@extends('layouts.master') @section('navigation') @include('local.managers.admins._navigation') @stop @section('main')

This report contains performance information for all Schools and Programs with assessed courses during the following semester(s):

Unlinked programs did not assess this outcome.

{{ $outcome->name }}

@foreach ($schools as $school) @foreach ($school->programs as $program) @if($program->assessesOutcome($outcome->id)) @else @endif @endforeach @endforeach
School or College Academic Program Assesses Outcome Findings
{{ $school->name }} {{ $program->name }} Yes @foreach($program->courses as $course_index => $course) whereNotNull('outcomes_attempted') ->whereRaw('outcomes_attempted not like \'%"'.$outcome->id.'":0%\'') ->with(array('activities'=>function($query) use(&$outcome){ $query->whereNotNull('outcomes_attempted'); $query->whereRaw('outcomes_attempted not like \'%"'.$outcome->id.'":0%\'');} )) ->where('code', $course->code)->where('number',$course->number) ->whereIn('semester_id', Session::get('semesters_ids')) ->get(); ?> @if(count($sections_evaluating_outcome))

{{ $course->code}}-{{ $course->number }}

@foreach($sections_evaluating_outcome as $section_index => $section)
Instance {{ $section_index + 1}}
@foreach($section->activities as $activity_index => $activity) @if(array_key_exists($outcome->id, (array)$activity->o_att_array) && $activity->o_att_array[$outcome->id] >=1)
Measure {{ $activity_index + 1 }}

A rubric was used in the {{ $section->code }}-{{ $section->number }} ({{ $section->name }}) course ({{ date('M Y', strtotime($activity->date))}}) to assess students’ {{ strtolower($outcome->name) }} in the activity: "{{ $activity->name }}". N= {{ count($section->students) }}.

The expected performance level was that {{ $activity->rubric->expected_percentage }}% of students participating in the activity would score {{ $activity->rubric->expected_points }} points or more in the 1-8 point scale used.

The results for each criterion were as follows:

rubric->contents); ?> @foreach((array)$activity->cap_array as $criterion_id => $criteria_achieved_percentage) id == $criterion_id) { $rubric_criterion_outcome_id = $rubric_criterion->outcome_id; break; } } $criterion = Criterion::find($criterion_id); ?> @if($rubric_criterion_outcome_id == $outcome->id && $criteria_achieved_percentage >= $activity->rubric->expected_percentage ) @elseif($rubric_criterion_outcome_id == $outcome->id && $criteria_achieved_percentage < $activity->rubric->expected_percentage ) @endif @endforeach
{{ $criterion['name'] }} {{ $criteria_achieved_percentage }}%{{ $criterion['name'] }} {{ $criteria_achieved_percentage }}%

o_att_array; $o_ach_array = $activity->o_ach_array; $percentage = ($o_ach_array[$outcome->id]/$o_att_array[$outcome->id])*100; ?> @if($percentage >= 100) The expected goal was reached in all (100%) of the criteria assessed. Therefore, the goal for this outcome ({{ $outcome->expected_outcome }}%) was met. @elseif ($percentage < 1) The expected goal was reached in none (0%) of the criteria assessed. Therefore, the goal for this outcome ({{ $outcome->expected_outcome }}%) was not met. @elseif ($percentage >= $outcome->expected_outcome) The expected goal was reached in {{ $o_ach_array[$outcome->id] }} out of the {{ $o_att_array[$outcome->id] }} ({{ round($percentage, 2) }}%) criteria assessed. Therefore, the goal for this outcome ({{ $outcome->expected_outcome }}%) was met. @elseif ($percentage < $outcome->expected_outcome) The expected goal was reached in {{ $o_ach_array[$outcome->id] }} out of the {{ $o_att_array[$outcome->id] }} ({{ round($percentage, 2) }}%) criteria assessed. Therefore, the goal for this outcome ({{ $outcome->expected_outcome }}%) was not met. @endif

Transforming Actions
@if($activity->transforming_actions) {{ $activity->transforming_actions }} @else None @endif

Measure {{ $activity_index + 1 }}
Outcome not measured. @endif @endforeach @endforeach
@endif @endforeach
{{ $school->name }} {{ $program->name }} No This program does not assess {{ $outcome->name }}.
@stop @section('included-js') @include('global._datatables_js') @stop @section('javascript') // Build table of contents var outcome = $('.outcome'); var str =''; str+='
  • '+outcome.text()+'
      '; /*$('[id^='+outcome.attr('id')+'-].school:visible').each(function(e){ var school = $(this); str+='
    1. '+school.text()+'
        '; $('[id^='+school.attr('id')+'-].program:visible').each(function(e){ var program = $(this); if(!program.hasClass('no-courses')) str+='
      1. '+program.text()+'
      2. '; else str+='
      3. '+program.text()+'
      4. '; }); str+='
    2. '; });*/ str+='
  • '; //$('#table-of-contents').append(str); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Events // $('.to-top').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).scrollTop(0); $('html').animate({scrollTop:0}, 1); $('body').animate({scrollTop:0}, 1); }) @stop