role) { case '3': $programs = $user->programs->lists('id'); // If program does not belong to user, show 403 if (!in_array($program_id, $programs)) return false; break; case '2': $programs = Program::where('school_id', $user->school_id)->lists('id'); // If program is not in user's school, show 403 if (!in_array($program_id, $programs)) return false; break; case '4': return false; } return true; } public function viewAllPlans($program_id) { $title = "Annual Plans"; $annual_plans = DB::select("select * from annual_plans where program_id ={$program_id} order by id desc"); return View::make('local.managers.sCoords.view-annual-plans', compact('title', 'program_id', 'annual_plans')); } /** * Lists annual plans by year and program * @var string $title Title for page * @var Program $programs Collection of programs user has access to * @var User $user Authenticated user * @var Quinquennium $quinquenniums All current or past quinquenniums * @var Quinquennium $current_quinquennium Current quinquennium */ public function postReport() { $program_id = Input::get('program_id') + 0; $realized = Input::get('realized'); $logrado = Input::get('logrado'); $continued = Input::get('continued'); $semester = Input::get('semester'); $typ_objective = Input::get('typ_objective'); $transformative = Input::get('transformative'); $annual_id = Input::get("annual_id") + 0; $id = Auth::user()['id']; for ($i = 0; $i < count($semester); $i++) { $real = $realized[$i] + 0; $logr = $logrado[$i] + 0; $cont = $continued[$i] + 0; $obj = $typ_objective[$i] + 0; $trans = $transformative[$i] + 0; $sem = $semester[$i] + 0; //if it was continued if ($real == 1) $real = 2; else $real = 1; if ($cont == 1) $cont = $sem + 1; else $cont = "NULL"; $annual_trans_id = DB::select("select id from annual_plan_transformative where annual_plan_id ={$annual_id} and trans_id = {$trans} and typ_semester_objective_id = {$obj}")[0]->id; $queryUpdate = DB::select("select * from annual_report_transformative where annual_trans_id = {$annual_trans_id}"); if (!count($queryUpdate)) { DB::insert("insert into annual_report_transformative (accomplished, cycle_of_life, semester_used, semester_continue, annual_trans_id, supervised_coordinator_id) values ({$logr},{$real},{$sem},{$cont},{$annual_trans_id}, {$id})"); } else { DB::update("update annual_report_transformative set accomplished = {$logr}, cycle_of_life ={$real}, semester_used ={$sem}, semester_continue={$cont}, supervised_coordinator_id={$id} where annual_trans_id ={$annual_trans_id}"); } } return; } public function index() { $title = 'Annual Plans'; $user = Auth::user(); $quinquenniums = Quinquennium::where('start_date', '<=', date('Y-m-d'))->get(); $current_quinquennium = Quinquennium::where('start_date', '<=', date('Y-m-d')) ->where('end_date', '>=', date('Y-m-d')) ->first(); switch ($user->role) { case '1': $programs = Program::all(); break; case '2': $programs = Program::where('school_id', $user->school_id)->get(); break; case 3: $programs = $user->programs; break; default: App::abort('404'); break; } return View::make('local.managers.shared.index_annual_plans', compact('title', 'quinquenniums', 'programs', 'current_quinquennium')); } public function adminIndex($school_id) { $title = "Annual Plans"; $programs = Program::where("school_id", $school_id)->get(); return View::make('local.managers.admins.appraisal-program', compact('title', 'programs')); } public function showPlan($program_id, $typ_id = null) { $title = "Annual Plans"; //$typ_parts = DB::select("select * from typ_parts"); if (!$typ_id) { $current_typ = DB::select("select * from three_year_plan where year_start <=" . date('Y') . " and year_end >=" . date('Y'))[0]; } else { $current_typ = DB::select("select * from three_year_plan where id ={$typ_id}")[0]; } $program = Program::where('id', '=', $program_id)->first(); $annual_plans = DB::select("select * from annual_plans where program_id = {$program_id} order by id desc limit 5"); Log::info($annual_plans); $outcomes = array(); $allSemesterOrder = array(); foreach ($annual_plans as $an_plan) { Log::info($an_plan->id); $outcomes[$an_plan->id]["first"] = DB::select("select * from outcomes where id in (select outcome_id from typ_semester_outcome where semester_id = {$an_plan->semester_start} and typ_program_id in (select id from typ_program where program_id ={$an_plan->program_id} and three_year_plan_id ={$current_typ->id} ))"); $allSemesterOrder[$an_plan->id]["first"] = DB::select("select * from semesters where id = {$an_plan->semester_start}")[0]; $outcomes[$an_plan->id]["second"] = DB::select("select * from outcomes where id in (select outcome_id from typ_semester_outcome where semester_id ={$an_plan->semester_end} and typ_program_id in (select id from typ_program where program_id ={$an_plan->program_id} and three_year_plan_id = {$current_typ->id} ))"); $allSemesterOrder[$an_plan->id]["second"] = DB::select("select * from semesters where id = {$an_plan->semester_end}")[0]; } $alltyp = DB::select('select * from three_year_plan order by id desc'); $current_typ = $current_typ->id; return View::make('local.managers.sCoords.annual-plans', compact('title', 'annual_plans', 'current_typ', 'program', 'outcomes', 'allSemesterOrder', 'alltyp')); } public function fetchInfo() { Log::info(Input::get('id')); $an_plan = DB::table("annual_plans")->where('id', '=', Input::get('id'))->first(); $years = explode('-', $an_plan->academic_year); $current_typ_program = DB::select("select * from typ_program where program_id = {$an_plan->program_id} and three_year_plan_id in (select id from three_year_plan where year_start <= {$years[0]} and year_end>= {$years[1]})")[0]; $json_to_send = []; $json_to_send["annual_plans"] = $an_plan; $json_to_send["outcomes"]["first"] = DB::select("select * from outcomes where id in (select outcome_id from typ_semester_outcome where semester_id = {$an_plan->semester_start} and typ_program_id = {$current_typ_program->id})"); $json_to_send["allSemesterOrder"]["first"] = DB::select("select * from semesters where id = {$an_plan->semester_start}")[0]; $json_to_send["outcomes"]["second"] = DB::select("select * from outcomes where id in (select outcome_id from typ_semester_outcome where semester_id ={$an_plan->semester_end} and typ_program_id = {$current_typ_program->id})"); $json_to_send["allSemesterOrder"]["second"] = DB::select("select * from semesters where id = {$an_plan->semester_end}")[0]; return json_encode($json_to_send); } /** * Page to create a new plan for the current quinquennium * @var string $title Title for page * @var Program $programs Collection of programs user has access to * @var Outcome $outcomes List of outcomes ordered by name * @var User $user Currently logged user * @var Course $courses Courses for a particular program */ public function fetchTYP($program_id) { $typ_info = array(); $semester = DB::select("select * from semesters where id=?", array(Input::get('semester')))[0]; //$typ_info['courses'] = DB::select("select * from courses where id in (select course_id from typ_semester_courses where typ_semester_outcome_id in (select id from typ_semester_outcome where semester_id ={$semester->id} and typ_program_id in (select id from typ_program where program_id ={$program_id} )and outcome_id = ?))", array(Input::get('id'))); //foreach ($typ_info['courses'] as $course) { // $typ_info['courses_objective'][$course->id] = DB::select("select * from objectives where id in (select objective_id from typ_semester_objectives where typ_semester_course_id in (select id from typ_semester_courses where typ_semester_outcome_id in (select id from typ_semester_outcome where semester_id = {$semester->id} and typ_program_id in (select id from typ_program where program_id ={$program_id}))and course_id ={$course->id}))"); // foreach ($typ_info['courses_objective'][$course->id] as $objective) { // $typ_info['criteria'][$objective->id] = DB::select("select * from new_criteria where id in (select criterion_id from criterion_objective_outcome where outcome_id = ? and objective_id = {$objective->id})", array(Input::get('id'))); // } //} //$typ_info['courses'] = DB::select("select * from courses where id in (select course_id from typ_semester_courses where typ_semester_objective_id in (select id from typ_semester_objectives where typ_semester_outcome_id in (select id from type_semester_outcome where semester_id ={$semester->id} and typ_program_id in (select id from typ_program where program_id ={$program_id} )and outcome_id = ?)))", array(Input::get('id'))); //$typ_info['unique_objective'] = DB::select("select * from objectives where id in (select distinct objective_id from typ_semester_objectives where typ_semester_outcome_id in (select id from typ_semester_outcome where semester_id = {$semester->id} and outcome_id =? and typ_program_id in (select id from typ_program where program_id ={$program_id})))", array(Input::get('id'))); //foreach ($typ_info['unique_objective'] as $objective) { // $typ_info['courses_objective'][$objective->id] = DB::select("select * from courses where id in (SELECT course_id from typ_semester_courses where typ_semester_outcome_id in (select id from typ_semester_outcome where semester_id={$semester->id} and outcome_id =? and typ_program_id in (select id from typ_program where program_id = {$program_id})) and id in (select typ_semester_course_id from typ_semester_objectives where objective_id = {$objective->id}))", array(Input::get('id'))); // $typ_info['criteria'][$objective->id] = DB::select("select * from new_criteria where id in (select criterion_id from criterion_objective_outcome where outcome_id = ? and objective_id = {$objective->id})", array(Input::get('id'))); //} $annual_plan = DB::select("select id from annual_plans where (semester_start = {$semester->id} or semester_end ={$semester->id}) and program_id ={$program_id}")[0]; $typ_info['objectives'] = DB::select("select * from objectives where id in (select objective_id from typ_semester_objectives where typ_semester_outcome_id in(select id from typ_semester_outcome where outcome_id = ? and semester_id = {$semester->id} and typ_program_id in (select id from typ_program where program_id ={$program_id})))", array(Input::get('id'))); $typ_info['transformative_actions'] = DB::select("select * from transformative_actions where by_professor =0 and is_custom=0"); foreach ($typ_info['objectives'] as $objective) { $typ_info['courses'][$objective->id] = DB::select("select, c.number, c.code, typ_course_id from courses c, typ_semester_courses typ, (select course_id, id from typ_semester_courses where typ_semester_objective_id in (select id from typ_semester_objectives where objective_id ={$objective->id} and typ_semester_outcome_id in (select id from typ_semester_outcome where outcome_id =? and semester_id ={$semester->id} and typ_program_id in(select id from typ_program where program_id ={$program_id})))) rel where typ.course_id and rel.course_id = and = ", array(Input::get('id'))); $typ_info['criteria'][$objective->id] = DB::select("select * from new_criteria where id in (select criterion_id from criterion_objective_outcome where outcome_id = ? and objective_id = {$objective->id})", array(Input::get('id'))); Log::info($typ_info['criteria'][$objective->id]); $typ_info['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id] = DB::select("select id from typ_semester_objectives where objective_id = {$objective->id} and typ_semester_outcome_id in (select id from typ_semester_outcome where outcome_id =? and semester_id ={$semester->id} and typ_program_id in (select id from typ_program where program_id ={$program_id}))", array(Input::get('id'))); Log::info($typ_info['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]); $typ_info['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id] = $typ_info['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id][0]; Log::info($typ_info['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id); Log::info($annual_plan->id); $typ_info['annual_plans_transformative'][$objective->id] = DB::select("select trans_id from annual_plan_transformative where annual_plan_id={$annual_plan->id} and typ_semester_objective_id ={$typ_info['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id}"); foreach ($typ_info['courses'][$objective->id] as $course) { $typ_info['selected_criteria'][$objective->id][$course->id] = DB::select("select criteria_id, typ_semester_course_id typ_course_id from annual_plan_objective where annual_plan_id ={$annual_plan->id} and typ_semester_course_id ={$course->typ_course_id} "); } $typ_info['custom_transformative'][$objective->id] = DB::select("select * from transformative_actions where is_custom =1 and by_professor=0 and id in (select ta_id from transformative_objective_program where objective_id = {$objective->id})"); } $typ_info['annual_plan'] = $annual_plan; Log::info($typ_info); return json_encode($typ_info); } public function deleteTA() { $annual_id = Input::get('annual_id') + 0; $typ_id = Input::get('typ_id') + 0; $trans_id = Input::get('TA_id') + 0; DB::delete("delete from `annual_plan_transformative` where annual_plan_id ={$annual_id} and typ_semester_objective_id ={$typ_id} and trans_id={$trans_id}"); return; } public function postTA() { $annual_id = Input::get('annual_id') + 0; $TA_id = Input::get('TA_id') + 0; $typ_id = Input::get('typ_id') + 0; $old_ta = Input::get('old_ta') + 0; $id = Auth::user()['id']; $date = date('Y-m-d'); $date = strtotime($date); $query = DB::select("select * from annual_plan_transformative where annual_plan_id ={$annual_id} and trans_id ={$old_ta} and typ_semester_objective_id ={$typ_id}"); if (!count($query)) { DB::insert("insert into `annual_plan_transformative` (`annual_plan_id`,`trans_id`, `typ_semester_objective_id`, `proposing_coordinator_id`, `proposed_date`) values({$annual_id},{$TA_id},{$typ_id}, {$id}, now() ) "); return "Insert Successful"; } else { if ($TA_id == 0) { DB::delete("delete from annual_plan_transformative where trans_id={$TA_id} and annual_plan_id ={$annual_id} and typ_semester_objective_id ={$typ_id}"); return "deleted"; } else { DB::update("update annual_plan_transformative set trans_id = {$TA_id}, proposing_coordinator_id = {$id}, proposed_date = now() where trans_id={$old_ta} and annual_plan_id ={$annual_id} and typ_semester_objective_id ={$typ_id}"); return "updated"; } } } public function transformativeReport() { $json_to_send = array(); $annual_id = Input::get('an_id'); $transformative_action_info = DB::select("select * from transformative_actions where id in (select distinct trans_id from annual_plan_transformative where annual_plan_id = {$annual_id}) "); foreach ($transformative_action_info as $trans) { $json_to_send['Trans_act'][$trans->id] = $trans; $json_to_send['outcomes'][$trans->id] = DB::select("select * from outcomes where id in (select outcome_id from typ_semester_outcome where id in(select typ_semester_outcome_id from typ_semester_objectives where id in (select typ_semester_objective_id from annual_plan_transformative where trans_id ={$trans->id} and annual_plan_id = {$annual_id})))"); foreach ($json_to_send['outcomes'][$trans->id] as $outcome) { $json_to_send['typ_objective'][$outcome->id][$trans->id] = DB::select("select * from typ_semester_objectives where typ_semester_outcome_id in (select id from typ_semester_outcome where outcome_id ={$outcome->id}) and id in (select typ_semester_objective_id from annual_plan_transformative where annual_plan_id ={$annual_id} and trans_id = {$trans->id})"); foreach ($json_to_send['typ_objective'][$outcome->id][$trans->id] as $typ) { $json_to_send['objective'][$outcome->id][$typ->id][$trans->id] = DB::select("select * from objectives where id = {$typ->objective_id}")[0]; $json_to_send['coordinator'][$outcome->id][$typ->id][$trans->id] = DB::select("select * from users where id in (select proposing_coordinator_id from annual_plan_transformative where typ_semester_objective_id = {$typ->id} and annual_plan_id = {$annual_id} and trans_id = {$trans->id})")[0]; $json_to_send['proposed_date'][$outcome->id][$typ->id][$trans->id] = DB::select("select proposed_date from annual_plan_transformative where typ_semester_objective_id = {$typ->id} and annual_plan_id = {$annual_id} and trans_id = {$trans->id} ")[0]; $json_to_send['all_info_report'][$outcome->id][$typ->id][$trans->id] = DB::select("select art.accomplished, art.cycle_of_life,, art.semester_continue, art.annual_trans_id, art.supervised_coordinator_id from annual_report_transformative art, (select id from annual_plan_transformative where typ_semester_objective_id = {$typ->id} and annual_plan_id = {$annual_id} and trans_id = {$trans->id} ) apt, semesters where art.annual_trans_id = and = art.semester_used")[0]; } } if ($trans->user_id) { $json_to_send['suggested'][$trans->id] = DB::select("select * from users where id = {$trans->user_id}"); } } return json_encode($json_to_send); } public function deleteCriteria() { $criteria = Input::get('criteria') + 0; $typ_course_id = Input::get('typ_course_id') + 0; $annual_plan = Input::get('annual_plan') + 0; $old_criteria = Input::get('old_criteria') + 0; $message = ''; DB::delete("delete from annual_plan_objective where annual_plan_id ={$annual_plan} and typ_semester_course_id ={$typ_course_id} and criteria_id={$criteria}"); return; } public function fetchAllTables() { $annual_plan = array(); $an_id = Input::get('id'); $program_id = Input::get('program_id'); $an_semesters = DB::select("select semester_start, semester_end, program_id from annual_plans where id ={$an_id} and program_id ={$program_id}")[0]; $annual_plan['first']['outcomes'] = DB::select("select * from outcomes where id in (select outcome_id from typ_semester_outcome where semester_id = {$an_semesters->semester_start} and typ_program_id in(select id from typ_program where program_id ={$an_semesters->program_id}))"); $annual_plan['second']['outcomes'] = DB::select("select * from outcomes where id in (select outcome_id from typ_semester_outcome where semester_id = {$an_semesters->semester_end} and typ_program_id in(select id from typ_program where program_id ={$an_semesters->program_id}))"); $annual_plan['first']['semester'] = array('id' => $an_semesters->semester_start); $annual_plan['second']['semester'] = array('id' => $an_semesters->semester_end); foreach ($annual_plan['first']['outcomes'] as $outcomes) { $annual_plan['first']['objectives'][$outcomes->id] = DB::select("select * from objectives where id in (select objective_id from typ_semester_objectives where typ_semester_outcome_id in(select id from typ_semester_outcome where outcome_id = {$outcomes->id} and semester_id = {$an_semesters->semester_start} and typ_program_id in (select id from typ_program where program_id ={$an_semesters->program_id})))"); Log::info($outcomes->id); Log::info($annual_plan['first']['objectives'][$outcomes->id]); foreach ($annual_plan['first']['objectives'][$outcomes->id] as $objective) { Log::info($objective->id); Log::info($an_semesters->semester_start); Log::info($an_semesters->program_id); Log::info(DB::select("select id from typ_semester_objectives where objective_id = {$objective->id} and typ_semester_outcome_id in (select id from typ_semester_outcome where outcome_id ={$outcomes->id} and semester_id ={$an_semesters->semester_start} and typ_program_id in(select id from typ_program where program_id ={$an_semesters->program_id})) ")); $annual_plan['first']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id] = DB::select("select id from typ_semester_objectives where objective_id = {$objective->id} and typ_semester_outcome_id in (select id from typ_semester_outcome where outcome_id ={$outcomes->id} and semester_id ={$an_semesters->semester_start} and typ_program_id in(select id from typ_program where program_id ={$an_semesters->program_id})) ")[0]; $annual_plan['first']['courses'][$objective->id] = DB::select("select typ_id, typ.course_id, c.code, c.number from (select course_id, id from typ_semester_courses where typ_semester_objective_id = {$annual_plan['first']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id}) typ, courses c where = typ.course_id"); foreach ($annual_plan['first']['courses'][$objective->id] as $course) { $annual_plan['first']['criteria'][$objective->id][$course->course_id] = DB::select("select * from new_criteria where id in(select criteria_id from annual_plan_objective where annual_plan_id = {$an_id} and typ_semester_course_id = {$course->typ_id} )"); } Log::info($objective->id); $annual_plan['first']['trans_actions'][$objective->id] = DB::select("select * from transformative_actions where id in (select trans_id from annual_plan_transformative where typ_semester_objective_id ={$annual_plan['first']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id})"); foreach ($annual_plan['first']['trans_actions'][$objective->id] as $trans) { Log::info($annual_plan['first']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id); Log::info($trans->id); Log::info($an_id); $annual_plan['fill_info'][$annual_plan['first']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id][$trans->id] = DB::select("select * from annual_report_transformative where annual_trans_id in (select id from annual_plan_transformative where trans_id = {$trans->id} and typ_semester_objective_id ={$annual_plan['first']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id} and annual_plan_id = {$an_id} )"); if (count($annual_plan['fill_info'][$annual_plan['first']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id][$trans->id])) { Log::info("entrĂ³"); $annual_plan['fill_info'][$annual_plan['first']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id][$trans->id] = $annual_plan['fill_info'][$annual_plan['first']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id][$trans->id][0]; } } } } foreach ($annual_plan['second']['outcomes'] as $outcomes) { $annual_plan['second']['objectives'][$outcomes->id] = DB::select("select * from objectives where id in (select objective_id from typ_semester_objectives where typ_semester_outcome_id in(select id from typ_semester_outcome where outcome_id = {$outcomes->id} and semester_id = {$an_semesters->semester_end} and typ_program_id in (select id from typ_program where program_id ={$an_semesters->program_id})))"); foreach ($annual_plan['second']['objectives'][$outcomes->id] as $objective) { $annual_plan['second']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id] = DB::select("select id from typ_semester_objectives where objective_id = {$objective->id} and typ_semester_outcome_id in (select id from typ_semester_outcome where outcome_id ={$outcomes->id} and semester_id ={$an_semesters->semester_end} and typ_program_id in(select id from typ_program where program_id ={$an_semesters->program_id})) ")[0]; $annual_plan['second']['courses'][$objective->id] = DB::select("select typ_id, typ.course_id, c.code, c.number from (select course_id, id from typ_semester_courses where typ_semester_objective_id = {$annual_plan['second']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id}) typ, courses c where = typ.course_id"); foreach ($annual_plan['second']['courses'][$objective->id] as $course) { $annual_plan['second']['criteria'][$objective->id][$course->course_id] = DB::select("select * from new_criteria where id in(select criteria_id from annual_plan_objective where annual_plan_id = {$an_id} and typ_semester_course_id ={$course->typ_id})"); } $annual_plan['second']['trans_actions'][$objective->id] = DB::select("select * from transformative_actions where id in (select trans_id from annual_plan_transformative where typ_semester_objective_id ={$annual_plan['second']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id})"); Log::info($annual_plan['second']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id); foreach ($annual_plan['second']['trans_actions'][$objective->id] as $trans) { $annual_plan['fill_info'][$annual_plan['second']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id][$trans->id] = DB::select("select * from annual_report_transformative where annual_trans_id in (select id from annual_plan_transformative where trans_id = {$trans->id} and typ_semester_objective_id ={$annual_plan['second']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id} and annual_plan_id = {$an_id} )"); Log::info("lol"); if (count($annual_plan['fill_info'][$annual_plan['second']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id][$trans->id])) { Log::info("entrĂ³"); $annual_plan['fill_info'][$annual_plan['second']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id][$trans->id] = $annual_plan['fill_info'][$annual_plan['second']['typ_objective_id'][$objective->id]->id][$trans->id][0]; } } } } return json_encode($annual_plan); } public function postAnnualPlan() { $criteria = Input::get('criteria') + 0; $typ_course_id = Input::get('typ_course_id') + 0; $annual_plan = Input::get('annual_plan') + 0; $old_criteria = Input::get('old_criteria') + 0; $message = ''; $query = DB::select("select * from annual_plan_objective where annual_plan_id ={$annual_plan} and typ_semester_course_id = {$typ_course_id} and criteria_id ={$old_criteria}"); if (!count($query)) { $query = DB::select("select * from annual_plan_objective where annual_plan_id ={$annual_plan} and typ_semester_course_id = {$typ_course_id} and criteria_id ={$criteria}"); if (!count($query)) { DB::insert("insert into `annual_plan_objective` (`annual_plan_id`, `typ_semester_course_id`, `criteria_id`) values ({$annual_plan}, {$typ_course_id}, {$criteria})"); $message = "inserting was a success"; } else { $message = "Duplicate entry, please choose another criteria."; } } else { $query = DB::select("select * from annual_plan_objective where annual_plan_id ={$annual_plan} and typ_semester_course_id = {$typ_course_id} and criteria_id ={$criteria}"); if (!count($query)) { DB::update("update `annual_plan_objective` set criteria_id = {$criteria} where annual_plan_id = {$annual_plan} and typ_semester_course_id ={$typ_course_id} and criteria_id = {$old_criteria} "); $message = "Updating was a success"; } else { $message = "Duplicate entry, please choose another criteria."; } } return $message; } public function create(Program $program) { $title = 'New Annual Plan for ' . $program->name; $user = Auth::user(); $outcomes = Outcome::orderBy('name')->get(); $current_quinquennium = Quinquennium::where('start_date', '<=', date('Y-m-d')) ->where('end_date', '>=', date('Y-m-d')) ->first(); $courses = Course::select('id', 'code', 'number', 'name') ->where('program_id', $program->id) ->groupBy('name') ->orderBy('code', 'ASC') ->orderBy('number', 'ASC') ->orderBy('name', 'ASC') ->get(); // Check if user can create a plan if (!$this->userHasAccess($program->id)) { return View::make('global.403'); } return View::make('local.managers.shared.create_annual_plan', compact('title', 'program', 'current_quinquennium', 'outcomes', 'courses')); } }