<?php use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection; class ActivitiesController extends \BaseController { /** * Save a new activity * * @param int $id The id of the parent course * @return Response Redirect to the parent course's page */ public function create($id) { /** Validation rules */ $validator = Validator::make( array( 'name' => Input::get('name'), 'description' => Input::get('description') ), array( 'name' => 'required|unique:activities,course_id,' . $id, 'description' => 'required|min:10' ) ); /** If validation fails */ if ($validator->fails()) { /** Prepare error message */ $message = 'Error(s) creating a new Activity<ul>'; foreach ($validator->messages()->all('<li>:message</li>') as $validationError) { $message .= $validationError; } $message .= '</ul>'; /** Send error message and old data */ Session::flash('status', 'danger'); Session::flash('message', $message); return Redirect::back()->withInput(); } else { /** Instantiate new activity */ $activity = new Activity; $activity->name = Input::get('name'); $activity->description = Input::get('description'); $activity->course_id = $id; $activity->date = date('Y-m-d'); /** If activity is saved, send success message */ if ($activity->save()) { Session::flash('status', 'success'); Session::flash('message', 'Activity created.'); return Redirect::action('ActivitiesController@show', array($activity->id)); } /** If saving fails, send error message and old data */ else { Session::flash('status', 'warning'); Session::flash('message', 'Error adding Activity. Please try again later.'); return Redirect::back()->withInput(); } } } public function newCreate($course_id = null) { $title = 'Create Activity'; $activity_types = []; $instruments = Rubric::all(); $courses = Course::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->get(); $outcomes = Outcome::with('objectives')->get(); // var_dump($outcomes[0]->objectives); $objectives_by_outcome = Collection::make([]); $outcomes->each(function ($outcome) use (&$objectives_by_outcome) { // var_dump($outcome->objectives); $objectives_by_outcome->put($outcome->id, $outcome->objectives); // var_dump($objectives); }); $criteria_by_objective = Collection::make([]); $objectives_by_outcome->each(function ($objectives) use (&$criteria_by_objective) { $objectives->each(function ($objective) use (&$criteria_by_objective) { $criteria_by_objective->put($objective->id, $objective->criteria); }); }); $transforming_actions = []; $course = Course::find($course_id); // var_dump($criteria_by_objective); // return $objectives->toJson(); return View::make( 'local.managers.admins.new-activity-create', compact( 'title', 'course', 'activity_types', 'instruments', 'courses', 'outcomes', 'objectives_by_outcome', 'criteria_by_objective', 'transforming_actions' ) ); } /** * */ public function show($id) { $activity = Activity::find($id); // If activity does not exist, display 404 if (!$activity) App::abort('404'); // Get activity's course $course = Course::where('id', '=', $activity->course_id)->firstOrFail(); // If activity does not belong to the requesting user, display 403 if ($course->user_id != Auth::id() and Auth::user()->role==4) App::abort('403', 'Access Forbidden'); // Get active semesters $active_semesters = array(); $active_semesters_collection = Semester::select('id')->where('is_visible', 1)->where('start', '<=', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->where('end', '>=', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))->get(); foreach ($active_semesters_collection as $active_semester) { $active_semesters[] = $active_semester->id; } // Added the function htmlspecialchars to activity name string because it was corrupting Jquery code while using quotes on page rendering. - Carlos R Caraballo 1/18/2019 $title = $course->code . $course->number . '-' . $course->section . ': ' . htmlspecialchars($activity->name, ENT_QUOTES) . ' <span class="small attention">(' . $course->semester->code . ')</span>'; $outcomes = Outcome::orderBy('name', 'asc')->get(); $outcomes_achieved = json_decode($activity->outcomes_achieved, true); $outcomes_attempted = json_decode($activity->outcomes_attempted, true); return View::make('local.professors.activity', compact('activity', 'title', 'outcomes', 'outcomes_achieved', 'outcomes_attempted', 'course', 'student_count', 'active_semesters')); } public function assess($id) { $activity = Activity::find($id); // If activity does not exist, display 404 if (!$activity) App::abort('404'); // Get activity's course $course = Course::where('id', '=', $activity->course_id)->firstOrFail(); // If activity does not belong to the requesting user, display 403 if ($course->user_id != Auth::id()) App::abort('403', 'Access Forbidden'); $title = 'Assessment Sheet'; $students = $course->students; // Get rubric contents $rubric = Rubric::find($activity->rubric_id); $rubric_contents = json_decode($rubric->contents); // Get results $assessments = DB::table('assessments')->join('students', 'assessments.student_id', '=', 'students.id')->where('activity_id', '=', $activity->id)->orderBy('assessments.id', 'asc')->get(); // Decode the scores (blade workaround) $scores_array = array(); foreach ($assessments as $index => $assessment) { $scores_array[$assessment->id] = json_decode($assessment->scores, true); } return View::make('local.professors.assessment', compact('activity', 'title', 'students', 'course', 'rubric_contents', 'assessments', 'scores_array', 'rubric')); } public function saveAssessment() { try { $exception = DB::transaction(function () { DB::transaction(function () { // Student assessment data $student_data = json_decode(Input::get('student_scores')); // Outcome count $outcomeCount = Outcome::all()->count(); // Activity $activity = Activity::find(Input::get('activity_id')); // Create or update student scores if ($activity->outcomes_attempted == NULL) { // For each student, save her/his assessment in the db foreach ($student_data as $single_student_data) { // Find student by id $student = Student::find($single_student_data->student_id); $comments = trim($single_student_data->comments); if ($comments == '') { $comments = NULL; } // Add the assessment to the pivot table $student->assessed_activities()->attach($activity->id, array( 'scores' => json_encode($single_student_data->scores), 'percentage' => $single_student_data->percentage, 'comments' => $single_student_data->comments )); } } else { // For each student, save her/his assessment in the db foreach ($student_data as $single_student_data) { // Find student by id $student = Student::find($single_student_data->student_id); $comments = trim($single_student_data->comments); if ($comments == '') { $comments = NULL; } // Update the assessment in the pivot table $student->assessed_activities()->updateExistingPivot($activity->id, array( 'scores' => json_encode($single_student_data->scores), 'percentage' => $single_student_data->percentage, 'comments' => $single_student_data->comments )); } } // Prepare arrays for criteria achievement for this activity $criteria_achievement = json_decode(Input::get('criteria_achievement')); $outcomes_attempted = array_fill(1, $outcomeCount, 0); $outcomes_achieved = array_fill(1, $outcomeCount, 0); // Fetch parent course's criteria achievement by outcome, if it exists $course = $activity->course; $course_outcomes_attempted = NULL; $course_outcomes_achieved = NULL; if ($course->outcomes_attempted == NULL) { $course_outcomes_attempted = array_fill(1, $outcomeCount, 0); $course_outcomes_achieved = array_fill(1, $outcomeCount, 0); } else { // the second argument is necessary to convert it into an array $course_outcomes_attempted = json_decode($course->outcomes_attempted, true); $course_outcomes_achieved = json_decode($course->outcomes_achieved, true); } foreach ($criteria_achievement as $criterion_id => $criterion_achieved) { // Find corresponding learning outcome $criterion = Criterion::withTrashed()->find($criterion_id); $outcome = Outcome::find($criterion->outcome_id); // If criterion is achieved (1), add 1 to all arrays if ($criterion_achieved === 1) { $outcomes_attempted[$outcome->id] += 1; $outcomes_achieved[$outcome->id] += 1; $course_outcomes_attempted[$outcome->id] += 1; $course_outcomes_achieved[$outcome->id] += 1; } // Else if it's 0, only add to the attempted outcomes arrays elseif ($criterion_achieved === 0) { $outcomes_attempted[$outcome->id] += 1; $course_outcomes_attempted[$outcome->id] += 1; } } // If all values are 0, throw exception if (count(array_unique($outcomes_attempted)) == 1 && $outcomes_attempted[1] == 0) throw new Exception("Error Processing Request", 1); // Set activity fields $activity->criteria_achieved = Input::get('criteria_achievement'); $activity->criteria_achieved_percentage = Input::get('criteria_achieved_percentage'); $activity->outcomes_attempted = json_encode($outcomes_attempted); $activity->outcomes_achieved = json_encode($outcomes_achieved); // Publish results if not a draft. That is, update the activity's course. if (Input::get('draft') == false) { // Update course $course->outcomes_achieved = json_encode($course_outcomes_achieved); $course->outcomes_attempted = json_encode($course_outcomes_attempted); $course->save(); $activity->draft = false; } else { // Set draft to true $activity->draft = true; } // Save activity $activity->save(); // Recalculate course outcomes $activities = DB::table('activities') ->where('course_id', $activity->course->id) ->where('draft', 0) ->get(); // Check if any assessed activities remain $remainingAssessed = false; foreach ($activities as $activity1) { if ($activity1->outcomes_attempted != NULL) { $remainingAssessed = true; break; } } //If there are still evaluated activities in the course, recalculate course outcomes if (count($activities) && $remainingAssessed) { $outcomeCount = Outcome::all()->count(); // Variables to hold recalculated outcomes for the course $course_outcomes_attempted = array_fill(1, $outcomeCount, 0); $course_outcomes_achieved = array_fill(1, $outcomeCount, 0); // For each activity foreach ($activities as $activity2) { // If activity has been assessed if ($activity2->outcomes_attempted != NULL) { // Get the achieved criteria $criteria_achievement = json_decode($activity2->criteria_achieved, true); foreach ($criteria_achievement as $criterion_id => $criterion_achieved) { // Find corresponding learning outcome; $criterion = Criterion::withTrashed()->find($criterion_id); $outcome = Outcome::find($criterion->outcome_id); // If criterion is achieved (1), add 1 to both arrays if ($criterion_achieved === 1) { $course_outcomes_attempted[$outcome->id] += 1; $course_outcomes_achieved[$outcome->id] += 1; } // Else, only add to the attempted outcomes arrays elseif ($criterion_achieved === 0) { $course_outcomes_attempted[$outcome->id] += 1; } } } } // Update course DB::table('courses') ->where('id', $course->id) ->update(array( 'outcomes_attempted' => json_encode($course_outcomes_attempted), 'outcomes_achieved' => json_encode($course_outcomes_achieved), 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s') )); } // Otherwise, set them all to NULL else { DB::table('courses') ->where('id', $course->id) ->update(array( 'outcomes_attempted' => NULL, 'outcomes_achieved' => NULL, 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s') )); } }); }); if (is_null($exception)) { Session::flash('status', 'success'); Session::flash('message', 'Assessment Saved. To add transforming actions click "Transforming Actions".'); return action('ActivitiesController@show', array(Input::get('activity_id'))); } } catch (Exception $e) { Log::info('e:' . $e); echo $e->getMessage(); Session::flash('status', 'danger'); Session::flash('message', 'Error saving assessment. Try again later.'); return action('ActivitiesController@show', array(Input::get('activity_id'))); } } public function deleteAssessment() { try { $exception = DB::transaction(function () { $activity = DB::table('activities')->where('id', Input::get('id'))->first(); $course = DB::table('courses')->where('id', $activity->course_id)->first(); // Reset results in activity DB::table('activities') ->where('id', Input::get('id')) ->update(array( 'draft' => 0, 'outcomes_attempted' => NULL, 'outcomes_achieved' => NULL, 'criteria_achieved' => NULL, 'transforming_actions' => NULL, 'assessment_comments' => NULL, 'criteria_achieved_percentage' => NULL, 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s') )); // Delete students score DB::table('assessments')->where('activity_id', $activity->id)->delete(); // Recalculate course outcomes $activities = DB::table('activities') ->where('course_id', $course->id) ->where('draft', 0) ->get(); // Check if any assessed activties remain $remainingAssessed = false; foreach ($activities as $activity) { if ($activity->outcomes_attempted != NULL) { $remainingAssessed = true; break; } } //If there are still evaluated activities in the course, recalculate course outcomes if (count($activities) && $remainingAssessed) { $outcomeCount = Outcome::all()->count(); // Variables to hold recalculated outcomes for the course $course_outcomes_attempted = array_fill(1, $outcomeCount, 0); $course_outcomes_achieved = array_fill(1, $outcomeCount, 0); // For each activity foreach ($activities as $activity) { // If activity has been assessed if ($activity->outcomes_attempted != NULL) { // Get the achieved criteria $criteria_achievement = json_decode($activity->criteria_achieved, true); foreach ($criteria_achievement as $criterion_id => $criterion_achieved) { // Find corresponding learning outcome; $criterion = Criterion::withTrashed()->find($criterion_id); $outcome = Outcome::find($criterion->outcome_id); // If criterion is achieved (1), add 1 to both arrays if ($criterion_achieved === 1) { $course_outcomes_attempted[$outcome->id] += 1; $course_outcomes_achieved[$outcome->id] += 1; } // Else, only add to the attempted outcomes arrays elseif ($criterion_achieved === 0) { $course_outcomes_attempted[$outcome->id] += 1; } } } } // Update course DB::table('courses') ->where('id', $course->id) ->update(array( 'outcomes_attempted' => json_encode($course_outcomes_attempted), 'outcomes_achieved' => json_encode($course_outcomes_achieved), 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s') )); } // Otherwise, set them all to NULL else { DB::table('courses') ->where('id', $course->id) ->update(array( 'outcomes_attempted' => NULL, 'outcomes_achieved' => NULL, 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s') )); } }); if (is_null($exception)) { Session::flash('status', 'success'); Session::flash('message', 'Assessment deleted.'); return Redirect::back(); } } catch (Exception $e) { Session::flash('status', 'danger'); Session::flash('message', 'Error saving assessment. Try again later.'); return Redirect::back(); } } public function destroy($id) { $course = Activity::find($id)->course; if (Activity::destroy($id)) { // Recalculate course outcomes $activities = $course->activities; // Check if any assessed activties remain $remainingAssessed = false; foreach ($course->activities as $activity) { if ($activity->outcomes_attempted != NULL) { $remainingAssessed = true; break; } } //If there are still evaluated activities in the course, recalculate course outcomes if (!$course->activities->isEmpty() && $remainingAssessed) { $outcomeCount = Outcome::all()->count(); // Variables to hold recalculated outcomes for the course $course_outcomes_attempted = array_fill(1, $outcomeCount, 0); $course_outcomes_achieved = array_fill(1, $outcomeCount, 0); // For each activity foreach ($activities as $activity) { // If activity has been assessed if ($activity->outcomes_attempted != NULL) { // Get the achieved criteria $criteria_achievement = json_decode($activity->criteria_achieved, true); foreach ($criteria_achievement as $criterion_id => $criterion_achieved) { // Find corresponding learning outcome; $criterion = Criterion::withTrashed()->find($criterion_id); $outcome = Outcome::find($criterion->outcome_id); // If criterion is achieved (1), add 1 to both arrays if ($criterion_achieved === 1) { $course_outcomes_attempted[$outcome->id] += 1; $course_outcomes_achieved[$outcome->id] += 1; } // Else, only add to the attempted outcomes arrays elseif ($criterion_achieved === 0) { $course_outcomes_attempted[$outcome->id] += 1; } } } } // Update course $course->outcomes_achieved = json_encode($course_outcomes_achieved); $course->outcomes_attempted = json_encode($course_outcomes_attempted); } else { $course->outcomes_achieved = NULL; $course->outcomes_attempted = NULL; } if ($course->save()) { Session::flash('status', 'success'); Session::flash('message', 'Activity deleted.'); } else { Session::flash('status', 'danger'); Session::flash('message', 'Error deleting activity. Try again later.'); return Redirect::back(); } return Redirect::action('CoursesController@show', array($course->id)); } else { Session::flash('status', 'danger'); Session::flash('message', 'Error deleting activity. Try again later.'); return Redirect::back(); } } public function update($id) { try { $activity = Activity::find($id); if (Input::has('update_activity_information')) { /** Validation rules */ $validator = Validator::make( array( 'name' => Input::get('name'), 'description' => Input::get('description'), 'date' => Input::get('date'), ), array( 'name' => 'required|unique:activities,course_id,' . $id, 'description' => 'required|min:10', 'date' => 'required|dateFormat:Y-m-d' ), array( 'date.dateFormat' => 'The date does not match the correct format: yyyy-mm-dd.' ) ); /** If validation fails */ if ($validator->fails()) { /** Prepare error message */ $message = 'Error(s) updating the Activity<ul>'; foreach ($validator->messages()->all('<li>:message</li>') as $validationError) { $message .= $validationError; } $message .= '</ul>'; /** Send error message and old data */ Session::flash('status', 'warning'); Session::flash('message', $message); return Redirect::back()->withInput(); } /** Update activity info */ $activity->name = Input::get('name'); $activity->description = Input::get('description'); $activity->date = Input::get('date'); } elseif (Input::has('update_transforming_actions')) { if (trim(Input::get('transforming_actions')) != "") $activity->transforming_actions = Input::get('transforming_actions'); else $activity->transforming_actions = NULL; } elseif (Input::has('update_assessment_comments')) { if (trim(Input::get('assessment_comments')) != "") $activity->assessment_comments = Input::get('assessment_comments'); else $activity->assessment_comments = NULL; } else { Session::flash('status', 'danger'); Session::flash('message', 'Error updating Activity. Please try again later.'); return Redirect::action('ActivitiesController@show', array($activity->id)); } $activity->save(); /** If activity is saved, send success message */ Session::flash('status', 'success'); Session::flash('message', 'Activity succesfully updated.'); return Redirect::action('ActivitiesController@show', array($activity->id)); } catch (Exception $e) { Session::flash('status', 'warning'); Session::flash('message', 'Error updating Activity. Please try again later.'); return Redirect::action('ActivitiesController@show', array($activity->id)); } } //TODO the code in the next 2 functions is the same as the assess function except for the view returned. try to refactor this to avoid copying code. public function viewAssessment($id) { $activity = Activity::find($id); // If activity does not exist, display 404 if (!$activity) App::abort('404'); // Get activity's course $course = Course::where('id', '=', $activity->course_id)->firstOrFail(); // If activity does not belong to the requesting user, display 403 if ($course->user_id != Auth::id()) App::abort('403', 'Access Forbidden'); $title = 'Assessment Sheet'; $students = $course->students; // Get rubric contents $rubric_contents = Rubric::select('contents')->where('id', '=', $activity->rubric_id)->get(); $rubric_contents = json_decode($rubric_contents['0']->contents); $rubric = Rubric::find($activity->rubric_id); // Get results $assessments = DB::table('assessments')->where('activity_id', '=', $activity->id)->orderBy('id', 'asc')->get(); // Decode the scores (blade workaround) $scores_array = array(); foreach ($assessments as $index => $assessment) { $scores_array[$assessment->id] = json_decode($assessment->scores, true); } return View::make('local.professors.view_assessment', compact('activity', 'title', 'students', 'course', 'rubric_contents', 'assessments', 'scores_array', 'rubric')); } public function printAssessment($id) { $activity = Activity::find($id); // If activity does not exist, display 404 if (!$activity) App::abort('404'); // Get activity's course $course = Course::where('id', '=', $activity->course_id)->firstOrFail(); // If activity does not belong to the requesting user, display 403 if ($course->user_id != Auth::id()) App::abort('403', 'Access Forbidden'); $title = 'Assessment Sheet'; $students = $course->students; // Get rubric contents $rubric_contents = Rubric::select('contents')->where('id', '=', $activity->rubric_id)->get(); $rubric_contents = json_decode($rubric_contents['0']->contents); $rubric = Rubric::find($activity->rubric_id); // Get results $assessments = DB::table('assessments')->where('activity_id', '=', $activity->id)->orderBy('id', 'asc')->get(); // Decode the scores (blade workaround) $scores_array = array(); foreach ($assessments as $index => $assessment) { $scores_array[$assessment->id] = json_decode($assessment->scores, true); } return View::make('local.professors.print_assessment', compact('activity', 'title', 'students', 'course', 'rubric_contents', 'assessments', 'scores_array', 'rubric')); } }