@extends('layouts.master') @section('navigation') @include('local.managers.admins._navigation') @stop @section('main')

Percent of Students Achieving Learning Outcomes By Academic Session

The target line represents the expected percent of students achieving the learning outcome({{$target*100}}%).
@stop @section('included-js') @stop @section('javascript') $(document).ready(function() { $("#year").parent().parent().parent().hide(); // when a filter is focused var previous; $(".category").find("button").focus(function() { previous = Array(); $(this).parent().find("select option:selected").each(function() { previous.push(this.value); }); }); // when a filter is changed $(".category").find("select").change(function() { var new_value = Array(); $(this).parent().find("select option:selected").each(function() { new_value.push(this.value); }); //if statements so that "All" only can be selected alone and dont allow selecting no options if(jQuery.inArray("0",new_value) !== -1 && jQuery.inArray("0",previous) === -1){ $(this).parent().find("select option:selected").each(function() { $(this).removeAttr('selected'); $(this).parent().val(0); //$('.selectpicker').selectpicker('refresh'); new_value = ["0"]; }); }else if(jQuery.inArray("0",new_value) !== -1 && jQuery.inArray("0",previous) !== -1 && new_value.length > previous.length){ $(this).parent().find("select option:selected").each(function() { if(this.value == "0"){ $(this).removeAttr('selected'); //$('.selectpicker').selectpicker('refresh'); new_value = Array(new_value[1]); } }); }else if(new_value.length == 0){ $(this).parent().find("select").val(0); //$('.selectpicker').selectpicker('refresh'); new_value = ["0"]; } previous = new_value; // get values from all selects var schools = $("#school").val(); var programs = $("#program").val(); var semesters = $("#semester").val(); var years = $("#year").val(); var outcomes = $("#outcome").val(); // query the values and get new data for chart $.post( "{{ URL::action('AdministratorsController@overview2_filter_results') }}", { schools: (schools), programs: (programs), semesters: (semesters), years: (years), outcomes: (outcomes), }, function(data) { var filters = data.filters; var outcomes_info = data.outcomes_info; var semesters = data.semesters; //////// update chart make_chart(outcomes_info,semesters); ////////update filters var new_all = $('