Repositorio del curso CCOM4030 el semestre B91 del proyecto Paz para la Mujer

  1. ### Changelog
  2. All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.
  3. {{#each releases}}
  4. {{#if href}}
  5. ###{{#unless major}}#{{/unless}} [{{title}}]({{href}}){{#if tag}} - {{niceDate}}{{/if}}
  6. {{else}}
  7. #### {{title}}
  8. {{/if}}
  9. {{#if summary}}
  10. Summary:
  11. {{summary}}
  12. {{/if}}
  13. {{#each fixes}}
  14. - {{{commit.subject}}} ({{#each fixes}}{{#if href}}[`#{{id}}`][]{{/if}}{{/each}})
  15. {{/each}}
  16. {{#each merges}}
  17. - {{{message}}}{{#if href}} ([`#{{id}}`][]){{/if}}
  18. {{/each}}
  19. {{#each commits}}
  20. - {{#if breaking}}**Breaking change:** {{/if}}{{{subject}}}{{#if href}} (([`{{shorthash}}`][]){{/if}}
  21. {{/each}}
  22. {{#each fixes}}
  23. {{#if href}}[`#{{id}}`]: {{href}}{{/if}}
  24. {{/each}}
  25. {{#each merges}}
  26. {{#if href}}[`#{{id}}`]: {{href}}{{/if}}
  27. {{/each}}
  28. {{#each commits}}
  29. {{#if href}}[`{{shorthash}}`]: {{href}}{{/if}}
  30. {{/each}}
  31. {{/each}}