
    @if (Auth::user()->role == 1)
    @elseif(Auth::user()->role == 2)
    @elseif(Auth::user()->role == 3)

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-12">
            <p>This report contains performance information for all your School's Programs with assessed courses during the
                following semester(s):</p>
                @foreach (Session::get('semesters_info') as $semester_info)
                    <li>{{ $semester_info }}</li>

            @if (!$school->programs->isEmpty())
                <p class="hidden-print">Unlinked programs did not assess this outcome.</p>

                <h3>Table of Contents</h3>
                <ol id="table-of-contents" class="upper-roman">


                <h3 id="{{ $outcome->id }}" class="outcome">{{ $outcome->name }}</h3>
                <table class="table table-condensed table-bordered">
                            <th colspan="12">
                                <h4 id="{{ $outcome->id }}-{{ $school->id }}" class="school table-header">
                                    {{ $school->name }}
                        <tr class="center-text">
                            <th>Academic Program</th>
                        @foreach ($school->programs as $program)
                            @if ($program->assessesOutcome($outcome->id))
                                    <td id="{{ $outcome->id }}-{{ $school->id }}-{{ $program->id }}"
                                        class="program col-md-3">
                                        <h5>{{ $program->name }}</h5>
                                    <td class="col-md-9">

                                        <!-- For each grouped course -->
                                        @foreach ($program->courses as $index2 => $course)
                                            <!-- If grouped course has activities that evaluate the outcome -->

                                            $sections_evaluating = Course::has('activities')
                                                ->whereRaw('outcomes_attempted not like \'%"' . $outcome->id . '":0%\'')
                                                    'activities' => function ($query) use (&$outcome) {
                                                        $query->whereRaw('outcomes_attempted not like \'%"' . $outcome->id . '":0%\'');
                                                ->where('code', $course->code)
                                                ->where('number', $course->number)
                                                ->whereIn('semester_id', Session::get('semesters_ids'))

                                            @if (count($sections_evaluating))
                                                <a class="to-top hidden-print" href="">
                                                    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-up"></span>
                                                    To Top
                                                <h4>{{ $course->code }}-{{ $course->number }}</h4>

                                                <!-- For each section -->
                                                @foreach ($sections_evaluating as $index3 => $section)
                                                    <h5><u>Instance {{ $index3 + 1 }}</u></h5>

                                                    <!-- For each activity in the section -->
                                                    @foreach ($section->activities as $index4 => $activity)

                                                        <!-- If activity has a rubric and the rubric has the outcome being evaluated -->
                                                        @if (array_key_exists($outcome->id, (array) $activity->o_att_array) && $activity->o_att_array[$outcome->id] >= 1)
                                                            <h5>Measure {{ $index4 + 1 }}</h5>
                                                            <p>A rubric was used in the
                                                                {{ $section->code }}-{{ $section->number }}
                                                                ({{ $section->name }}) course
                                                                ({{ date('M Y', strtotime($course->updated_at)) }}) to
                                                                assess students’ <u>{{ strtolower($outcome->name) }}</u>
                                                                in the activity:
                                                                "<strong>{{ $activity->name }}</strong>". N=
                                                                {{ count($section->students) }}. </p>
                                                            <p>The expected performance level was that
                                                                <strong>{{ $activity->rubric->expected_percentage }}%</strong>
                                                                of students participating in the activity would score
                                                                <strong>{{ $activity->rubric->expected_points }}
                                                                    points</strong> or more in the 1-8 point scale used.</p>
                                                            <p>The results for each criterion were as follows:</p>

                                                            <table class="table table-condensed table-bordered">
                                                                @foreach ((array) $activity->cap_array as $index5 => $cap)
                                                                    $criterion = Criterion::find($index5);

                                                                    @if ($criterion['outcome_id'] == $outcome->id && $cap >= $activity->rubric->expected_percentage)
                                                                            <td>{{ $criterion['name'] }}</td>
                                                                            <td class="col-md-1 success">
                                                                                {{ $cap }}%</td>
                                                                    @elseif($criterion['outcome_id'] == $outcome->id && $cap < $activity->rubric->expected_percentage)
                                                                            <td>{{ $criterion['name'] }}</td>
                                                                            <td class="col-md-1 danger">
                                                                                {{ $cap }}%</td>



                                                                $o_att_array = $activity->o_att_array;
                                                                $o_ach_array = $activity->o_ach_array;
                                                                $percentage = ($o_ach_array[$outcome->id] / $o_att_array[$outcome->id]) * 100;
                                                                @if ($percentage >= 100)
                                                                    The expected goal was reached in <strong>all</strong>
                                                                    (100%) of the criteria assessed. Therefore, the goal for
                                                                    this outcome ({{ $outcome->expected_outcome }}%) was
                                                                @elseif ($percentage < 1)
                                                                    The expected goal was reached in <strong>none</strong>
                                                                    (0%) of the criteria assessed. Therefore, the goal for
                                                                    this outcome ({{ $outcome->expected_outcome }}%) was
                                                                    <strong>not met</strong>.
                                                                @elseif ($percentage >= $outcome->expected_outcome)
                                                                    The expected goal was reached in
                                                                    <strong>{{ $o_ach_array[$outcome->id] }}</strong> out
                                                                    of the
                                                                    <strong>{{ $o_att_array[$outcome->id] }}</strong>
                                                                    ({{ round($percentage, 2) }}%) criteria assessed.
                                                                    Therefore, the goal for this outcome
                                                                    ({{ $outcome->expected_outcome }}%) was
                                                                @elseif ($percentage < $outcome->expected_outcome)
                                                                    The expected goal was reached in
                                                                    <strong>{{ $o_ach_array[$outcome->id] }}</strong> out
                                                                    of the
                                                                    <strong>{{ $o_att_array[$outcome->id] }}</strong>
                                                                    ({{ round($percentage, 2) }}%) criteria assessed.
                                                                    Therefore, the goal for this outcome
                                                                    ({{ $outcome->expected_outcome }}%) was <strong> not

                                                            <h5><strong>Transformative Actions</strong></h5>
                                                            @if ($activity->transforming_actions)
                                                                {{ $activity->transforming_actions }}

                                                            <h5>Measure {{ $index4 + 1 }}</h5>
                                                            <em>Outcome not measured.</em>
                                    <td id="{{ $outcome->id }}-{{ $school->id }}-{{ $program->id }}"
                                        class="program no-courses col-md-3">{{ $program->name }}</td>
                                    <td class="col-md-9">
                                        This program does not assess {{ $outcome->name }}.
                <p class="lead">No programs have assessed courses during the selected semesters.</p>


    // Hide tables that have no courses
    $('.no-courses').each(function() {

    // $(this).closest('tr').hide();


    // Hide tables with empty bodies
    $('tbody').each(function() {

    // Build table of contents
    var outcome = $('.outcome');
    var str ='';
    str+='<li><a href="#'+outcome.attr('id')+'">'+outcome.text()+'</a>
        <ol class="schools upper-alpha">';

            var school = $(this);
            str+='<li><a href="#'+school.attr('id')+'">'+school.text()+'</a>
                <ol class="programs">';


                    var program = $(this);
                    str+='<li><a href="#'+program.attr('id')+'">'+program.text()+'</a></li>';



    // console.log(str);

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Events

    $('.to-top').on('click', function(e) {

    $('html').animate({scrollTop:0}, 1);
    $('body').animate({scrollTop:0}, 1);
