Repositorio del curso CCOM4030 el semestre B91 del proyecto Paz para la Mujer

  1. version: 1.0.{build}
  2. skip_branch_with_pr: true
  3. build: off
  4. environment:
  5. matrix:
  6. - nodejs_version: "9"
  7. - nodejs_version: "8"
  8. - nodejs_version: "7"
  9. - nodejs_version: "6"
  10. - nodejs_version: "5"
  11. - nodejs_version: "4"
  12. - nodejs_version: "3"
  13. - nodejs_version: "2"
  14. - nodejs_version: "1"
  15. - nodejs_version: "0.12"
  16. - nodejs_version: "0.10"
  17. - nodejs_version: "0.8"
  18. - nodejs_version: "0.6"
  19. matrix:
  20. # fast_finish: true
  21. allow_failures:
  22. - nodejs_version: "0.8"
  23. - nodejs_version: "0.6"
  24. platform:
  25. - x86
  26. - x64
  27. # Install scripts. (runs after repo cloning)
  28. install:
  29. # Get the latest stable version of Node.js or io.js
  30. - ps: Install-Product node $env:nodejs_version $env:platform
  31. - IF %nodejs_version% EQU 0.6 npm config set strict-ssl false && npm -g install npm@1.3
  32. - IF %nodejs_version% EQU 0.8 npm config set strict-ssl false && npm -g install npm@1.4.28 && npm install -g npm@4.5
  33. - set PATH=%APPDATA%\npm;%PATH%
  34. #- IF %nodejs_version% NEQ 0.6 AND %nodejs_version% NEQ 0.8 npm -g install npm
  35. # install modules
  36. - npm install
  37. # Post-install test scripts.
  38. test_script:
  39. # Output useful info for debugging.
  40. - node --version
  41. - npm --version
  42. # run tests
  43. - npm run tests-only