returns -1'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x100), 0), '2^8 returns +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x100 - 1), -1), '2^8 - 1 returns -1'); t.ok(is(ES.ToInt8(0x10), 0x10), '2^4 returns 2^4'); t.end(); }); test('ToUint8', function (t) { t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint8(NaN)), 'NaN coerces to +0'); forEach([0, Infinity], function (num) { t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint8(num)), num + ' returns +0'); t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint8(-num)), '-' + num + ' returns +0'); }); t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToUint8(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x100000000), 0), '2^32 returns +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x100000000 - 1), 0x100 - 1), '2^32 - 1 returns 2^8 - 1'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x80000000), 0), '2^31 returns +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x80000000 - 1), 0x100 - 1), '2^31 - 1 returns 2^8 - 1'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x10000), 0), '2^16 returns +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x10000 - 1), 0x100 - 1), '2^16 - 1 returns 2^8 - 1'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x100), 0), '2^8 returns +0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x100 - 1), 0x100 - 1), '2^8 - 1 returns 2^16 - 1'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x10), 0x10), '2^4 returns 2^4'); t.ok(is(ES.ToUint8(0x10 - 1), 0x10 - 1), '2^4 - 1 returns 2^4 - 1'); t.end(); }); test('ToUint8Clamp', function (t) { t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint8Clamp(NaN)), 'NaN coerces to +0'); t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint8Clamp(0)), '+0 returns +0'); t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint8Clamp(-0)), '-0 returns +0'); t.ok(is(0, ES.ToUint8Clamp(-Infinity)), '-Infinity returns +0'); t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToUint8Clamp(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws'); forEach([255, 256, 0x100000, Infinity], function (number) { t.ok(is(255, ES.ToUint8Clamp(number)), number + ' coerces to 255'); }); t.equal(1, ES.ToUint8Clamp(1.49), '1.49 coerces to 1'); t.equal(2, ES.ToUint8Clamp(1.5), '1.5 coerces to 2, because 2 is even'); t.equal(2, ES.ToUint8Clamp(1.51), '1.51 coerces to 2'); t.equal(2, ES.ToUint8Clamp(2.49), '2.49 coerces to 2'); t.equal(2, ES.ToUint8Clamp(2.5), '2.5 coerces to 2, because 2 is even'); t.equal(3, ES.ToUint8Clamp(2.51), '2.51 coerces to 3'); t.end(); }); test('ToString', function (t) { forEach(v.objects.concat(v.nonSymbolPrimitives), function (item) { t.equal(ES.ToString(item), String(item), 'ES.ToString(' + debug(item) + ') ToStrings to String(' + debug(item) + ')'); }); t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToString(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws'); forEach(v.symbols, function (symbol) { t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToString(symbol); }, TypeError, debug(symbol) + ' throws'); }); t.end(); }); test('ToObject', function (t) { t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToObject(undefined); }, TypeError, 'undefined throws'); t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToObject(null); }, TypeError, 'null throws'); forEach(v.numbers, function (number) { var obj = ES.ToObject(number); t.equal(typeof obj, 'object', 'number ' + number + ' coerces to object'); t.equal(true, obj instanceof Number, 'object of ' + number + ' is Number object'); t.ok(is(obj.valueOf(), number), 'object of ' + number + ' coerces to ' + number); }); t.end(); }); test('RequireObjectCoercible', function (t) { t.equal(false, 'CheckObjectCoercible' in ES, 'CheckObjectCoercible -> RequireObjectCoercible in ES6'); t['throws'](function () { return ES.RequireObjectCoercible(undefined); }, TypeError, 'undefined throws'); t['throws'](function () { return ES.RequireObjectCoercible(null); }, TypeError, 'null throws'); var isCoercible = function (value) { t.doesNotThrow(function () { return ES.RequireObjectCoercible(value); }, debug(value) + ' does not throw'); }; forEach(v.objects.concat(v.nonNullPrimitives), isCoercible); t.end(); }); test('IsCallable', function (t) { t.equal(true, ES.IsCallable(function () {}), 'function is callable'); var nonCallables = [/a/g, {}, Object.prototype, NaN].concat(v.nonFunctions); forEach(nonCallables, function (nonCallable) { t.equal(false, ES.IsCallable(nonCallable), debug(nonCallable) + ' is not callable'); }); t.end(); }); test('SameValue', function (t) { t.equal(true, ES.SameValue(NaN, NaN), 'NaN is SameValue as NaN'); t.equal(false, ES.SameValue(0, -0), '+0 is not SameValue as -0'); forEach(v.objects.concat(v.primitives), function (val) { t.equal(val === val, ES.SameValue(val, val), debug(val) + ' is SameValue to itself'); }); t.end(); }); test('SameValueZero', function (t) { t.equal(true, ES.SameValueZero(NaN, NaN), 'NaN is SameValueZero as NaN'); t.equal(true, ES.SameValueZero(0, -0), '+0 is SameValueZero as -0'); forEach(v.objects.concat(v.primitives), function (val) { t.equal(val === val, ES.SameValueZero(val, val), debug(val) + ' is SameValueZero to itself'); }); t.end(); }); test('ToPropertyKey', function (t) { forEach(v.objects.concat(v.nonSymbolPrimitives), function (value) { t.equal(ES.ToPropertyKey(value), String(value), 'ToPropertyKey(value) === String(value) for non-Symbols'); }); forEach(v.symbols, function (symbol) { t.equal( ES.ToPropertyKey(symbol), symbol, 'ToPropertyKey(' + debug(symbol) + ') === ' + debug(symbol) ); t.equal( ES.ToPropertyKey(Object(symbol)), symbol, 'ToPropertyKey(' + debug(Object(symbol)) + ') === ' + debug(symbol) ); }); t.end(); }); test('ToLength', function (t) { t['throws'](function () { return ES.ToLength(v.uncoercibleObject); }, TypeError, 'uncoercibleObject throws a TypeError'); t.equal(3, ES.ToLength(v.coercibleObject), 'coercibleObject coerces to 3'); t.equal(42, ES.ToLength('42.5'), '"42.5" coerces to 42'); t.equal(7, ES.ToLength(7.3), '7.3 coerces to 7'); forEach([-0, -1, -42, -Infinity], function (negative) { t.ok(is(0, ES.ToLength(negative)), negative + ' coerces to +0'); }); t.equal(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, ES.ToLength(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1), '2^53 coerces to 2^53 - 1'); t.equal(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, ES.ToLength(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 3), '2^53 + 2 coerces to 2^53 - 1'); t.end(); }); test('IsArray', function (t) { t.equal(true, ES.IsArray([]), '[] is array'); t.equal(false, ES.IsArray({}), '{} is not array'); t.equal(false, ES.IsArray({ length: 1, 0: true }), 'arraylike object is not array'); forEach(v.objects.concat(v.primitives), function (value) { t.equal(false, ES.IsArray(value), debug(value) + ' is not array'); }); t.end(); }); test('IsRegExp', function (t) { forEach([/a/g, new RegExp('a', 'g')], function (regex) { t.equal(true, ES.IsRegExp(regex), regex + ' is regex'); }); forEach(v.objects.concat(v.primitives), function (nonRegex) { t.equal(false, ES.IsRegExp(nonRegex), debug(nonRegex) + ' is not regex'); }); t.test('Symbol.match', { skip: !v.hasSymbols || !Symbol.match }, function (st) { var obj = {}; obj[Symbol.match] = true; st.equal(true, ES.IsRegExp(obj), 'object with truthy Symbol.match is regex'); var regex = /a/; regex[Symbol.match] = false; st.equal(false, ES.IsRegExp(regex), 'regex with falsy Symbol.match is not regex'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('IsPropertyKey', function (t) { forEach(v.numbers.concat(v.objects), function (notKey) { t.equal(false, ES.IsPropertyKey(notKey), debug(notKey) + ' is not property key'); }); t.equal(true, ES.IsPropertyKey('foo'), 'string is property key'); forEach(v.symbols, function (symbol) { t.equal(true, ES.IsPropertyKey(symbol), debug(symbol) + ' is property key'); }); t.end(); }); test('IsInteger', function (t) { for (var i = -100; i < 100; i += 10) { t.equal(true, ES.IsInteger(i), i + ' is integer'); t.equal(false, ES.IsInteger(i + 0.2), (i + 0.2) + ' is not integer'); } t.equal(true, ES.IsInteger(-0), '-0 is integer'); var notInts = v.nonNumbers.concat(v.nonIntegerNumbers, v.infinities, [NaN, [], new Date()]); forEach(notInts, function (notInt) { t.equal(false, ES.IsInteger(notInt), debug(notInt) + ' is not integer'); }); t.equal(false, ES.IsInteger(v.uncoercibleObject), 'uncoercibleObject is not integer'); t.end(); }); test('IsExtensible', function (t) { forEach(v.objects, function (object) { t.equal(true, ES.IsExtensible(object), debug(object) + ' object is extensible'); }); forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t.equal(false, ES.IsExtensible(primitive), debug(primitive) + ' is not extensible'); }); if (Object.preventExtensions) { t.equal(false, ES.IsExtensible(Object.preventExtensions({})), 'object with extensions prevented is not extensible'); } t.end(); }); test('CanonicalNumericIndexString', function (t) { var throwsOnNonString = function (notString) { t['throws']( function () { return ES.CanonicalNumericIndexString(notString); }, TypeError, debug(notString) + ' is not a string' ); }; forEach(v.objects.concat(v.numbers), throwsOnNonString); t.ok(is(-0, ES.CanonicalNumericIndexString('-0')), '"-0" returns -0'); for (var i = -50; i < 50; i += 10) { t.equal(i, ES.CanonicalNumericIndexString(String(i)), '"' + i + '" returns ' + i); t.equal(undefined, ES.CanonicalNumericIndexString(String(i) + 'a'), '"' + i + 'a" returns undefined'); } t.end(); }); test('IsConstructor', function (t) { t.equal(true, ES.IsConstructor(function () {}), 'function is constructor'); t.equal(false, ES.IsConstructor(/a/g), 'regex is not constructor'); forEach(v.objects, function (object) { t.equal(false, ES.IsConstructor(object), object + ' object is not constructor'); }); try { var foo = Function('return class Foo {}')(); // eslint-disable-line no-new-func t.equal(ES.IsConstructor(foo), true, 'class is constructor'); } catch (e) { t.comment('SKIP: class syntax not supported.'); } t.end(); }); test('Call', function (t) { var receiver = {}; var notFuncs = v.nonFunctions.concat([/a/g, new RegExp('a', 'g')]); t.plan(notFuncs.length + 4); var throwsIfNotCallable = function (notFunc) { t['throws']( function () { return ES.Call(notFunc, receiver); }, TypeError, debug(notFunc) + ' (' + typeof notFunc + ') is not callable' ); }; forEach(notFuncs, throwsIfNotCallable); ES.Call( function (a, b) { t.equal(this, receiver, 'context matches expected'); t.deepEqual([a, b], [1, 2], 'named args are correct'); t.equal(arguments.length, 3, 'extra argument was passed'); t.equal(arguments[2], 3, 'extra argument was correct'); }, receiver, [1, 2, 3] ); t.end(); }); test('GetV', function (t) { t['throws'](function () { return ES.GetV({ 7: 7 }, 7); }, TypeError, 'Throws a TypeError if `P` is not a property key'); var obj = { a: function () {} }; t.equal(ES.GetV(obj, 'a'), obj.a, 'returns property if it exists'); t.equal(ES.GetV(obj, 'b'), undefined, 'returns undefiend if property does not exist'); t.end(); }); test('GetMethod', function (t) { t['throws'](function () { return ES.GetMethod({ 7: 7 }, 7); }, TypeError, 'Throws a TypeError if `P` is not a property key'); t.equal(ES.GetMethod({}, 'a'), undefined, 'returns undefined in property is undefined'); t.equal(ES.GetMethod({ a: null }, 'a'), undefined, 'returns undefined if property is null'); t.equal(ES.GetMethod({ a: undefined }, 'a'), undefined, 'returns undefined if property is undefined'); var obj = { a: function () {} }; t['throws'](function () { ES.GetMethod({ a: 'b' }, 'a'); }, TypeError, 'throws TypeError if property exists and is not callable'); t.equal(ES.GetMethod(obj, 'a'), obj.a, 'returns property if it is callable'); t.end(); }); test('Get', function (t) { t['throws'](function () { return ES.Get('a', 'a'); }, TypeError, 'Throws a TypeError if `O` is not an Object'); t['throws'](function () { return ES.Get({ 7: 7 }, 7); }, TypeError, 'Throws a TypeError if `P` is not a property key'); var value = {}; t.test('Symbols', { skip: !v.hasSymbols }, function (st) { var sym = Symbol('sym'); var obj = {}; obj[sym] = value; st.equal(ES.Get(obj, sym), value, 'returns property `P` if it exists on object `O`'); st.end(); }); t.equal(ES.Get({ a: value }, 'a'), value, 'returns property `P` if it exists on object `O`'); t.end(); }); test('Type', { skip: !v.hasSymbols }, function (t) { t.equal(ES.Type(Symbol.iterator), 'Symbol', 'Type(Symbol.iterator) is Symbol'); t.end(); }); test('SpeciesConstructor', function (t) { t['throws'](function () { ES.SpeciesConstructor(null); }, TypeError); t['throws'](function () { ES.SpeciesConstructor(undefined); }, TypeError); var defaultConstructor = function Foo() {}; t.equal( ES.SpeciesConstructor({ constructor: undefined }, defaultConstructor), defaultConstructor, 'undefined constructor returns defaultConstructor' ); t['throws']( function () { return ES.SpeciesConstructor({ constructor: null }, defaultConstructor); }, TypeError, 'non-undefined non-object constructor throws' ); t.test('with Symbol.species', { skip: !hasSpecies }, function (st) { var Bar = function Bar() {}; Bar[Symbol.species] = null; st.equal( ES.SpeciesConstructor(new Bar(), defaultConstructor), defaultConstructor, 'undefined/null Symbol.species returns default constructor' ); var Baz = function Baz() {}; Baz[Symbol.species] = Bar; st.equal( ES.SpeciesConstructor(new Baz(), defaultConstructor), Bar, 'returns Symbol.species constructor value' ); Baz[Symbol.species] = {}; st['throws']( function () { ES.SpeciesConstructor(new Baz(), defaultConstructor); }, TypeError, 'throws when non-constructor non-null non-undefined species value found' ); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('IsPropertyDescriptor', { skip: skips && skips.IsPropertyDescriptor }, function (t) { forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (primitive) { t.equal( ES.IsPropertyDescriptor(primitive), false, debug(primitive) + ' is not a Property Descriptor' ); }); t.equal(ES.IsPropertyDescriptor({ invalid: true }), false, 'invalid keys not allowed on a Property Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsPropertyDescriptor({}), true, 'empty object is an incomplete Property Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsPropertyDescriptor(v.accessorDescriptor()), true, 'accessor descriptor is a Property Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsPropertyDescriptor(v.mutatorDescriptor()), true, 'mutator descriptor is a Property Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsPropertyDescriptor(v.dataDescriptor()), true, 'data descriptor is a Property Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsPropertyDescriptor(v.genericDescriptor()), true, 'generic descriptor is a Property Descriptor'); t['throws']( function () { ES.IsPropertyDescriptor(v.bothDescriptor()); }, TypeError, 'a Property Descriptor can not be both a Data and an Accessor Descriptor' ); t.end(); }); assertRecordTests(ES, test); test('IsAccessorDescriptor', function (t) { forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.IsAccessorDescriptor(primitive); }, TypeError, debug(primitive) + ' is not a Property Descriptor' ); }); t.equal(ES.IsAccessorDescriptor(), false, 'no value is not an Accessor Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsAccessorDescriptor(undefined), false, 'undefined value is not an Accessor Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsAccessorDescriptor(v.accessorDescriptor()), true, 'accessor descriptor is an Accessor Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsAccessorDescriptor(v.mutatorDescriptor()), true, 'mutator descriptor is an Accessor Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsAccessorDescriptor(v.dataDescriptor()), false, 'data descriptor is not an Accessor Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsAccessorDescriptor(v.genericDescriptor()), false, 'generic descriptor is not an Accessor Descriptor'); t.end(); }); test('IsDataDescriptor', function (t) { forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.IsDataDescriptor(primitive); }, TypeError, debug(primitive) + ' is not a Property Descriptor' ); }); t.equal(ES.IsDataDescriptor(), false, 'no value is not a Data Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsDataDescriptor(undefined), false, 'undefined value is not a Data Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsDataDescriptor(v.accessorDescriptor()), false, 'accessor descriptor is not a Data Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsDataDescriptor(v.mutatorDescriptor()), false, 'mutator descriptor is not a Data Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsDataDescriptor(v.dataDescriptor()), true, 'data descriptor is a Data Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsDataDescriptor(v.genericDescriptor()), false, 'generic descriptor is not a Data Descriptor'); t.end(); }); test('IsGenericDescriptor', function (t) { forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.IsGenericDescriptor(primitive); }, TypeError, debug(primitive) + ' is not a Property Descriptor' ); }); t.equal(ES.IsGenericDescriptor(), false, 'no value is not a Data Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsGenericDescriptor(undefined), false, 'undefined value is not a Data Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsGenericDescriptor(v.accessorDescriptor()), false, 'accessor descriptor is not a generic Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsGenericDescriptor(v.mutatorDescriptor()), false, 'mutator descriptor is not a generic Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsGenericDescriptor(v.dataDescriptor()), false, 'data descriptor is not a generic Descriptor'); t.equal(ES.IsGenericDescriptor(v.genericDescriptor()), true, 'generic descriptor is a generic Descriptor'); t.end(); }); test('FromPropertyDescriptor', function (t) { t.equal(ES.FromPropertyDescriptor(), undefined, 'no value begets undefined'); t.equal(ES.FromPropertyDescriptor(undefined), undefined, 'undefined value begets undefined'); forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.FromPropertyDescriptor(primitive); }, TypeError, debug(primitive) + ' is not a Property Descriptor' ); }); var accessor = v.accessorDescriptor(); t.deepEqual(ES.FromPropertyDescriptor(accessor), { get: accessor['[[Get]]'], enumerable: !!accessor['[[Enumerable]]'], configurable: !!accessor['[[Configurable]]'] }); var mutator = v.mutatorDescriptor(); t.deepEqual(ES.FromPropertyDescriptor(mutator), { set: mutator['[[Set]]'], enumerable: !!mutator['[[Enumerable]]'], configurable: !!mutator['[[Configurable]]'] }); var data = v.dataDescriptor(); t.deepEqual(ES.FromPropertyDescriptor(data), { value: data['[[Value]]'], writable: data['[[Writable]]'] }); t.deepEqual(ES.FromPropertyDescriptor(v.genericDescriptor()), { enumerable: false, configurable: true }); t.end(); }); test('ToPropertyDescriptor', function (t) { forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.ToPropertyDescriptor(primitive); }, TypeError, debug(primitive) + ' is not an Object' ); }); var accessor = v.accessorDescriptor(); t.deepEqual(ES.ToPropertyDescriptor({ get: accessor['[[Get]]'], enumerable: !!accessor['[[Enumerable]]'], configurable: !!accessor['[[Configurable]]'] }), accessor); var mutator = v.mutatorDescriptor(); t.deepEqual(ES.ToPropertyDescriptor({ set: mutator['[[Set]]'], enumerable: !!mutator['[[Enumerable]]'], configurable: !!mutator['[[Configurable]]'] }), mutator); var data = v.dataDescriptor(); t.deepEqual(ES.ToPropertyDescriptor({ value: data['[[Value]]'], writable: data['[[Writable]]'], configurable: !!data['[[Configurable]]'] }), assign(data, { '[[Configurable]]': false })); var both = v.bothDescriptor(); t['throws']( function () { ES.FromPropertyDescriptor({ get: both['[[Get]]'], value: both['[[Value]]'] }); }, TypeError, 'data and accessor descriptors are mutually exclusive' ); t.end(); }); test('CompletePropertyDescriptor', function (t) { forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.CompletePropertyDescriptor(primitive); }, TypeError, debug(primitive) + ' is not a Property Descriptor' ); }); var generic = v.genericDescriptor(); t.deepEqual( ES.CompletePropertyDescriptor(generic), { '[[Configurable]]': !!generic['[[Configurable]]'], '[[Enumerable]]': !!generic['[[Enumerable]]'], '[[Value]]': undefined, '[[Writable]]': false }, 'completes a Generic Descriptor' ); var data = v.dataDescriptor(); t.deepEqual( ES.CompletePropertyDescriptor(data), { '[[Configurable]]': !!data['[[Configurable]]'], '[[Enumerable]]': false, '[[Value]]': data['[[Value]]'], '[[Writable]]': !!data['[[Writable]]'] }, 'completes a Data Descriptor' ); var accessor = v.accessorDescriptor(); t.deepEqual( ES.CompletePropertyDescriptor(accessor), { '[[Get]]': accessor['[[Get]]'], '[[Enumerable]]': !!accessor['[[Enumerable]]'], '[[Configurable]]': !!accessor['[[Configurable]]'], '[[Set]]': undefined }, 'completes an Accessor Descriptor' ); var mutator = v.mutatorDescriptor(); t.deepEqual( ES.CompletePropertyDescriptor(mutator), { '[[Set]]': mutator['[[Set]]'], '[[Enumerable]]': !!mutator['[[Enumerable]]'], '[[Configurable]]': !!mutator['[[Configurable]]'], '[[Get]]': undefined }, 'completes a mutator Descriptor' ); t['throws']( function () { ES.CompletePropertyDescriptor(v.bothDescriptor()); }, TypeError, 'data and accessor descriptors are mutually exclusive' ); t.end(); }); test('Set', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.Set(primitive, '', null, false); }, TypeError, debug(primitive) + ' is not an Object' ); }); forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonKey) { t['throws']( function () { ES.Set({}, nonKey, null, false); }, TypeError, debug(nonKey) + ' is not a Property Key' ); }); forEach(v.nonBooleans, function (nonBoolean) { t['throws']( function () { ES.Set({}, '', null, nonBoolean); }, TypeError, debug(nonBoolean) + ' is not a Boolean' ); }); var o = {}; var value = {}; ES.Set(o, 'key', value, true); t.deepEqual(o, { key: value }, 'key is set'); t.test('nonwritable', { skip: !Object.defineProperty }, function (st) { var obj = { a: value }; Object.defineProperty(obj, 'a', { writable: false }); st['throws']( function () { ES.Set(obj, 'a', value, true); }, TypeError, 'can not Set nonwritable property' ); st.doesNotThrow( function () { ES.Set(obj, 'a', value, false); }, 'setting Throw to false prevents an exception' ); st.end(); }); t.test('nonconfigurable', { skip: !Object.defineProperty }, function (st) { var obj = { a: value }; Object.defineProperty(obj, 'a', { configurable: false }); ES.Set(obj, 'a', value, true); st.deepEqual(obj, { a: value }, 'key is set'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('HasOwnProperty', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.HasOwnProperty(primitive, 'key'); }, TypeError, debug(primitive) + ' is not an Object' ); }); forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonKey) { t['throws']( function () { ES.HasOwnProperty({}, nonKey); }, TypeError, debug(nonKey) + ' is not a Property Key' ); }); t.equal(ES.HasOwnProperty({}, 'toString'), false, 'inherited properties are not own'); t.equal( ES.HasOwnProperty({ toString: 1 }, 'toString'), true, 'shadowed inherited own properties are own' ); t.equal(ES.HasOwnProperty({ a: 1 }, 'a'), true, 'own properties are own'); t.end(); }); test('HasProperty', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.HasProperty(primitive, 'key'); }, TypeError, debug(primitive) + ' is not an Object' ); }); forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonKey) { t['throws']( function () { ES.HasProperty({}, nonKey); }, TypeError, debug(nonKey) + ' is not a Property Key' ); }); t.equal(ES.HasProperty({}, 'nope'), false, 'object does not have nonexistent properties'); t.equal(ES.HasProperty({}, 'toString'), true, 'object has inherited properties'); t.equal( ES.HasProperty({ toString: 1 }, 'toString'), true, 'object has shadowed inherited own properties' ); t.equal(ES.HasProperty({ a: 1 }, 'a'), true, 'object has own properties'); t.end(); }); test('IsConcatSpreadable', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t.equal(ES.IsConcatSpreadable(primitive), false, debug(primitive) + ' is not an Object'); }); var hasSymbolConcatSpreadable = v.hasSymbols && Symbol.isConcatSpreadable; t.test('Symbol.isConcatSpreadable', { skip: !hasSymbolConcatSpreadable }, function (st) { forEach(v.falsies, function (falsy) { var obj = {}; obj[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = falsy; st.equal( ES.IsConcatSpreadable(obj), false, 'an object with ' + debug(falsy) + ' as Symbol.isConcatSpreadable is not concat spreadable' ); }); forEach(v.truthies, function (truthy) { var obj = {}; obj[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = truthy; st.equal( ES.IsConcatSpreadable(obj), true, 'an object with ' + debug(truthy) + ' as Symbol.isConcatSpreadable is concat spreadable' ); }); st.end(); }); forEach(v.objects, function (object) { t.equal( ES.IsConcatSpreadable(object), false, 'non-array without Symbol.isConcatSpreadable is not concat spreadable' ); }); t.equal(ES.IsConcatSpreadable([]), true, 'arrays are concat spreadable'); t.end(); }); test('Invoke', function (t) { forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonKey) { t['throws']( function () { ES.Invoke({}, nonKey); }, TypeError, debug(nonKey) + ' is not a Property Key' ); }); t['throws'](function () { ES.Invoke({ o: false }, 'o'); }, TypeError, 'fails on a non-function'); t.test('invoked callback', function (st) { var aValue = {}; var bValue = {}; var obj = { f: function (a) { st.equal(arguments.length, 2, '2 args passed'); st.equal(a, aValue, 'first arg is correct'); st.equal(arguments[1], bValue, 'second arg is correct'); } }; st.plan(3); ES.Invoke(obj, 'f', aValue, bValue); }); t.end(); }); test('GetIterator', { skip: true }); test('IteratorNext', { skip: true }); test('IteratorComplete', { skip: true }); test('IteratorValue', { skip: true }); test('IteratorStep', { skip: true }); test('IteratorClose', { skip: true }); test('CreateIterResultObject', function (t) { forEach(v.nonBooleans, function (nonBoolean) { t['throws']( function () { ES.CreateIterResultObject({}, nonBoolean); }, TypeError, '"done" argument must be a boolean; ' + debug(nonBoolean) + ' is not' ); }); var value = {}; t.deepEqual( ES.CreateIterResultObject(value, true), { value: value, done: true }, 'creates a "done" iteration result' ); t.deepEqual( ES.CreateIterResultObject(value, false), { value: value, done: false }, 'creates a "not done" iteration result' ); t.end(); }); test('RegExpExec', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.RegExpExec(primitive); }, TypeError, '"R" argument must be an object; ' + debug(primitive) + ' is not' ); }); forEach(v.nonStrings, function (nonString) { t['throws']( function () { ES.RegExpExec({}, nonString); }, TypeError, '"S" argument must be a String; ' + debug(nonString) + ' is not' ); }); t.test('gets and calls a callable "exec"', function (st) { var str = '123'; var o = { exec: function (S) { st.equal(this, o, '"exec" receiver is R'); st.equal(S, str, '"exec" argument is S'); return null; } }; st.plan(2); ES.RegExpExec(o, str); st.end(); }); t.test('throws if a callable "exec" returns a non-null non-object', function (st) { var str = '123'; st.plan(v.nonNullPrimitives.length); forEach(v.nonNullPrimitives, function (nonNullPrimitive) { st['throws']( function () { ES.RegExpExec({ exec: function () { return nonNullPrimitive; } }, str); }, TypeError, '"exec" method must return `null` or an Object; ' + debug(nonNullPrimitive) + ' is not' ); }); st.end(); }); t.test('actual regex that should match against a string', function (st) { var S = 'aabc'; var R = /a/g; var match1 = ES.RegExpExec(R, S); var match2 = ES.RegExpExec(R, S); var match3 = ES.RegExpExec(R, S); st.deepEqual(match1, assign(['a'], groups({ index: 0, input: S })), 'match object 1 is as expected'); st.deepEqual(match2, assign(['a'], groups({ index: 1, input: S })), 'match object 2 is as expected'); st.equal(match3, null, 'match 3 is null as expected'); st.end(); }); t.test('actual regex that should match against a string, with shadowed "exec"', function (st) { var S = 'aabc'; var R = /a/g; R.exec = undefined; var match1 = ES.RegExpExec(R, S); var match2 = ES.RegExpExec(R, S); var match3 = ES.RegExpExec(R, S); st.deepEqual(match1, assign(['a'], groups({ index: 0, input: S })), 'match object 1 is as expected'); st.deepEqual(match2, assign(['a'], groups({ index: 1, input: S })), 'match object 2 is as expected'); st.equal(match3, null, 'match 3 is null as expected'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('ArraySpeciesCreate', function (t) { t.test('errors', function (st) { var testNonNumber = function (nonNumber) { st['throws']( function () { ES.ArraySpeciesCreate([], nonNumber); }, TypeError, debug(nonNumber) + ' is not a number' ); }; forEach(v.nonNumbers, testNonNumber); st['throws']( function () { ES.ArraySpeciesCreate([], -1); }, TypeError, '-1 is not >= 0' ); st['throws']( function () { ES.ArraySpeciesCreate([], -Infinity); }, TypeError, '-Infinity is not >= 0' ); var testNonIntegers = function (nonInteger) { st['throws']( function () { ES.ArraySpeciesCreate([], nonInteger); }, TypeError, debug(nonInteger) + ' is not an integer' ); }; forEach(v.nonIntegerNumbers, testNonIntegers); st.end(); }); t.test('works with a non-array', function (st) { forEach(v.objects.concat(v.primitives), function (nonArray) { var arr = ES.ArraySpeciesCreate(nonArray, 0); st.ok(ES.IsArray(arr), 'is an array'); st.equal(arr.length, 0, 'length is correct'); st.equal(arr.constructor, Array, 'constructor is correct'); }); st.end(); }); t.test('works with a normal array', function (st) { var len = 2; var orig = [1, 2, 3]; var arr = ES.ArraySpeciesCreate(orig, len); st.ok(ES.IsArray(arr), 'is an array'); st.equal(arr.length, len, 'length is correct'); st.equal(arr.constructor, orig.constructor, 'constructor is correct'); st.end(); }); t.test('-0 length produces +0 length', function (st) { var len = -0; st.ok(is(len, -0), '-0 is negative zero'); st.notOk(is(len, 0), '-0 is not positive zero'); var orig = [1, 2, 3]; var arr = ES.ArraySpeciesCreate(orig, len); st.equal(ES.IsArray(arr), true); st.ok(is(arr.length, 0)); st.equal(arr.constructor, orig.constructor); st.end(); }); t.test('works with species construtor', { skip: !hasSpecies }, function (st) { var sentinel = {}; var Foo = function Foo(len) { this.length = len; this.sentinel = sentinel; }; var Bar = getArraySubclassWithSpeciesConstructor(Foo); var bar = new Bar(); t.equal(ES.IsArray(bar), true, 'Bar instance is an array'); var arr = ES.ArraySpeciesCreate(bar, 3); st.equal(arr.constructor, Foo, 'result used species constructor'); st.equal(arr.length, 3, 'length property is correct'); st.equal(arr.sentinel, sentinel, 'Foo constructor was exercised'); st.end(); }); t.test('works with null species constructor', { skip: !hasSpecies }, function (st) { var Bar = getArraySubclassWithSpeciesConstructor(null); var bar = new Bar(); t.equal(ES.IsArray(bar), true, 'Bar instance is an array'); var arr = ES.ArraySpeciesCreate(bar, 3); st.equal(arr.constructor, Array, 'result used default constructor'); st.equal(arr.length, 3, 'length property is correct'); st.end(); }); t.test('works with undefined species constructor', { skip: !hasSpecies }, function (st) { var Bar = getArraySubclassWithSpeciesConstructor(); var bar = new Bar(); t.equal(ES.IsArray(bar), true, 'Bar instance is an array'); var arr = ES.ArraySpeciesCreate(bar, 3); st.equal(arr.constructor, Array, 'result used default constructor'); st.equal(arr.length, 3, 'length property is correct'); st.end(); }); t.test('throws with object non-construtor species constructor', { skip: !hasSpecies }, function (st) { forEach(v.objects, function (obj) { var Bar = getArraySubclassWithSpeciesConstructor(obj); var bar = new Bar(); st.equal(ES.IsArray(bar), true, 'Bar instance is an array'); st['throws']( function () { ES.ArraySpeciesCreate(bar, 3); }, TypeError, debug(obj) + ' is not a constructor' ); }); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('CreateDataProperty', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.CreateDataProperty(primitive); }, TypeError, debug(primitive) + ' is not an object' ); }); forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonPropertyKey) { t['throws']( function () { ES.CreateDataProperty({}, nonPropertyKey); }, TypeError, debug(nonPropertyKey) + ' is not a property key' ); }); var sentinel = {}; forEach(v.propertyKeys, function (propertyKey) { var obj = {}; var status = ES.CreateDataProperty(obj, propertyKey, sentinel); t.equal(status, true, 'status is true'); t.equal( obj[propertyKey], sentinel, debug(sentinel) + ' is installed on "' + debug(propertyKey) + '" on the object' ); if (typeof Object.defineProperty === 'function') { var nonWritable = Object.defineProperty({}, propertyKey, { configurable: true, writable: false }); var nonWritableStatus = ES.CreateDataProperty(nonWritable, propertyKey, sentinel); t.equal(nonWritableStatus, false, 'create data property failed'); t.notEqual( nonWritable[propertyKey], sentinel, debug(sentinel) + ' is not installed on "' + debug(propertyKey) + '" on the object when key is nonwritable' ); var nonConfigurable = Object.defineProperty({}, propertyKey, { configurable: false, writable: true }); var nonConfigurableStatus = ES.CreateDataProperty(nonConfigurable, propertyKey, sentinel); t.equal(nonConfigurableStatus, false, 'create data property failed'); t.notEqual( nonConfigurable[propertyKey], sentinel, debug(sentinel) + ' is not installed on "' + debug(propertyKey) + '" on the object when key is nonconfigurable' ); } }); t.end(); }); test('CreateDataPropertyOrThrow', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(primitive); }, TypeError, debug(primitive) + ' is not an object' ); }); forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonPropertyKey) { t['throws']( function () { ES.CreateDataPropertyOrThrow({}, nonPropertyKey); }, TypeError, debug(nonPropertyKey) + ' is not a property key' ); }); var sentinel = {}; forEach(v.propertyKeys, function (propertyKey) { var obj = {}; var status = ES.CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(obj, propertyKey, sentinel); t.equal(status, true, 'status is true'); t.equal( obj[propertyKey], sentinel, debug(sentinel) + ' is installed on "' + debug(propertyKey) + '" on the object' ); if (typeof Object.preventExtensions === 'function') { var notExtensible = {}; Object.preventExtensions(notExtensible); t['throws']( function () { ES.CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(notExtensible, propertyKey, sentinel); }, TypeError, 'can not install ' + debug(propertyKey) + ' on non-extensible object' ); t.notEqual( notExtensible[propertyKey], sentinel, debug(sentinel) + ' is not installed on "' + debug(propertyKey) + '" on the object' ); } }); t.end(); }); test('ObjectCreate', function (t) { forEach(v.nonNullPrimitives, function (value) { t['throws']( function () { ES.ObjectCreate(value); }, TypeError, debug(value) + ' is not null, or an object' ); }); t.test('proto arg', function (st) { var Parent = function Parent() {}; Parent.prototype.foo = {}; var child = ES.ObjectCreate(Parent.prototype); st.equal(child instanceof Parent, true, 'child is instanceof Parent'); st.equal(child.foo, Parent.prototype.foo, 'child inherits properties from Parent.prototype'); st.end(); }); t.test('internal slots arg', function (st) { st.doesNotThrow(function () { ES.ObjectCreate(null, []); }, 'an empty slot list is valid'); st['throws']( function () { ES.ObjectCreate(null, ['a']); }, SyntaxError, 'internal slots are not supported' ); st.end(); }); t.test('null proto', { skip: !Object.create }, function (st) { st.equal('toString' in ({}), true, 'normal objects have toString'); st.equal('toString' in ES.ObjectCreate(null), false, 'makes a null object'); st.end(); }); t.test('null proto when no native Object.create', { skip: Object.create }, function (st) { st['throws']( function () { ES.ObjectCreate(null); }, SyntaxError, 'without a native Object.create, can not create null objects' ); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AdvanceStringIndex', function (t) { forEach(v.nonStrings, function (nonString) { t['throws']( function () { ES.AdvanceStringIndex(nonString); }, TypeError, '"S" argument must be a String; ' + debug(nonString) + ' is not' ); }); var notInts = v.nonNumbers.concat( v.nonIntegerNumbers, v.infinities, [NaN, [], new Date(), Math.pow(2, 53), -1] ); forEach(notInts, function (nonInt) { t['throws']( function () { ES.AdvanceStringIndex('abc', nonInt); }, TypeError, '"index" argument must be an integer, ' + debug(nonInt) + ' is not.' ); }); forEach(v.nonBooleans, function (nonBoolean) { t['throws']( function () { ES.AdvanceStringIndex('abc', 0, nonBoolean); }, TypeError, debug(nonBoolean) + ' is not a Boolean' ); }); var str = 'a\uD83D\uDCA9c'; t.test('non-unicode mode', function (st) { for (var i = 0; i < str.length + 2; i += 1) { st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(str, i, false), i + 1, i + ' advances to ' + (i + 1)); } st.end(); }); t.test('unicode mode', function (st) { st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(str, 0, true), 1, '0 advances to 1'); st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(str, 1, true), 3, '1 advances to 3'); st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(str, 2, true), 3, '2 advances to 3'); st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(str, 3, true), 4, '3 advances to 4'); st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(str, 4, true), 5, '4 advances to 5'); st.end(); }); t.test('lone surrogates', function (st) { var halfPoo = 'a\uD83Dc'; st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(halfPoo, 0, true), 1, '0 advances to 1'); st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(halfPoo, 1, true), 2, '1 advances to 2'); st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(halfPoo, 2, true), 3, '2 advances to 3'); st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(halfPoo, 3, true), 4, '3 advances to 4'); st.end(); }); t.test('surrogate pairs', function (st) { var lowestPair = String.fromCharCode('0xD800') + String.fromCharCode('0xDC00'); var highestPair = String.fromCharCode('0xDBFF') + String.fromCharCode('0xDFFF'); var poop = String.fromCharCode('0xD83D') + String.fromCharCode('0xDCA9'); st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(lowestPair, 0, true), 2, 'lowest surrogate pair, 0 -> 2'); st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(highestPair, 0, true), 2, 'highest surrogate pair, 0 -> 2'); st.equal(ES.AdvanceStringIndex(poop, 0, true), 2, 'poop, 0 -> 2'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('CreateMethodProperty', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.CreateMethodProperty(primitive, 'key'); }, TypeError, 'O must be an Object' ); }); forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonPropertyKey) { t['throws']( function () { ES.CreateMethodProperty({}, nonPropertyKey); }, TypeError, debug(nonPropertyKey) + ' is not a Property Key' ); }); t.test('defines correctly', function (st) { var obj = {}; var key = 'the key'; var value = { foo: 'bar' }; st.equal(ES.CreateMethodProperty(obj, key, value), true, 'defines property successfully'); st.test('property descriptor', { skip: !Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor }, function (s2t) { s2t.deepEqual( Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key), { configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: value, writable: true }, 'sets the correct property descriptor' ); s2t.end(); }); st.equal(obj[key], value, 'sets the correct value'); st.end(); }); t.test('fails as expected on a frozen object', { skip: !Object.freeze }, function (st) { var obj = Object.freeze({ foo: 'bar' }); st['throws']( function () { ES.CreateMethodProperty(obj, 'foo', { value: 'baz' }); }, TypeError, 'nonconfigurable key can not be defined' ); st.end(); }); var hasNonConfigurableFunctionName = !Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor || !Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(function () {}, 'name').configurable; t.test('fails as expected on a function with a nonconfigurable name', { skip: !hasNonConfigurableFunctionName }, function (st) { st['throws']( function () { ES.CreateMethodProperty(function () {}, 'name', { value: 'baz' }); }, TypeError, 'nonconfigurable function name can not be defined' ); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('DefinePropertyOrThrow', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.DefinePropertyOrThrow(primitive, 'key', {}); }, TypeError, 'O must be an Object' ); }); forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonPropertyKey) { t['throws']( function () { ES.DefinePropertyOrThrow({}, nonPropertyKey, {}); }, TypeError, debug(nonPropertyKey) + ' is not a Property Key' ); }); t.test('defines correctly', function (st) { var obj = {}; var key = 'the key'; var descriptor = { configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: { foo: 'bar' }, writable: true }; st.equal(ES.DefinePropertyOrThrow(obj, key, descriptor), true, 'defines property successfully'); st.test('property descriptor', { skip: !Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor }, function (s2t) { s2t.deepEqual( Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key), descriptor, 'sets the correct property descriptor' ); s2t.end(); }); st.deepEqual(obj[key], descriptor.value, 'sets the correct value'); st.end(); }); t.test('fails as expected on a frozen object', { skip: !Object.freeze }, function (st) { var obj = Object.freeze({ foo: 'bar' }); st['throws']( function () { ES.DefinePropertyOrThrow(obj, 'foo', { configurable: true, value: 'baz' }); }, TypeError, 'nonconfigurable key can not be defined' ); st.end(); }); var hasNonConfigurableFunctionName = !Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor || !Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(function () {}, 'name').configurable; t.test('fails as expected on a function with a nonconfigurable name', { skip: !hasNonConfigurableFunctionName }, function (st) { st['throws']( function () { ES.DefinePropertyOrThrow(function () {}, 'name', { configurable: true, value: 'baz' }); }, TypeError, 'nonconfigurable function name can not be defined' ); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('DeletePropertyOrThrow', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.DeletePropertyOrThrow(primitive, 'key', {}); }, TypeError, 'O must be an Object' ); }); forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonPropertyKey) { t['throws']( function () { ES.DeletePropertyOrThrow({}, nonPropertyKey, {}); }, TypeError, debug(nonPropertyKey) + ' is not a Property Key' ); }); t.test('defines correctly', function (st) { var obj = { 'the key': 42 }; var key = 'the key'; st.equal(ES.DeletePropertyOrThrow(obj, key), true, 'deletes property successfully'); st.equal(key in obj, false, 'key is no longer in the object'); st.end(); }); t.test('fails as expected on a frozen object', { skip: !Object.freeze }, function (st) { var obj = Object.freeze({ foo: 'bar' }); st['throws']( function () { ES.DeletePropertyOrThrow(obj, 'foo'); }, TypeError, 'nonconfigurable key can not be deleted' ); st.end(); }); var hasNonConfigurableFunctionName = !Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor || !Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(function () {}, 'name').configurable; t.test('fails as expected on a function with a nonconfigurable name', { skip: !hasNonConfigurableFunctionName }, function (st) { st['throws']( function () { ES.DeletePropertyOrThrow(function () {}, 'name'); }, TypeError, 'nonconfigurable function name can not be deleted' ); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('EnumerableOwnNames', { skip: skips && skips.EnumerableOwnNames }, function (t) { var obj = testEnumerableOwnNames(t, function (O) { return ES.EnumerableOwnNames(O); }); t.deepEqual( ES.EnumerableOwnNames(obj), ['own'], 'returns enumerable own names' ); t.end(); }); test('thisNumberValue', function (t) { forEach(v.nonNumbers, function (nonNumber) { t['throws']( function () { ES.thisNumberValue(nonNumber); }, TypeError, debug(nonNumber) + ' is not a Number' ); }); forEach(v.numbers, function (number) { t.equal(ES.thisNumberValue(number), number, debug(number) + ' is its own thisNumberValue'); var obj = Object(number); t.equal(ES.thisNumberValue(obj), number, debug(obj) + ' is the boxed thisNumberValue'); }); t.end(); }); test('thisBooleanValue', function (t) { forEach(v.nonBooleans, function (nonBoolean) { t['throws']( function () { ES.thisBooleanValue(nonBoolean); }, TypeError, debug(nonBoolean) + ' is not a Boolean' ); }); forEach(v.booleans, function (boolean) { t.equal(ES.thisBooleanValue(boolean), boolean, debug(boolean) + ' is its own thisBooleanValue'); var obj = Object(boolean); t.equal(ES.thisBooleanValue(obj), boolean, debug(obj) + ' is the boxed thisBooleanValue'); }); t.end(); }); test('thisStringValue', function (t) { forEach(v.nonStrings, function (nonString) { t['throws']( function () { ES.thisStringValue(nonString); }, TypeError, debug(nonString) + ' is not a String' ); }); forEach(v.strings, function (string) { t.equal(ES.thisStringValue(string), string, debug(string) + ' is its own thisStringValue'); var obj = Object(string); t.equal(ES.thisStringValue(obj), string, debug(obj) + ' is the boxed thisStringValue'); }); t.end(); }); test('thisTimeValue', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives.concat(v.objects), function (nonDate) { t['throws']( function () { ES.thisTimeValue(nonDate); }, TypeError, debug(nonDate) + ' is not a Date' ); }); forEach(v.timestamps, function (timestamp) { var date = new Date(timestamp); t.equal(ES.thisTimeValue(date), timestamp, debug(date) + ' is its own thisTimeValue'); }); t.end(); }); test('SetIntegrityLevel', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.SetIntegrityLevel(primitive); }, TypeError, debug(primitive) + ' is not an Object' ); }); t['throws']( function () { ES.SetIntegrityLevel({}); }, /^TypeError: Assertion failed: `level` must be `"sealed"` or `"frozen"`$/, '`level` must be `"sealed"` or `"frozen"`' ); var O = { a: 1 }; t.equal(ES.SetIntegrityLevel(O, 'sealed'), true); t['throws']( function () { O.b = 2; }, /^TypeError: (Cannot|Can't) add property b, object is not extensible$/, 'sealing prevent new properties from being added' ); O.a = 2; t.equal(O.a, 2, 'pre-frozen, existing properties are mutable'); t.equal(ES.SetIntegrityLevel(O, 'frozen'), true); t['throws']( function () { O.a = 3; }, /^TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'a' of /, 'freezing prevents existing properties from being mutated' ); t.end(); }); test('TestIntegrityLevel', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.TestIntegrityLevel(primitive); }, TypeError, debug(primitive) + ' is not an Object' ); }); t['throws']( function () { ES.TestIntegrityLevel({ a: 1 }); }, /^TypeError: Assertion failed: `level` must be `"sealed"` or `"frozen"`$/, '`level` must be `"sealed"` or `"frozen"`' ); t.equal(ES.TestIntegrityLevel({ a: 1 }, 'sealed'), false, 'basic object is not sealed'); t.equal(ES.TestIntegrityLevel({ a: 1 }, 'frozen'), false, 'basic object is not frozen'); t.test('preventExtensions', { skip: !Object.preventExtensions }, function (st) { var o = Object.preventExtensions({ a: 1 }); st.equal(ES.TestIntegrityLevel(o, 'sealed'), false, 'nonextensible object is not sealed'); st.equal(ES.TestIntegrityLevel(o, 'frozen'), false, 'nonextensible object is not frozen'); var empty = Object.preventExtensions({}); st.equal(ES.TestIntegrityLevel(empty, 'sealed'), true, 'empty nonextensible object is sealed'); st.equal(ES.TestIntegrityLevel(empty, 'frozen'), true, 'empty nonextensible object is frozen'); st.end(); }); t.test('seal', { skip: !Object.seal }, function (st) { var o = Object.seal({ a: 1 }); st.equal(ES.TestIntegrityLevel(o, 'sealed'), true, 'sealed object is sealed'); st.equal(ES.TestIntegrityLevel(o, 'frozen'), false, 'sealed object is not frozen'); var empty = Object.seal({}); st.equal(ES.TestIntegrityLevel(empty, 'sealed'), true, 'empty sealed object is sealed'); st.equal(ES.TestIntegrityLevel(empty, 'frozen'), true, 'empty sealed object is frozen'); st.end(); }); t.test('freeze', { skip: !Object.freeze }, function (st) { var o = Object.freeze({ a: 1 }); st.equal(ES.TestIntegrityLevel(o, 'sealed'), true, 'frozen object is sealed'); st.equal(ES.TestIntegrityLevel(o, 'frozen'), true, 'frozen object is frozen'); var empty = Object.freeze({}); st.equal(ES.TestIntegrityLevel(empty, 'sealed'), true, 'empty frozen object is sealed'); st.equal(ES.TestIntegrityLevel(empty, 'frozen'), true, 'empty frozen object is frozen'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('OrdinaryHasInstance', function (t) { forEach(v.nonFunctions, function (nonFunction) { t.equal(ES.OrdinaryHasInstance(nonFunction, {}), false, debug(nonFunction) + ' is not callable'); }); forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t.equal(ES.OrdinaryHasInstance(function () {}, primitive), false, debug(primitive) + ' is not an object'); }); var C = function C() {}; var D = function D() {}; t.equal(ES.OrdinaryHasInstance(C, new C()), true, 'constructor function has an instance of itself'); t.equal(ES.OrdinaryHasInstance(C, new D()), false, 'constructor/instance mismatch is false'); t.equal(ES.OrdinaryHasInstance(D, new C()), false, 'instance/constructor mismatch is false'); t.equal(ES.OrdinaryHasInstance(C, {}), false, 'plain object is not an instance of a constructor'); t.equal(ES.OrdinaryHasInstance(Object, {}), true, 'plain object is an instance of Object'); t.end(); }); test('OrdinaryHasProperty', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.OrdinaryHasProperty(primitive, ''); }, TypeError, debug(primitive) + ' is not an object' ); }); forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonPropertyKey) { t['throws']( function () { ES.OrdinaryHasProperty({}, nonPropertyKey); }, TypeError, 'P: ' + debug(nonPropertyKey) + ' is not a Property Key' ); }); t.equal(ES.OrdinaryHasProperty({ a: 1 }, 'a'), true, 'own property is true'); t.equal(ES.OrdinaryHasProperty({}, 'toString'), true, 'inherited property is true'); t.equal(ES.OrdinaryHasProperty({}, 'nope'), false, 'absent property is false'); t.end(); }); test('InstanceofOperator', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.InstanceofOperator(primitive, function () {}); }, TypeError, debug(primitive) + ' is not an object' ); }); forEach(v.nonFunctions, function (nonFunction) { t['throws']( function () { ES.InstanceofOperator({}, nonFunction); }, TypeError, debug(nonFunction) + ' is not callable' ); }); var C = function C() {}; var D = function D() {}; t.equal(ES.InstanceofOperator(new C(), C), true, 'constructor function has an instance of itself'); t.equal(ES.InstanceofOperator(new D(), C), false, 'constructor/instance mismatch is false'); t.equal(ES.InstanceofOperator(new C(), D), false, 'instance/constructor mismatch is false'); t.equal(ES.InstanceofOperator({}, C), false, 'plain object is not an instance of a constructor'); t.equal(ES.InstanceofOperator({}, Object), true, 'plain object is an instance of Object'); t.test('Symbol.hasInstance', { skip: !v.hasSymbols || !Symbol.hasInstance }, function (st) { st.plan(4); var O = {}; var C2 = function () {}; st.equal(ES.InstanceofOperator(O, C2), false, 'O is not an instance of C2'); Object.defineProperty(C2, Symbol.hasInstance, { value: function (obj) { st.equal(this, C2, 'hasInstance receiver is C2'); st.equal(obj, O, 'hasInstance argument is O'); return {}; // testing coercion to boolean } }); st.equal(ES.InstanceofOperator(O, C2), true, 'O is now an instance of C2'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('Abstract Equality Comparison', function (t) { t.test('same types use ===', function (st) { forEach(v.primitives.concat(v.objects), function (value) { st.equal(ES['Abstract Equality Comparison'](value, value), value === value, debug(value) + ' is abstractly equal to itself'); }); st.end(); }); t.test('different types coerce', function (st) { var pairs = [ [null, undefined], [3, '3'], [true, '3'], [true, 3], [false, 0], [false, '0'], [3, [3]], ['3', [3]], [true, [1]], [false, [0]], [String(v.coercibleObject), v.coercibleObject], [Number(String(v.coercibleObject)), v.coercibleObject], [Number(v.coercibleObject), v.coercibleObject], [String(Number(v.coercibleObject)), v.coercibleObject] ]; forEach(pairs, function (pair) { var a = pair[0]; var b = pair[1]; // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq st.equal(ES['Abstract Equality Comparison'](a, b), a == b, debug(a) + ' == ' + debug(b)); // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq st.equal(ES['Abstract Equality Comparison'](b, a), b == a, debug(b) + ' == ' + debug(a)); }); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('Strict Equality Comparison', function (t) { t.test('same types use ===', function (st) { forEach(v.primitives.concat(v.objects), function (value) { st.equal(ES['Strict Equality Comparison'](value, value), value === value, debug(value) + ' is strictly equal to itself'); }); st.end(); }); t.test('different types are not ===', function (st) { var pairs = [ [null, undefined], [3, '3'], [true, '3'], [true, 3], [false, 0], [false, '0'], [3, [3]], ['3', [3]], [true, [1]], [false, [0]], [String(v.coercibleObject), v.coercibleObject], [Number(String(v.coercibleObject)), v.coercibleObject], [Number(v.coercibleObject), v.coercibleObject], [String(Number(v.coercibleObject)), v.coercibleObject] ]; forEach(pairs, function (pair) { var a = pair[0]; var b = pair[1]; st.equal(ES['Strict Equality Comparison'](a, b), a === b, debug(a) + ' === ' + debug(b)); st.equal(ES['Strict Equality Comparison'](b, a), b === a, debug(b) + ' === ' + debug(a)); }); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('Abstract Relational Comparison', function (t) { t.test('at least one operand is NaN', function (st) { st.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison'](NaN, {}, true), undefined, 'LeftFirst: first is NaN, returns undefined'); st.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison']({}, NaN, true), undefined, 'LeftFirst: second is NaN, returns undefined'); st.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison'](NaN, {}, false), undefined, '!LeftFirst: first is NaN, returns undefined'); st.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison']({}, NaN, false), undefined, '!LeftFirst: second is NaN, returns undefined'); st.end(); }); t.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison'](3, 4, true), true, 'LeftFirst: 3 is less than 4'); t.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison'](4, 3, true), false, 'LeftFirst: 3 is not less than 4'); t.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison'](3, 4, false), true, '!LeftFirst: 3 is less than 4'); t.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison'](4, 3, false), false, '!LeftFirst: 3 is not less than 4'); t.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison']('3', '4', true), true, 'LeftFirst: "3" is less than "4"'); t.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison']('4', '3', true), false, 'LeftFirst: "3" is not less than "4"'); t.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison']('3', '4', false), true, '!LeftFirst: "3" is less than "4"'); t.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison']('4', '3', false), false, '!LeftFirst: "3" is not less than "4"'); t.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison'](v.coercibleObject, 42, true), true, 'LeftFirst: coercible object is less than 42'); t.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison'](42, v.coercibleObject, true), false, 'LeftFirst: 42 is not less than coercible object'); t.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison'](v.coercibleObject, 42, false), true, '!LeftFirst: coercible object is less than 42'); t.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison'](42, v.coercibleObject, false), false, '!LeftFirst: 42 is not less than coercible object'); t.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison'](v.coercibleObject, '3', true), false, 'LeftFirst: coercible object is not less than "3"'); t.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison']('3', v.coercibleObject, true), false, 'LeftFirst: "3" is not less than coercible object'); t.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison'](v.coercibleObject, '3', false), false, '!LeftFirst: coercible object is not less than "3"'); t.equal(ES['Abstract Relational Comparison']('3', v.coercibleObject, false), false, '!LeftFirst: "3" is not less than coercible object'); t.end(); }); test('ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor', function (t) { forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (nonUndefinedPrimitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(nonUndefinedPrimitive, '', false, v.genericDescriptor(), v.genericDescriptor()); }, TypeError, 'O: ' + debug(nonUndefinedPrimitive) + ' is not undefined or an Object' ); }); forEach(v.nonBooleans, function (nonBoolean) { t['throws']( function () { return ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor( undefined, null, nonBoolean, v.genericDescriptor(), v.genericDescriptor() ); }, TypeError, 'extensible: ' + debug(nonBoolean) + ' is not a Boolean' ); }); forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { // Desc must be a Property Descriptor t['throws']( function () { return ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor( undefined, null, false, primitive, v.genericDescriptor() ); }, TypeError, 'Desc: ' + debug(primitive) + ' is not a Property Descriptor' ); }); forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (primitive) { // current must be undefined or a Property Descriptor t['throws']( function () { return ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor( undefined, null, false, v.genericDescriptor(), primitive ); }, TypeError, 'current: ' + debug(primitive) + ' is not a Property Descriptor or undefined' ); }); forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonPropertyKey) { // if O is an object, P must be a property key t['throws']( function () { return ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor( {}, nonPropertyKey, false, v.genericDescriptor(), v.genericDescriptor() ); }, TypeError, 'P: ' + debug(nonPropertyKey) + ' is not a Property Key' ); }); t.test('current is undefined', function (st) { var propertyKey = 'howdy'; st.test('generic descriptor', function (s2t) { var generic = v.genericDescriptor(); generic['[[Enumerable]]'] = true; var O = {}; ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(undefined, propertyKey, true, generic); s2t.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(O, propertyKey, false, generic), false, 'when extensible is false, nothing happens' ); s2t.deepEqual(O, {}, 'no changes applied when O is undefined or extensible is false'); s2t.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(O, propertyKey, true, generic), true, 'operation is successful' ); var expected = {}; expected[propertyKey] = undefined; s2t.deepEqual(O, expected, 'generic descriptor has been defined as an own data property'); s2t.end(); }); st.test('data descriptor', function (s2t) { var data = v.dataDescriptor(); data['[[Enumerable]]'] = true; var O = {}; ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(undefined, propertyKey, true, data); s2t.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(O, propertyKey, false, data), false, 'when extensible is false, nothing happens' ); s2t.deepEqual(O, {}, 'no changes applied when O is undefined or extensible is false'); s2t.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(O, propertyKey, true, data), true, 'operation is successful' ); var expected = {}; expected[propertyKey] = data['[[Value]]']; s2t.deepEqual(O, expected, 'data descriptor has been defined as an own data property'); s2t.end(); }); st.test('accessor descriptor', function (s2t) { var count = 0; var accessor = v.accessorDescriptor(); accessor['[[Enumerable]]'] = true; accessor['[[Get]]'] = function () { count += 1; return count; }; var O = {}; ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(undefined, propertyKey, true, accessor); s2t.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(O, propertyKey, false, accessor), false, 'when extensible is false, nothing happens' ); s2t.deepEqual(O, {}, 'no changes applied when O is undefined or extensible is false'); s2t.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(O, propertyKey, true, accessor), true, 'operation is successful' ); var expected = {}; expected[propertyKey] = accessor['[[Get]]']() + 1; s2t.deepEqual(O, expected, 'accessor descriptor has been defined as an own accessor property'); s2t.end(); }); st.end(); }); t.test('every field in Desc is absent', { skip: 'it is unclear if having no fields qualifies Desc to be a Property Descriptor' }); forEach([v.dataDescriptor, v.accessorDescriptor, v.mutatorDescriptor], function (getDescriptor) { t.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor(undefined, 'property key', true, getDescriptor(), getDescriptor()), true, 'when Desc and current are the same, early return true' ); }); t.test('current is nonconfigurable', function (st) { // note: these must not be generic descriptors, or else the algorithm returns an early true st.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor( undefined, 'property key', true, v.descriptors.configurable(v.dataDescriptor()), v.descriptors.nonConfigurable(v.dataDescriptor()) ), false, 'false if Desc is configurable' ); st.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor( undefined, 'property key', true, v.descriptors.enumerable(v.dataDescriptor()), v.descriptors.nonEnumerable(v.dataDescriptor()) ), false, 'false if Desc is Enumerable and current is not' ); st.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor( undefined, 'property key', true, v.descriptors.nonEnumerable(v.dataDescriptor()), v.descriptors.enumerable(v.dataDescriptor()) ), false, 'false if Desc is not Enumerable and current is' ); var descLackingEnumerable = v.accessorDescriptor(); delete descLackingEnumerable['[[Enumerable]]']; st.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor( undefined, 'property key', true, descLackingEnumerable, v.descriptors.enumerable(v.accessorDescriptor()) ), true, 'not false if Desc lacks Enumerable' ); st.end(); }); t.test('Desc and current: one is a data descriptor, one is not', { skip: !Object.defineProperty }, function (st) { // note: Desc must be configurable if current is nonconfigurable, to hit this branch st.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor( undefined, 'property key', true, v.descriptors.configurable(v.accessorDescriptor()), v.descriptors.nonConfigurable(v.dataDescriptor()) ), false, 'false if current (data) is nonconfigurable' ); st.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor( undefined, 'property key', true, v.descriptors.configurable(v.dataDescriptor()), v.descriptors.nonConfigurable(v.accessorDescriptor()) ), false, 'false if current (not data) is nonconfigurable' ); // one is data and one is not, // // if current is data, convert to accessor // // else convert to data var startsWithData = { 'property key': 42 }; st.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor( startsWithData, 'property key', true, v.descriptors.enumerable(v.descriptors.configurable(v.accessorDescriptor())), v.descriptors.enumerable(v.descriptors.configurable(v.dataDescriptor())) ), true, 'operation is successful: current is data, Desc is accessor' ); var shouldBeAccessor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(startsWithData, 'property key'); st.equal(typeof shouldBeAccessor.get, 'function', 'has a getter'); var key = 'property key'; var startsWithAccessor = {}; Object.defineProperty(startsWithAccessor, key, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function get() { return 42; } }); st.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor( startsWithAccessor, key, true, v.descriptors.enumerable(v.descriptors.configurable(v.dataDescriptor())), v.descriptors.enumerable(v.descriptors.configurable(v.accessorDescriptor(42))) ), true, 'operation is successful: current is accessor, Desc is data' ); var shouldBeData = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(startsWithAccessor, 'property key'); st.deepEqual(shouldBeData, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: 42, writable: false }, 'is a data property'); st.end(); }); t.test('Desc and current are both data descriptors', function (st) { st.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor( undefined, 'property key', true, v.descriptors.writable(v.dataDescriptor()), v.descriptors.nonWritable(v.descriptors.nonConfigurable(v.dataDescriptor())) ), false, 'false if frozen current and writable Desc' ); st.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor( undefined, 'property key', true, v.descriptors.configurable({ '[[Value]]': 42 }), v.descriptors.nonWritable({ '[[Value]]': 7 }) ), false, 'false if nonwritable current has a different value than Desc' ); st.end(); }); t.test('current is nonconfigurable; Desc and current are both accessor descriptors', function (st) { st.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor( undefined, 'property key', true, v.mutatorDescriptor(), v.descriptors.nonConfigurable(v.mutatorDescriptor()) ), false, 'false if both Sets are not equal' ); st.equal( ES.ValidateAndApplyPropertyDescriptor( undefined, 'property key', true, v.accessorDescriptor(), v.descriptors.nonConfigurable(v.accessorDescriptor()) ), false, 'false if both Gets are not equal' ); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('OrdinaryGetOwnProperty', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(primitive, ''); }, TypeError, 'O: ' + debug(primitive) + ' is not an Object' ); }); forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonPropertyKey) { t['throws']( function () { ES.OrdinaryGetOwnProperty({}, nonPropertyKey); }, TypeError, 'P: ' + debug(nonPropertyKey) + ' is not a Property Key' ); }); t.equal(ES.OrdinaryGetOwnProperty({}, 'not in the object'), undefined, 'missing property yields undefined'); t.equal(ES.OrdinaryGetOwnProperty({}, 'toString'), undefined, 'inherited non-own property yields undefined'); t.deepEqual( ES.OrdinaryGetOwnProperty({ a: 1 }, 'a'), ES.ToPropertyDescriptor({ configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: 1, writable: true }), 'own assigned data property yields expected descriptor' ); t.deepEqual( ES.OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(/a/, 'lastIndex'), ES.ToPropertyDescriptor({ configurable: false, enumerable: false, value: 0, writable: true }), 'regex lastIndex yields expected descriptor' ); t.deepEqual( ES.OrdinaryGetOwnProperty([], 'length'), ES.ToPropertyDescriptor({ configurable: false, enumerable: false, value: 0, writable: true }), 'array length yields expected descriptor' ); t.deepEqual( ES.OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(Object.prototype, 'toString'), ES.ToPropertyDescriptor({ configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: Object.prototype.toString, writable: true }), 'own non-enumerable data property yields expected descriptor' ); t.test('ES5+', { skip: !Object.defineProperty }, function (st) { var O = {}; Object.defineProperty(O, 'foo', { configurable: false, enumerable: false, value: O, writable: true }); t.deepEqual( ES.OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(O, 'foo'), ES.ToPropertyDescriptor({ configurable: false, enumerable: false, value: O, writable: true }), 'defined own property yields expected descriptor' ); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty', { skip: !Object.defineProperty }, function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.CopyDataProperties(primitive, {}, []); }, TypeError, 'O: ' + debug(primitive) + ' is not an Object' ); }); forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonPropertyKey) { t['throws']( function () { ES.OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty({}, nonPropertyKey, v.genericDescriptor()); }, TypeError, 'P: ' + debug(nonPropertyKey) + ' is not a Property Key' ); }); forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(primitive, '', v.genericDescriptor()); }, TypeError, 'Desc: ' + debug(primitive) + ' is not a Property Descriptor' ); }); var O = {}; var P = 'property key'; var Desc = v.accessorDescriptor(); t.equal( ES.OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(O, P, Desc), true, 'operation is successful' ); t.deepEqual( Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P), ES.FromPropertyDescriptor(ES.CompletePropertyDescriptor(Desc)), 'expected property descriptor is defined' ); t.end(); }); test('ArrayCreate', function (t) { forEach(v.nonIntegerNumbers.concat([-1]), function (nonIntegerNumber) { t['throws']( function () { ES.ArrayCreate(nonIntegerNumber); }, TypeError, 'length must be an integer number >= 0' ); }); t['throws']( function () { ES.ArrayCreate(Math.pow(2, 32)); }, RangeError, 'length must be < 2**32' ); t.deepEqual(ES.ArrayCreate(-0), [], 'length of -0 creates an empty array'); t.deepEqual(ES.ArrayCreate(0), [], 'length of +0 creates an empty array'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-sparse-arrays, comma-spacing t.deepEqual(ES.ArrayCreate(1), [,], 'length of 1 creates a sparse array of length 1'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-sparse-arrays, comma-spacing t.deepEqual(ES.ArrayCreate(2), [,,], 'length of 2 creates a sparse array of length 2'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-proto t.test('proto argument', { skip: [].__proto__ !== Array.prototype }, function (st) { var fakeProto = { push: { toString: function () { return 'not array push'; } } }; st.equal(ES.ArrayCreate(0, fakeProto).push, fakeProto.push, 'passing the proto argument works'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('ArraySetLength', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives.concat(v.objects), function (nonArray) { t['throws']( function () { ES.ArraySetLength(nonArray, 0); }, TypeError, 'A: ' + debug(nonArray) + ' is not an Array' ); }); forEach(v.nonUndefinedPrimitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.ArraySetLength([], primitive); }, TypeError, 'Desc: ' + debug(primitive) + ' is not a Property Descriptor' ); }); t.test('making length nonwritable', { skip: !Object.defineProperty }, function (st) { var a = []; ES.ArraySetLength(a, { '[[Writable]]': false }); st.deepEqual( Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, 'length'), { configurable: false, enumerable: false, value: 0, writable: false }, 'without a value, length becomes nonwritable' ); st.end(); }); var arr = []; ES.ArraySetLength(arr, { '[[Value]]': 7 }); t.equal(arr.length, 7, 'array now has a length of 7'); t.end(); }); test('CreateHTML', function (t) { forEach(v.nonStrings, function (nonString) { t['throws']( function () { ES.CreateHTML('', nonString, '', ''); }, TypeError, 'tag: ' + debug(nonString) + ' is not a String' ); t['throws']( function () { ES.CreateHTML('', '', nonString, ''); }, TypeError, 'attribute: ' + debug(nonString) + ' is not a String' ); }); t.equal( ES.CreateHTML( { toString: function () { return 'the string'; } }, 'some HTML tag!', '' ), 'the string', 'works with an empty string attribute value' ); t.equal( ES.CreateHTML( { toString: function () { return 'the string'; } }, 'some HTML tag!', 'attr', 'value "with quotes"' ), 'the string', 'works with an attribute, and a value with quotes' ); t.end(); }); test('GetOwnPropertyKeys', function (t) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { t['throws']( function () { ES.GetOwnPropertyKeys(primitive, 'String'); }, TypeError, 'O: ' + debug(primitive) + ' is not an Object' ); }); t['throws']( function () { ES.GetOwnPropertyKeys({}, 'not string or symbol'); }, TypeError, 'Type: must be "String" or "Symbol"' ); t.test('Symbols', { skip: !v.hasSymbols }, function (st) { var O = { a: 1 }; O[Symbol.iterator] = true; var s = Symbol('test'); Object.defineProperty(O, s, { enumerable: false, value: true }); st.deepEqual( ES.GetOwnPropertyKeys(O, 'Symbol'), [Symbol.iterator, s], 'works with Symbols, enumerable or not' ); st.end(); }); t.test('non-enumerable names', { skip: !Object.defineProperty }, function (st) { var O = { a: 1 }; Object.defineProperty(O, 'b', { enumerable: false, value: 2 }); if (v.hasSymbols) { O[Symbol.iterator] = true; } st.deepEqual( ES.GetOwnPropertyKeys(O, 'String').sort(), ['a', 'b'].sort(), 'works with Strings, enumerable or not' ); st.end(); }); t.deepEqual( ES.GetOwnPropertyKeys({ a: 1, b: 2 }, 'String').sort(), ['a', 'b'].sort(), 'works with enumerable keys' ); t.end(); }); test('SymbolDescriptiveString', function (t) { forEach(v.nonSymbolPrimitives.concat(v.objects), function (nonSymbol) { t['throws']( function () { ES.SymbolDescriptiveString(nonSymbol); }, TypeError, debug(nonSymbol) + ' is not a Symbol' ); }); t.test('Symbols', { skip: !v.hasSymbols }, function (st) { st.equal(ES.SymbolDescriptiveString(Symbol()), 'Symbol()', 'undefined description'); st.equal(ES.SymbolDescriptiveString(Symbol('')), 'Symbol()', 'empty string description'); st.equal(ES.SymbolDescriptiveString(Symbol.iterator), 'Symbol(Symbol.iterator)', 'well-known symbol'); st.equal(ES.SymbolDescriptiveString(Symbol('foo')), 'Symbol(foo)', 'string description'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('GetSubstitution', { skip: skips && skips.GetSubstitution }, function (t) { forEach(v.nonStrings, function (nonString) { t['throws']( function () { ES.GetSubstitution(nonString, '', 0, [], ''); }, TypeError, '`matched`: ' + debug(nonString) + ' is not a String' ); t['throws']( function () { ES.GetSubstitution('', nonString, 0, [], ''); }, TypeError, '`str`: ' + debug(nonString) + ' is not a String' ); t['throws']( function () { ES.GetSubstitution('', '', 0, [], nonString); }, TypeError, '`replacement`: ' + debug(nonString) + ' is not a String' ); t['throws']( function () { ES.GetSubstitution('', '', 0, [nonString], ''); }, TypeError, '`captures`: ' + debug([nonString]) + ' is not an Array of strings' ); }); forEach(v.nonIntegerNumbers.concat([-1, -42, -Infinity]), function (nonNonNegativeInteger) { t['throws']( function () { ES.GetSubstitution('', '', nonNonNegativeInteger, [], ''); }, TypeError, '`position`: ' + debug(nonNonNegativeInteger) + ' is not a non-negative integer' ); }); forEach(v.nonArrays, function (nonArray) { t['throws']( function () { ES.GetSubstitution('', '', 0, nonArray, ''); }, TypeError, '`captures`: ' + debug(nonArray) + ' is not an Array' ); }); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('def', 'abcdefghi', 3, [], '123'), '123', 'returns the substitution' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, [], '$$2$'), '$2$', 'supports $$, and trailing $' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, [], '>$&<'), '>abcdef<', 'supports $&' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, [], '>$`<'), '><', 'supports $` at position 0' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('def', 'abcdefghi', 3, [], '>$`<'), '>ab<', 'supports $` at position > 0' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('def', 'abcdefghi', 7, [], ">$'<"), '><', "supports $' at a position where there's less than `matched.length` chars left" ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('def', 'abcdefghi', 3, [], ">$'<"), '>ghi<', "supports $' at a position where there's more than `matched.length` chars left" ); for (var i = 0; i < 100; i += 1) { var captures = []; captures[i] = 'test'; if (i > 0) { t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, [], '>$' + i + '<'), '>undefined<', 'supports $' + i + ' with no captures' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, [], '>$' + i), '>undefined', 'supports $' + i + ' at the end of the replacement, with no captures' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, captures, '>$' + i + '<'), '><', 'supports $' + i + ' with a capture at that index' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, captures, '>$' + i), '>', 'supports $' + i + ' at the end of the replacement, with a capture at that index' ); } if (i < 10) { t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, [], '>$0' + i + '<'), i === 0 ? '><' : '>undefined<', 'supports $0' + i + ' with no captures' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, [], '>$0' + i), i === 0 ? '>' : '>undefined', 'supports $0' + i + ' at the end of the replacement, with no captures' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, captures, '>$0' + i + '<'), '><', 'supports $0' + i + ' with a capture at that index' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, captures, '>$0' + i), '>', 'supports $0' + i + ' at the end of the replacement, with a capture at that index' ); } } t.end(); }); test('SecFromTime', function (t) { var now = new Date(); t.equal(ES.SecFromTime(now.getTime()), now.getUTCSeconds(), 'second from Date timestamp matches getUTCSeconds'); t.end(); }); test('MinFromTime', function (t) { var now = new Date(); t.equal(ES.MinFromTime(now.getTime()), now.getUTCMinutes(), 'minute from Date timestamp matches getUTCMinutes'); t.end(); }); test('HourFromTime', function (t) { var now = new Date(); t.equal(ES.HourFromTime(now.getTime()), now.getUTCHours(), 'hour from Date timestamp matches getUTCHours'); t.end(); }); test('msFromTime', function (t) { var now = new Date(); t.equal(ES.msFromTime(now.getTime()), now.getUTCMilliseconds(), 'ms from Date timestamp matches getUTCMilliseconds'); t.end(); }); var msPerSecond = 1e3; var msPerMinute = 60 * msPerSecond; var msPerHour = 60 * msPerMinute; var msPerDay = 24 * msPerHour; test('Day', function (t) { var time = Date.UTC(2019, 8, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5); var add = 2.5; var later = new Date(time + (add * msPerDay)); t.equal(ES.Day(later.getTime()), ES.Day(time) + Math.floor(add), 'adding 2.5 days worth of ms, gives a Day delta of 2'); t.end(); }); test('TimeWithinDay', function (t) { var time = Date.UTC(2019, 8, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5); var add = 2.5; var later = new Date(time + (add * msPerDay)); t.equal(ES.TimeWithinDay(later.getTime()), ES.TimeWithinDay(time) + (0.5 * msPerDay), 'adding 2.5 days worth of ms, gives a TimeWithinDay delta of +0.5'); t.end(); }); test('DayFromYear', function (t) { t.equal(ES.DayFromYear(2021) - ES.DayFromYear(2020), 366, '2021 is a leap year, has 366 days'); t.equal(ES.DayFromYear(2020) - ES.DayFromYear(2019), 365, '2020 is not a leap year, has 365 days'); t.equal(ES.DayFromYear(2019) - ES.DayFromYear(2018), 365, '2019 is not a leap year, has 365 days'); t.equal(ES.DayFromYear(2018) - ES.DayFromYear(2017), 365, '2018 is not a leap year, has 365 days'); t.equal(ES.DayFromYear(2017) - ES.DayFromYear(2016), 366, '2017 is a leap year, has 366 days'); t.end(); }); test('TimeFromYear', function (t) { for (var i = 1900; i < 2100; i += 1) { t.equal(ES.TimeFromYear(i), Date.UTC(i, 0, 1), 'TimeFromYear matches a Date object’s year: ' + i); } t.end(); }); test('YearFromTime', function (t) { for (var i = 1900; i < 2100; i += 1) { t.equal(ES.YearFromTime(Date.UTC(i, 0, 1)), i, 'YearFromTime matches a Date object’s year on 1/1: ' + i); t.equal(ES.YearFromTime(Date.UTC(i, 10, 1)), i, 'YearFromTime matches a Date object’s year on 10/1: ' + i); } t.end(); }); test('WeekDay', function (t) { var now = new Date(); var today = now.getUTCDay(); for (var i = 0; i < 7; i += 1) { var weekDay = ES.WeekDay(now.getTime() + (i * msPerDay)); t.equal(weekDay, (today + i) % 7, i + ' days after today (' + today + '), WeekDay is ' + weekDay); } t.end(); }); test('DaysInYear', function (t) { t.equal(ES.DaysInYear(2021), 365, '2021 is not a leap year'); t.equal(ES.DaysInYear(2020), 366, '2020 is a leap year'); t.equal(ES.DaysInYear(2019), 365, '2019 is not a leap year'); t.equal(ES.DaysInYear(2018), 365, '2018 is not a leap year'); t.equal(ES.DaysInYear(2017), 365, '2017 is not a leap year'); t.equal(ES.DaysInYear(2016), 366, '2016 is a leap year'); t.end(); }); test('InLeapYear', function (t) { t.equal(ES.InLeapYear(Date.UTC(2021, 0, 1)), 0, '2021 is not a leap year'); t.equal(ES.InLeapYear(Date.UTC(2020, 0, 1)), 1, '2020 is a leap year'); t.equal(ES.InLeapYear(Date.UTC(2019, 0, 1)), 0, '2019 is not a leap year'); t.equal(ES.InLeapYear(Date.UTC(2018, 0, 1)), 0, '2018 is not a leap year'); t.equal(ES.InLeapYear(Date.UTC(2017, 0, 1)), 0, '2017 is not a leap year'); t.equal(ES.InLeapYear(Date.UTC(2016, 0, 1)), 1, '2016 is a leap year'); t.end(); }); test('DayWithinYear', function (t) { t.equal(ES.DayWithinYear(Date.UTC(2019, 0, 1)), 0, '1/1 is the 1st day'); t.equal(ES.DayWithinYear(Date.UTC(2019, 11, 31)), 364, '12/31 is the 365th day in a non leap year'); t.equal(ES.DayWithinYear(Date.UTC(2016, 11, 31)), 365, '12/31 is the 366th day in a leap year'); t.end(); }); test('MonthFromTime', function (t) { t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 0, 1)), 0, 'non-leap: 1/1 gives January'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 0, 31)), 0, 'non-leap: 1/31 gives January'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 1)), 1, 'non-leap: 2/1 gives February'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 28)), 1, 'non-leap: 2/28 gives February'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 1, 29)), 2, 'non-leap: 2/29 gives March'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 2, 1)), 2, 'non-leap: 3/1 gives March'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 2, 31)), 2, 'non-leap: 3/31 gives March'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 3, 1)), 3, 'non-leap: 4/1 gives April'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 3, 30)), 3, 'non-leap: 4/30 gives April'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 4, 1)), 4, 'non-leap: 5/1 gives May'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 4, 31)), 4, 'non-leap: 5/31 gives May'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 5, 1)), 5, 'non-leap: 6/1 gives June'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 5, 30)), 5, 'non-leap: 6/30 gives June'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 6, 1)), 6, 'non-leap: 7/1 gives July'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 6, 31)), 6, 'non-leap: 7/31 gives July'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 7, 1)), 7, 'non-leap: 8/1 gives August'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 7, 30)), 7, 'non-leap: 8/30 gives August'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 8, 1)), 8, 'non-leap: 9/1 gives September'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 8, 30)), 8, 'non-leap: 9/30 gives September'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 9, 1)), 9, 'non-leap: 10/1 gives October'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 9, 31)), 9, 'non-leap: 10/31 gives October'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 10, 1)), 10, 'non-leap: 11/1 gives November'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 10, 30)), 10, 'non-leap: 11/30 gives November'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 11, 1)), 11, 'non-leap: 12/1 gives December'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 11, 31)), 11, 'non-leap: 12/31 gives December'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 0, 1)), 0, 'leap: 1/1 gives January'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 0, 31)), 0, 'leap: 1/31 gives January'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 1)), 1, 'leap: 2/1 gives February'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 28)), 1, 'leap: 2/28 gives February'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 29)), 1, 'leap: 2/29 gives February'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 2, 1)), 2, 'leap: 3/1 gives March'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 2, 31)), 2, 'leap: 3/31 gives March'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 3, 1)), 3, 'leap: 4/1 gives April'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 3, 30)), 3, 'leap: 4/30 gives April'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 4, 1)), 4, 'leap: 5/1 gives May'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 4, 31)), 4, 'leap: 5/31 gives May'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 5, 1)), 5, 'leap: 6/1 gives June'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 5, 30)), 5, 'leap: 6/30 gives June'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 6, 1)), 6, 'leap: 7/1 gives July'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 6, 31)), 6, 'leap: 7/31 gives July'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 7, 1)), 7, 'leap: 8/1 gives August'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 7, 30)), 7, 'leap: 8/30 gives August'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 8, 1)), 8, 'leap: 9/1 gives September'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 8, 30)), 8, 'leap: 9/30 gives September'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 9, 1)), 9, 'leap: 10/1 gives October'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 9, 31)), 9, 'leap: 10/31 gives October'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 10, 1)), 10, 'leap: 11/1 gives November'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 10, 30)), 10, 'leap: 11/30 gives November'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 11, 1)), 11, 'leap: 12/1 gives December'); t.equal(ES.MonthFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 11, 31)), 11, 'leap: 12/31 gives December'); t.end(); }); test('DateFromTime', function (t) { var i; for (i = 1; i <= 28; i += 1) { t.equal(ES.DateFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 1, i)), i, '2019.02.' + i + ' is date ' + i); } for (i = 1; i <= 29; i += 1) { t.equal(ES.DateFromTime(Date.UTC(2016, 1, i)), i, '2016.02.' + i + ' is date ' + i); } for (i = 1; i <= 30; i += 1) { t.equal(ES.DateFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 8, i)), i, '2019.09.' + i + ' is date ' + i); } for (i = 1; i <= 31; i += 1) { t.equal(ES.DateFromTime(Date.UTC(2019, 9, i)), i, '2019.10.' + i + ' is date ' + i); } t.end(); }); test('MakeDay', function (t) { var day2015 = 16687; t.equal(ES.MakeDay(2015, 8, 9), day2015, '2015.09.09 is day 16687'); var day2016 = day2015 + 366; // 2016 is a leap year t.equal(ES.MakeDay(2016, 8, 9), day2016, '2015.09.09 is day 17053'); var day2017 = day2016 + 365; t.equal(ES.MakeDay(2017, 8, 9), day2017, '2017.09.09 is day 17418'); var day2018 = day2017 + 365; t.equal(ES.MakeDay(2018, 8, 9), day2018, '2018.09.09 is day 17783'); var day2019 = day2018 + 365; t.equal(ES.MakeDay(2019, 8, 9), day2019, '2019.09.09 is day 18148'); t.end(); }); test('MakeDate', function (t) { forEach(v.infinities.concat(NaN), function (nonFiniteNumber) { t.ok(is(ES.MakeDate(nonFiniteNumber, 0), NaN), debug(nonFiniteNumber) + ' is not a finite `day`'); t.ok(is(ES.MakeDate(0, nonFiniteNumber), NaN), debug(nonFiniteNumber) + ' is not a finite `time`'); }); t.equal(ES.MakeDate(0, 0), 0, 'zero day and zero time is zero date'); t.equal(ES.MakeDate(0, 123), 123, 'zero day and nonzero time is a date of the "time"'); t.equal(ES.MakeDate(1, 0), msPerDay, 'day of 1 and zero time is a date of "ms per day"'); t.equal(ES.MakeDate(3, 0), 3 * msPerDay, 'day of 3 and zero time is a date of thrice "ms per day"'); t.equal(ES.MakeDate(1, 123), msPerDay + 123, 'day of 1 and nonzero time is a date of "ms per day" plus the "time"'); t.equal(ES.MakeDate(3, 123), (3 * msPerDay) + 123, 'day of 3 and nonzero time is a date of thrice "ms per day" plus the "time"'); t.end(); }); test('MakeTime', function (t) { forEach(v.infinities.concat(NaN), function (nonFiniteNumber) { t.ok(is(ES.MakeTime(nonFiniteNumber, 0, 0, 0), NaN), debug(nonFiniteNumber) + ' is not a finite `hour`'); t.ok(is(ES.MakeTime(0, nonFiniteNumber, 0, 0), NaN), debug(nonFiniteNumber) + ' is not a finite `min`'); t.ok(is(ES.MakeTime(0, 0, nonFiniteNumber, 0), NaN), debug(nonFiniteNumber) + ' is not a finite `sec`'); t.ok(is(ES.MakeTime(0, 0, 0, nonFiniteNumber), NaN), debug(nonFiniteNumber) + ' is not a finite `ms`'); }); t.equal( ES.MakeTime(1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 4.5), (1 * msPerHour) + (2 * msPerMinute) + (3 * msPerSecond) + 4, 'all numbers are converted to integer, multiplied by the right number of ms, and summed' ); t.end(); }); test('TimeClip', function (t) { forEach(v.infinities.concat(NaN), function (nonFiniteNumber) { t.ok(is(ES.TimeClip(nonFiniteNumber), NaN), debug(nonFiniteNumber) + ' is not a finite `time`'); }); t.ok(is(ES.TimeClip(8.64e15 + 1), NaN), '8.64e15 is the largest magnitude considered "finite"'); t.ok(is(ES.TimeClip(-8.64e15 - 1), NaN), '-8.64e15 is the largest magnitude considered "finite"'); forEach(v.zeroes.concat([-10, 10, Date.now()]), function (time) { t.equal(ES.TimeClip(time), time, debug(time) + ' is a time of ' + debug(time)); }); t.end(); }); test('modulo', function (t) { t.equal(3 % 2, 1, '+3 % 2 is +1'); t.equal(ES.modulo(3, 2), 1, '+3 mod 2 is +1'); t.equal(-3 % 2, -1, '-3 % 2 is -1'); t.equal(ES.modulo(-3, 2), 1, '-3 mod 2 is +1'); t.end(); }); test('ToDateString', function (t) { forEach(v.nonNumbers, function (nonNumber) { t['throws']( function () { ES.ToDateString(nonNumber); }, TypeError, debug(nonNumber) + ' is not a Number' ); }); t.equal(ES.ToDateString(NaN), 'Invalid Date', 'NaN becomes "Invalid Date"'); var now = Date.now(); t.equal(ES.ToDateString(now), Date(now), 'any timestamp becomes `Date(timestamp)`'); t.end(); }); }; var es2016 = function ES2016(ES, ops, expectedMissing, skips) { es2015(ES, ops, expectedMissing, skips); test('SameValueNonNumber', function (t) { var willThrow = [ [3, 4], [NaN, 4], [4, ''], ['abc', true], [{}, false] ]; forEach(willThrow, function (nums) { t['throws'](function () { return ES.SameValueNonNumber.apply(ES, nums); }, TypeError, 'value must be same type and non-number'); }); forEach(v.objects.concat(v.nonNumberPrimitives), function (val) { t.equal(val === val, ES.SameValueNonNumber(val, val), debug(val) + ' is SameValueNonNumber to itself'); }); t.end(); }); test('IterableToArrayLike', { skip: skips && skips.IterableToArrayLike }, function (t) { t.test('custom iterables', { skip: !v.hasSymbols }, function (st) { var O = {}; O[Symbol.iterator] = function () { var i = -1; return { next: function () { i += 1; return { done: i >= 5, value: i }; } }; }; st.deepEqual( ES.IterableToArrayLike(O), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 'Symbol.iterator method is called and values collected' ); st.end(); }); t.deepEqual(ES.IterableToArrayLike('abc'), ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'a string of code units spreads'); t.deepEqual(ES.IterableToArrayLike('💩'), ['💩'], 'a string of code points spreads'); t.deepEqual(ES.IterableToArrayLike('a💩c'), ['a', '💩', 'c'], 'a string of code points and units spreads'); var arr = [1, 2, 3]; t.deepEqual(ES.IterableToArrayLike(arr), arr, 'an array becomes a similar array'); t.notEqual(ES.IterableToArrayLike(arr), arr, 'an array becomes a different, but similar, array'); var O = {}; t.equal(ES.IterableToArrayLike(O), O, 'a non-iterable non-array non-string object is returned directly'); t.end(); }); }; var es2017 = function ES2017(ES, ops, expectedMissing, skips) { es2016(ES, ops, expectedMissing, assign({}, skips, { EnumerableOwnNames: true, IterableToArrayLike: true })); test('ToIndex', function (t) { t.ok(is(ES.ToIndex(), 0), 'no value gives 0'); t.ok(is(ES.ToIndex(undefined), 0), 'undefined value gives 0'); t['throws'](function () { ES.ToIndex(-1); }, RangeError, 'negative numbers throw'); t['throws'](function () { ES.ToIndex(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1); }, RangeError, 'too large numbers throw'); t.equal(ES.ToIndex(3), 3, 'numbers work'); t.equal(ES.ToIndex(v.valueOfOnlyObject), 4, 'coercible objects are coerced'); t.end(); }); test('EnumerableOwnProperties', { skip: skips && skips.EnumerableOwnProperties }, function (t) { var obj = testEnumerableOwnNames(t, function (O) { return ES.EnumerableOwnProperties(O, 'key'); }); t.deepEqual( ES.EnumerableOwnProperties(obj, 'value'), [obj.own], 'returns enumerable own values' ); t.deepEqual( ES.EnumerableOwnProperties(obj, 'key+value'), [['own', obj.own]], 'returns enumerable own entries' ); t.end(); }); test('IterableToList', function (t) { var customIterator = function () { var i = -1; return { next: function () { i += 1; return { done: i >= 5, value: i }; } }; }; t.deepEqual( ES.IterableToList({}, customIterator), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 'iterator method is called and values collected' ); t.test('Symbol support', { skip: !v.hasSymbols }, function (st) { st.deepEqual(ES.IterableToList('abc', String.prototype[Symbol.iterator]), ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'a string of code units spreads'); st.deepEqual(ES.IterableToList('☃', String.prototype[Symbol.iterator]), ['☃'], 'a string of code points spreads'); var arr = [1, 2, 3]; st.deepEqual(ES.IterableToList(arr, arr[Symbol.iterator]), arr, 'an array becomes a similar array'); st.notEqual(ES.IterableToList(arr, arr[Symbol.iterator]), arr, 'an array becomes a different, but similar, array'); st.end(); }); t['throws']( function () { ES.IterableToList({}, void 0); }, TypeError, 'non-function iterator method' ); t.end(); }); }; var es2018 = function ES2018(ES, ops, expectedMissing, skips) { es2017(ES, ops, expectedMissing, assign({}, skips, { EnumerableOwnProperties: true, GetSubstitution: true, IsPropertyDescriptor: true })); test('thisSymbolValue', function (t) { forEach(v.nonSymbolPrimitives.concat(v.objects), function (nonSymbol) { t['throws']( function () { ES.thisSymbolValue(nonSymbol); }, v.hasSymbols ? TypeError : SyntaxError, debug(nonSymbol) + ' is not a Symbol' ); }); t.test('no native Symbols', { skip: v.hasSymbols }, function (st) { forEach(v.objects.concat(v.primitives), function (value) { st['throws']( function () { ES.thisSymbolValue(value); }, SyntaxError, 'Symbols are not supported' ); }); st.end(); }); t.test('symbol values', { skip: !v.hasSymbols }, function (st) { forEach(v.symbols, function (symbol) { st.equal(ES.thisSymbolValue(symbol), symbol, 'Symbol value of ' + debug(symbol) + ' is same symbol'); st.equal( ES.thisSymbolValue(Object(symbol)), symbol, 'Symbol value of ' + debug(Object(symbol)) + ' is ' + debug(symbol) ); }); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('IsStringPrefix', function (t) { forEach(v.nonStrings, function (nonString) { t['throws']( function () { ES.IsStringPrefix(nonString, 'a'); }, TypeError, 'first arg: ' + debug(nonString) + ' is not a string' ); t['throws']( function () { ES.IsStringPrefix('a', nonString); }, TypeError, 'second arg: ' + debug(nonString) + ' is not a string' ); }); forEach(v.strings, function (string) { t.equal(ES.IsStringPrefix(string, string), true, debug(string) + ' is a prefix of itself'); t.equal(ES.IsStringPrefix('', string), true, 'the empty string is a prefix of everything'); }); t.equal(ES.IsStringPrefix('abc', 'abcd'), true, '"abc" is a prefix of "abcd"'); t.equal(ES.IsStringPrefix('abcd', 'abc'), false, '"abcd" is not a prefix of "abc"'); t.equal(ES.IsStringPrefix('a', 'bc'), false, '"a" is not a prefix of "bc"'); t.end(); }); test('NumberToString', function (t) { forEach(v.nonNumbers, function (nonNumber) { t['throws']( function () { ES.NumberToString(nonNumber); }, TypeError, debug(nonNumber) + ' is not a Number' ); }); forEach(v.numbers, function (number) { t.equal(ES.NumberToString(number), String(number), debug(number) + ' stringifies to ' + number); }); t.end(); }); test('CopyDataProperties', function (t) { t.test('first argument: target', function (st) { forEach(v.primitives, function (primitive) { st['throws']( function () { ES.CopyDataProperties(primitive, {}, []); }, TypeError, debug(primitive) + ' is not an Object' ); }); st.end(); }); t.test('second argument: source', function (st) { var frozenTarget = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze({}) : {}; forEach(v.nullPrimitives, function (nullish) { st.equal( ES.CopyDataProperties(frozenTarget, nullish, []), frozenTarget, debug(nullish) + ' "source" yields identical, unmodified target' ); }); forEach(v.nonNullPrimitives, function (objectCoercible) { var target = {}; var result = ES.CopyDataProperties(target, objectCoercible, []); st.equal(result, target, 'result === target'); st.deepEqual(keys(result), keys(Object(objectCoercible)), 'target ends up with keys of ' + debug(objectCoercible)); }); st.end(); }); t.test('third argument: excludedItems', function (st) { forEach(v.objects.concat(v.primitives), function (nonArray) { st['throws']( function () { ES.CopyDataProperties({}, {}, nonArray); }, TypeError, debug(nonArray) + ' is not an Array' ); }); forEach(v.nonPropertyKeys, function (nonPropertyKey) { st['throws']( function () { ES.CopyDataProperties({}, {}, [nonPropertyKey]); }, TypeError, debug(nonPropertyKey) + ' is not a Property Key' ); }); var result = ES.CopyDataProperties({}, { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, ['b']); st.deepEqual(keys(result), ['a', 'c'], 'excluded string keys are excluded'); st.test('excluding symbols', { skip: !v.hasSymbols }, function (s2t) { var source = {}; forEach(v.symbols, function (symbol) { source[symbol] = true; }); var includedSymbols = v.symbols.slice(1); var excludedSymbols = v.symbols.slice(0, 1); var target = ES.CopyDataProperties({}, source, excludedSymbols); forEach(includedSymbols, function (symbol) { s2t.equal(has(target, symbol), true, debug(symbol) + ' is included'); }); forEach(excludedSymbols, function (symbol) { s2t.equal(has(target, symbol), false, debug(symbol) + ' is excluded'); }); s2t.end(); }); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('PromiseResolve', function (t) { t.test('Promises unsupported', { skip: typeof Promise === 'function' }, function (st) { st['throws']( function () { ES.PromiseResolve(); }, SyntaxError, 'Promises are not supported' ); st.end(); }); t.test('Promises supported', { skip: typeof Promise !== 'function' }, function (st) { st.plan(2); var a = {}; var b = {}; var fulfilled = Promise.resolve(a); var rejected = Promise.reject(b); ES.PromiseResolve(Promise, fulfilled).then(function (x) { st.equal(x, a, 'fulfilled promise resolves to fulfilled'); }); ES.PromiseResolve(Promise, rejected)['catch'](function (e) { st.equal(e, b, 'rejected promise resolves to rejected'); }); }); t.end(); }); test('EnumerableOwnPropertyNames', { skip: skips && skips.EnumerableOwnPropertyNames }, function (t) { var obj = testEnumerableOwnNames(t, function (O) { return ES.EnumerableOwnPropertyNames(O, 'key'); }); t.deepEqual( ES.EnumerableOwnPropertyNames(obj, 'value'), [obj.own], 'returns enumerable own values' ); t.deepEqual( ES.EnumerableOwnPropertyNames(obj, 'key+value'), [['own', obj.own]], 'returns enumerable own entries' ); t.end(); }); test('IsPromise', { skip: typeof Promise !== 'function' }, function (t) { forEach(v.objects.concat(v.primitives), function (nonPromise) { t.equal(ES.IsPromise(nonPromise), false, debug(nonPromise) + ' is not a Promise'); }); var thenable = { then: Promise.prototype.then }; t.equal(ES.IsPromise(thenable), false, 'generic thenable is not a Promise'); t.equal(ES.IsPromise(Promise.resolve()), true, 'Promise is a Promise'); t.end(); }); test('GetSubstitution (ES2018+)', function (t) { forEach(v.nonStrings, function (nonString) { t['throws']( function () { ES.GetSubstitution(nonString, '', 0, [], undefined, ''); }, TypeError, '`matched`: ' + debug(nonString) + ' is not a String' ); t['throws']( function () { ES.GetSubstitution('', nonString, 0, [], undefined, ''); }, TypeError, '`str`: ' + debug(nonString) + ' is not a String' ); t['throws']( function () { ES.GetSubstitution('', '', 0, [], undefined, nonString); }, TypeError, '`replacement`: ' + debug(nonString) + ' is not a String' ); t['throws']( function () { ES.GetSubstitution('', '', 0, [nonString], undefined, ''); }, TypeError, '`captures`: ' + debug([nonString]) + ' is not an Array of strings' ); }); forEach(v.nonIntegerNumbers.concat([-1, -42, -Infinity]), function (nonNonNegativeInteger) { t['throws']( function () { ES.GetSubstitution('', '', nonNonNegativeInteger, [], undefined, ''); }, TypeError, '`position`: ' + debug(nonNonNegativeInteger) + ' is not a non-negative integer' ); }); forEach(v.nonArrays, function (nonArray) { t['throws']( function () { ES.GetSubstitution('', '', 0, nonArray, undefined, ''); }, TypeError, '`captures`: ' + debug(nonArray) + ' is not an Array' ); }); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('def', 'abcdefghi', 3, [], undefined, '123'), '123', 'returns the substitution' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, [], undefined, '$$2$'), '$2$', 'supports $$, and trailing $' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, [], undefined, '>$&<'), '>abcdef<', 'supports $&' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, [], undefined, '>$`<'), '><', 'supports $` at position 0' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('def', 'abcdefghi', 3, [], undefined, '>$`<'), '>ab<', 'supports $` at position > 0' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('def', 'abcdefghi', 7, [], undefined, ">$'<"), '><', "supports $' at a position where there's less than `matched.length` chars left" ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('def', 'abcdefghi', 3, [], undefined, ">$'<"), '>ghi<', "supports $' at a position where there's more than `matched.length` chars left" ); for (var i = 0; i < 100; i += 1) { var captures = []; captures[i] = 'test'; if (i > 0) { t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, [], undefined, '>$' + i + '<'), '>undefined<', 'supports $' + i + ' with no captures' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, [], undefined, '>$' + i), '>undefined', 'supports $' + i + ' at the end of the replacement, with no captures' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, captures, undefined, '>$' + i + '<'), '><', 'supports $' + i + ' with a capture at that index' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, captures, undefined, '>$' + i), '>', 'supports $' + i + ' at the end of the replacement, with a capture at that index' ); } if (i < 10) { t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, [], undefined, '>$0' + i + '<'), i === 0 ? '><' : '>undefined<', 'supports $0' + i + ' with no captures' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, [], undefined, '>$0' + i), i === 0 ? '>' : '>undefined', 'supports $0' + i + ' at the end of the replacement, with no captures' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, captures, undefined, '>$0' + i + '<'), '><', 'supports $0' + i + ' with a capture at that index' ); t.equal( ES.GetSubstitution('abcdef', 'abcdefghi', 0, captures, undefined, '>$0' + i), '>', 'supports $0' + i + ' at the end of the replacement, with a capture at that index' ); } } t.end(); }); test('DateString', function (t) { forEach(v.nonNumbers.concat(NaN), function (nonNumberOrNaN) { t['throws']( function () { ES.DateString(nonNumberOrNaN); }, TypeError, debug(nonNumberOrNaN) + ' is not a non-NaN Number' ); }); t.equal(ES.DateString(Date.UTC(2019, 8, 10, 7, 8, 9)), 'Tue Sep 10 2019'); t.equal(ES.DateString(Date.UTC(2016, 1, 29, 7, 8, 9)), 'Mon Feb 29 2016'); // leap day t.end(); }); test('TimeString', function (t) { forEach(v.nonNumbers.concat(NaN), function (nonNumberOrNaN) { t['throws']( function () { ES.TimeString(nonNumberOrNaN); }, TypeError, debug(nonNumberOrNaN) + ' is not a non-NaN Number' ); }); var tv = Date.UTC(2019, 8, 10, 7, 8, 9); t.equal(ES.TimeString(tv), '07:08:09 GMT'); t.end(); }); }; var es2019 = function ES2018(ES, ops, expectedMissing, skips) { es2018(ES, ops, expectedMissing, assign({}, skips, { })); test('AddEntriesFromIterable', function (t) { t['throws']( function () { ES.AddEntriesFromIterable({}, undefined, function () {}); }, TypeError, 'iterable must not be undefined' ); t['throws']( function () { ES.AddEntriesFromIterable({}, null, function () {}); }, TypeError, 'iterable must not be null' ); forEach(v.nonFunctions, function (nonFunction) { t['throws']( function () { ES.AddEntriesFromIterable({}, {}, nonFunction); }, TypeError, debug(nonFunction) + ' is not a function' ); }); t.test('Symbol support', { skip: !v.hasSymbols }, function (st) { st.plan(4); var O = {}; st.equal(ES.AddEntriesFromIterable(O, [], function () {}), O, 'returns the target'); var adder = function (key, value) { st.equal(this, O, 'adder gets proper receiver'); st.equal(key, 0, 'k is key'); st.equal(value, 'a', 'v is value'); }; ES.AddEntriesFromIterable(O, ['a'].entries(), adder); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('FlattenIntoArray', function (t) { t.test('no mapper function', function (st) { var testDepth = function testDepth(tt, depth, expected) { var a = []; var o = [[1], 2, , [[3]], [], 4, [[[[5]]]]]; // eslint-disable-line no-sparse-arrays ES.FlattenIntoArray(a, o, o.length, 0, depth); tt.deepEqual(a, expected, 'depth: ' + depth); }; testDepth(st, 1, [1, 2, [3], 4, [[[5]]]]); testDepth(st, 2, [1, 2, 3, 4, [[5]]]); testDepth(st, 3, [1, 2, 3, 4, [5]]); testDepth(st, 4, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); testDepth(st, Infinity, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); st.end(); }); t.test('mapper function', function (st) { var testMapper = function testMapper(tt, mapper, expected, thisArg) { var a = []; var o = [[1], 2, , [[3]], [], 4, [[[[5]]]]]; // eslint-disable-line no-sparse-arrays ES.FlattenIntoArray(a, o, o.length, 0, 1, mapper, thisArg); tt.deepEqual(a, expected); }; var double = function double(x) { return typeof x === 'number' ? 2 * x : x; }; testMapper( st, double, [1, 4, [3], 8, [[[5]]]] ); testMapper( st, function (x) { return [this, double(x)]; }, [42, [1], 42, 4, 42, [[3]], 42, [], 42, 8, 42, [[[[5]]]]], 42 ); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('TrimString', function (t) { t.test('non-object string', function (st) { forEach(v.nullPrimitives, function (nullish) { st['throws']( function () { ES.TrimString(nullish); }, debug(nullish) + ' is not an Object' ); }); st.end(); }); var string = ' \n abc \n '; t.equal(ES.TrimString(string, 'start'), string.slice(string.indexOf('a'))); t.equal(ES.TrimString(string, 'end'), string.slice(0, string.lastIndexOf('c') + 1)); t.equal(ES.TrimString(string, 'start+end'), string.slice(string.indexOf('a'), string.lastIndexOf('c') + 1)); t.end(); }); }; module.exports = { es2015: es2015, es2016: es2016, es2017: es2017, es2018: es2018, es2019: es2019 };