  "title":"defer attribute for external scripts",
  "description":"The boolean defer attribute on script elements allows the external JavaScript file to run when the DOM is loaded, without delaying page load first.",
      "title":"MDN Web Docs - Script Attributes"
      "title":"has.js test"
      "title":"WebPlatform Docs"
      "title":"async vs defer attributes"
      "description":"IE < 10 may interleave execution of scripts, [See the discussion](https://github.com/h5bp/lazyweb-requests/issues/42)."
      "5.5":"a #1",
      "6":"a #1",
      "7":"a #1",
      "8":"a #1",
      "9":"a #1",
      "3.5":"y #2",
      "3.6":"y #2",
      "4":"y #2",
      "5":"y #2",
      "6":"y #2",
      "7":"y #2",
      "8":"y #2",
      "9":"y #2",
      "10":"y #2",
      "11":"y #2",
      "12":"y #2",
      "13":"y #2",
      "14":"y #2",
      "15":"y #2",
      "16":"y #2",
      "17":"y #2",
      "18":"y #2",
      "19":"y #2",
      "20":"y #2",
      "21":"y #2",
      "22":"y #2",
      "23":"y #2",
      "24":"y #2",
      "25":"y #2",
      "26":"y #2",
      "27":"y #2",
      "28":"y #2",
      "29":"y #2",
      "30":"y #2",
    "1":"Partial support in older IE refers to a buggy implementation (see issue).",
    "2":"Deferred scripts may run after DOMContentLoaded - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=688580"