  "title":":focus-visible CSS pseudo-class",
  "description":"The `:focus-visible` pseudo-class applies while an element matches the `:focus` pseudo-class, and the UA determines via heuristics that the focus should be specially indicated on the element (typically via a \u201cfocus ring\u201d).",
      "title":"Prototype for `:focus-visible`"
      "title":"WebKit bug #140144: Add support for `-webkit-focusring` CSS pseudo class"
      "title":"Chromium issue #271023: Outline should not appear on elements focused by mouse"
      "title":"Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) documentation - :-moz-focusring"
      "4":"y x #1",
      "5":"y x #1",
      "6":"y x #1",
      "7":"y x #1",
      "8":"y x #1",
      "9":"y x #1",
      "10":"y x #1",
      "11":"y x #1",
      "12":"y x #1",
      "13":"y x #1",
      "14":"y x #1",
      "15":"y x #1",
      "16":"y x #1",
      "17":"y x #1",
      "18":"y x #1",
      "19":"y x #1",
      "20":"y x #1",
      "21":"y x #1",
      "22":"y x #1",
      "23":"y x #1",
      "24":"y x #1",
      "25":"y x #1",
      "26":"y x #1",
      "27":"y x #1",
      "28":"y x #1",
      "29":"y x #1",
      "30":"y x #1",
      "31":"y x #1",
      "32":"y x #1",
      "33":"y x #1",
      "34":"y x #1",
      "35":"y x #1",
      "36":"y x #1",
      "37":"y x #1",
      "38":"y x #1",
      "39":"y x #1",
      "40":"y x #1",
      "41":"y x #1",
      "42":"y x #1",
      "43":"y x #1",
      "44":"y x #1",
      "45":"y x #1",
      "46":"y x #1",
      "47":"y x #1",
      "48":"y x #1",
      "49":"y x #1",
      "50":"y x #1",
      "51":"y x #1",
      "52":"y x #1",
      "53":"y x #1",
      "54":"y x #1",
      "55":"y x #1",
      "56":"y x #1",
      "57":"y x #1",
      "58":"y x #1",
      "59":"y x #1",
      "60":"y x #1",
      "61":"y x #1"
      "57":"y x #1"
  "notes":"Previously drafted as `:focus-ring`",
    "1":"As `:-moz-focusring`"