Go to Performance by School Students
Name | Participation |
{{ HTML::linkAction('ProgramsController@show', $program->name, array($program->id)) }} | @if(in_array($program->id, $participating_programs)) @endif |
This Goal Bar is the default score. If you wish to change it, change it on the selected Semesters Annual Plan
@elseThis Goal is from {{$linea_undergrad->program_name}} on the semester {{$linea_undergrad->semester_name}}
@endifLearning Outcome | Programs doing Assessment | Programs Achieved | Success Rate | @foreach($outcomes_undergrad as $outcome)
{{ link_to_action('OutcomesController@show', $outcome->name, array($outcome->id), $attributes = array()) }} | {{{ count($attemptedUndergradProgramsPerOutcome[$outcome->id]) }}} | @foreach($undergrad_programs as $program) id][$program->id]) && $achievedUndergradProgramsPerOutcome[$outcome->id][$program->id] / $attemptedUndergradProgramsPerOutcome[$outcome->id][$program->id] * 100 >= $expected_target_for_undergradprograms) $count++; ?> @endforeach{{{ $count }}} | @if(count($attemptedUndergradProgramsPerOutcome[$outcome->id])!=0) {{{ round( $count / count($attemptedUndergradProgramsPerOutcome[$outcome->id])*100, 2) }}}% @else N/M @endif |
Note that some sections may have assessed activities but unpublished results. Unpublished results are not considered. Check the Sections tab for a breakdown.
@if($undergrad_school_sections_count>0)Identifier | Name | Program | Assessed and Published |
{{ HTML::linkAction('CoursesController@showGrouped', $grouped_course->code.$grouped_course->number.' ('.$grouped_course->semester->code.')', array($grouped_course->code, $grouped_course->number, $grouped_course->semester->code)) }} | {{{ $grouped_course->name}}} | {{{ $grouped_course->program->name }}} | @if($grouped_course->outcomes_attempted!=NULL) Yes @else No @endif |
No courses doing Assessment (0%)
@endif{{{ $undergrad_assessed_sections_count }}} out of {{{ $undergrad_school_sections_count }}} section(s) doing Assessment ({{{ round($undergrad_assessed_sections_count/$undergrad_school_sections_count*100, 2) }}}%)
Note that some sections may have assessed activities but unpublished results. Unplublished results are not considered.
Identifier | Name | Program | Professor | Assessed Activities | Published Results |
{{ HTML::linkAction('CoursesController@showLimited', $course->code.$course->number.'-'.$course->section.' ('.$course->semester->code.')', array('id'=>$course->id)) }} | {{{ $course->name}}} | {{{ $course->program->name }}} | {{{ $course->user->surnames }}}, {{{ $course->user->first_name }}} | @if(count($course->assessedActivities)) Yes @else No @endif | @if(count($course->publishedActivities)) Yes @else No @endif |
No sections doing Assessment (0%)
@endifName | Participation |
{{ HTML::linkAction('ProgramsController@show', $program->name, array($program->id)) }} | @if(in_array($program->id, $participating_programs)) @endif |
This Goal Bar is the default score. If you wish to change it, change it on the selected Semesters Annual Plan
@elseThis Goal is from {{$linea_grad->program_name}} on the semester {{$linea_grad->semester_name}}
@endifLearning Outcome | Programs doing Assessment | Programs Achieved | Success Rate | @foreach($outcomes_grad as $outcome)
{{ link_to_action('OutcomesController@show', $outcome->name, array($outcome->id), $attributes = array()) }} | {{{ count($attemptedGradProgramsPerOutcome[$outcome->id]) }}} | @foreach($grad_programs as $program) id][$program->id]) && $achievedGradProgramsPerOutcome[$outcome->id][$program->id] / $attemptedGradProgramsPerOutcome[$outcome->id][$program->id] * 100 >= $expected_target_for_gradprograms) $count++; ?> @endforeach{{{ $count }}} | @if(count($attemptedGradProgramsPerOutcome[$outcome->id])!=0) {{{ round($count / count($attemptedGradProgramsPerOutcome[$outcome->id])*100, 2) }}}% @else N/M @endif |
Note that some sections may have assessed activities but unpublished results. Unpublished results are not considered. Check the Sections tab for a breakdown.
@if($grad_school_sections_count>0)Identifier | Name | Program | Assessed and Published |
{{ HTML::linkAction('CoursesController@showGrouped', $grouped_course->code.$grouped_course->number.' ('.$grouped_course->semester->code.')', array($grouped_course->code, $grouped_course->number, $grouped_course->semester->code)) }} | {{{ $grouped_course->name}}} | {{{ $grouped_course->program->name }}} | @if($grouped_course->outcomes_attempted!=NULL) Yes @else No @endif |
No courses doing Assessment (0%)
@endif{{{ $grad_assessed_sections_count }}} out of {{{ $grad_school_sections_count }}} section(s) doing Assessment ({{{ round($grad_assessed_sections_count/$grad_school_sections_count*100, 2) }}}%)
Note that some sections may have assessed activities but unpublished results. Unplublished results are not considered.
Identifier | Name | Program | Professor | Assessed Activities | Published Results |
{{ HTML::linkAction('CoursesController@showLimited', $course->code.$course->number.'-'.$course->section.' ('.$course->semester->code.')', array('id'=>$course->id)) }} | {{{ $course->name}}} | {{{ $course->program->name }}} | {{{ $course->user->surnames }}}, {{{ $course->user->first_name }}} | @if(count($course->assessedActivities)) Yes @else No @endif | @if(count($course->publishedActivities)) Yes @else No @endif |
No sections doing Assessment (0%)
@endif{series.name}: | ' + '{point.y:.2f} |
{series.name}: | ' + '{point.y:.2f} |
{series.name}: | ' + '{point.y:.2f} |