  "title":"::placeholder CSS pseudo-element",
  "description":"The ::placeholder pseudo-element represents placeholder text in an input field: text that represents the input and provides a hint to the user on how to fill out the form. For example, a date-input field might have the placeholder text `YYYY/MM/DD` to clarify that numeric dates are to be entered in year-month-day order.",
      "title":"MSDN article"
      "title":"CSS-Tricks article with all prefixes"
      "title":"CSSWG discussion"
      "title":"MDN Web Docs - CSS ::-moz-placeholder"
      "title":"Mozilla Bug 1069012 - unprefix :placeholder-shown pseudo-class and ::placeholder pseudo-element"
      "title":"MDN web docs - ::placeholder"
      "10":"a x",
      "11":"a x"
      "12":"a x",
      "13":"a x",
      "14":"a x",
      "15":"a x",
      "16":"a x",
      "17":"a x"
      "4":"a x #1",
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      "6":"a x #1",
      "7":"a x #1",
      "8":"a x #1",
      "9":"a x #1",
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      "11":"a x #1",
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      "14":"a x #1",
      "15":"a x #1",
      "16":"a x #1",
      "17":"a x #1",
      "18":"a x #1",
      "19":"y x",
      "20":"y x",
      "21":"y x",
      "22":"y x",
      "23":"y x",
      "24":"y x",
      "25":"y x",
      "26":"y x",
      "27":"y x",
      "28":"y x",
      "29":"y x",
      "30":"y x",
      "31":"y x",
      "32":"y x",
      "33":"y x",
      "34":"y x",
      "35":"y x",
      "36":"y x",
      "37":"y x",
      "38":"y x",
      "39":"y x",
      "40":"y x",
      "41":"y x",
      "42":"y x",
      "43":"y x",
      "44":"y x",
      "45":"y x",
      "46":"y x",
      "47":"y x",
      "48":"y x",
      "49":"y x",
      "50":"y x",
      "4":"a x",
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      "16":"a x",
      "17":"a x",
      "18":"a x",
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      "21":"a x",
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      "26":"a x",
      "27":"a x",
      "28":"a x",
      "29":"a x",
      "30":"a x",
      "31":"a x",
      "32":"a x",
      "33":"a x",
      "34":"a x",
      "35":"a x",
      "36":"a x",
      "37":"a x",
      "38":"a x",
      "39":"a x",
      "40":"a x",
      "41":"a x",
      "42":"a x",
      "43":"a x",
      "44":"a x",
      "45":"a x",
      "46":"a x",
      "47":"a x",
      "48":"a x",
      "49":"a x",
      "50":"a x",
      "51":"a x",
      "52":"a x",
      "53":"a x",
      "54":"a x",
      "55":"a x",
      "56":"a x",
      "5":"a x",
      "5.1":"a x",
      "6":"a x",
      "6.1":"a x",
      "7":"a x",
      "7.1":"a x",
      "8":"a x",
      "9":"a x",
      "9.1":"a x",
      "10":"a x",
      "15":"a x",
      "16":"a x",
      "17":"a x",
      "18":"a x",
      "19":"a x",
      "20":"a x",
      "21":"a x",
      "22":"a x",
      "23":"a x",
      "24":"a x",
      "25":"a x",
      "26":"a x",
      "27":"a x",
      "28":"a x",
      "29":"a x",
      "30":"a x",
      "31":"a x",
      "32":"a x",
      "33":"a x",
      "34":"a x",
      "35":"a x",
      "36":"a x",
      "37":"a x",
      "38":"a x",
      "39":"a x",
      "40":"a x",
      "41":"a x",
      "42":"a x",
      "43":"a x",
      "4.2-4.3":"a x",
      "5.0-5.1":"a x",
      "6.0-6.1":"a x",
      "7.0-7.1":"a x",
      "8":"a x",
      "8.1-8.4":"a x",
      "9.0-9.2":"a x",
      "9.3":"a x",
      "10.0-10.2":"a x",
      "2.1":"a x",
      "2.2":"a x",
      "2.3":"a x",
      "3":"a x",
      "4":"a x",
      "4.1":"a x",
      "4.2-4.3":"a x",
      "4.4":"a x",
      "4.4.3-4.4.4":"a x",
      "7":"a x",
      "10":"a x"
      "37":"a x"
      "10":"a x",
      "11":"a x"
      "4":"a x",
      "5":"a x",
      "6.2":"a x"
      "1.2":"a x"
  "notes":"Partial support refers to using alternate names:\r\n`::-webkit-input-placeholder` for Chrome/Safari/Opera ([Chrome issue #623345](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=623345))\r\n`:-ms-input-placeholder` for IE. \r\n`::-ms-input-placeholder` for Edge (also supports webkit prefix)",
    "1":"Firefox 18 and below supported the `:-moz-placeholder` pseudo-class rather than the `::-moz-placeholder` pseudo-element."