var EscapeStore = require('./escape-store'); var QuoteScanner = require('./quote-scanner'); module.exports = function Comments(context, keepSpecialComments, keepBreaks, lineBreak) { var comments = new EscapeStore('COMMENT'); return { // Strip special comments (/*! ... */) by replacing them by a special marker // for further restoring. Plain comments are removed. It's done by scanning data using // String#indexOf scanning instead of regexps to speed up the process. escape: function(data) { var tempData = []; var nextStart = 0; var nextEnd = 0; var cursor = 0; var isQuotedAt = (function () { var quoteMap = []; new QuoteScanner(data).each(function (quotedString, _, startsAt) { quoteMap.push([startsAt, startsAt + quotedString.length]); }); return function (position) { for (var i = 0, l = quoteMap.length; i < l; i++) { if (quoteMap[i][0] < position && quoteMap[i][1] > position) return true; } return false; }; })(); for (; nextEnd < data.length;) { nextStart = data.indexOf('/*', cursor); if (nextStart == -1) break; if (isQuotedAt(nextStart)) { tempData.push(data.substring(cursor, nextStart + 2)); cursor = nextStart + 2; continue; } nextEnd = data.indexOf('*/', nextStart + 2); if (nextEnd == -1) { context.warnings.push('Broken comment: \'' + data.substring(nextStart) + '\'.'); nextEnd = data.length - 2; } tempData.push(data.substring(cursor, nextStart)); if (data[nextStart + 2] == '!') { // in case of special comments, replace them with a placeholder var comment = data.substring(nextStart, nextEnd + 2); var placeholder =; tempData.push(placeholder); } cursor = nextEnd + 2; } return tempData.length > 0 ? tempData.join('') + data.substring(cursor, data.length) : data; }, restore: function(data) { var restored = 0; var breakSuffix = keepBreaks ? lineBreak : ''; return data.replace(new RegExp(comments.placeholderPattern + '(' + lineBreak + '| )?', 'g'), function(match, placeholder) { restored++; switch (keepSpecialComments) { case '*': return comments.restore(placeholder) + breakSuffix; case 1: case '1': return restored == 1 ? comments.restore(placeholder) + breakSuffix : ''; case 0: case '0': return ''; } }); } }; };