Repositorio del curso CCOM4030 el semestre B91 del proyecto Paz para la Mujer

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  36. <center><h1 style=" font-size:30px;">Campaings</h1></center>
  37. <!--CONTENT-->
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  39. <center> <h2>Janguea Consenti2</h2> </center>
  40. <center> <img src="../img/JANGUEA.png" alt="JANGUEA CON SENTIDO" style= "width:300px;height:300px;"> </center>
  41. <br>
  42. <p> Educational campaign for the prevention and identification of
  43. sexual assault in multitudiniary events such as the San Sebastian Street Festival in
  44. January as well as at the Justas LAI athletic event organized by the athletic league
  45. of the Interuniversitaria (LAI) university along with 21 other participating
  46. universities. (Website, educational materials such as posters and pamphlets)</p>
  47. <br>
  48. <center> <h2>AMACONSENTIDO</h2> </center>
  49. <center> <img src="../img/AMA.png" alt="AMACONSENTIDO" style="width:300px;height:300px;"> </center>
  50. <br>
  51. <p>Campaign for the prevention and identification of dating
  52. violence as well as promoting healthy relationships with a focus on the months of
  53. January and February by using educational materials such as memes, online
  54. questionnaires on intimate relationships, posters and workshops for younger
  55. people.</p>
  56. <br>
  57. <center> <h2>Juega pal Equipo</h2> </center>
  58. <center> <img src="../img/JUEGA.png" alt="JUEGA PAL EQUIPO" style="width:300px;height:300px;"> </center>
  59. <br>
  60. <p> Campaign for the prevention and identification of sexual assault
  61. in sports, tailord toward athletes and coaches in the context of schools and
  62. universities that specialize in athletics. Educational material is comprised of
  63. handbooks, memes, and commercials. </p>
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