

<!-- View criterion info -->
<div class="modal fade" id="modal-view-criterion">
    <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg">
        <div class="modal-content">
            <div class="modal-header">
                <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>
                <h4 class="modal-title"></h4>
            <div class="modal-body">
                <table class="table table-bordered">
                        <th>Beginning (1-2)</th>
                        <th>In Progress (3-4)</th>
                        <th>Good (5-6)</th>
                        <th>Excellent (7-8)</th>
        </div><!-- /.modal-content -->
    </div><!-- /.modal-dialog -->
</div><!-- /.modal -->

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-12">
        <div class="well">
            <button id="button-language" class="btn btn-default btn-sm pull-right">Change language / Cambiar idioma</button>

            <div id="english-instructions">
                    <li>Fill in the scores per criterion for each student. You can see the student's final score in the last column.</li>
                    <li>Click 'Save Assessment' to save your assessment. You can come back later if you need to make any updates.</li>

                    <li>If a particular criterion cannot be assessed for a student, select "N/A" (Not Applicable). This <strong>will not</strong> affect the student's score.</li>
                    <li>If a particular criterion was assessed but the student did not complete the necessary work, you must select "0". This <strong>will</strong> affect the student's score.</li>
                    <li>If a student did not complete any work for this activity, select "0" for all columns in that student's row.</li>
                    <li>If a student dropped the class, select "N/A" (Not Applicable) for all columns in that student's row.</li>
                    <li>Cells with "0" or "N/A" <strong>will not</strong> be used to determine whether a criterion is achieved. Only scores from 1 to 8 will be considered for this purpose.</li>


            <div id="spanish-instructions">
                    <li>Seleccione la puntuación por criterio para cada estudiante. Puede ver la puntuación final en la última columna.</li>
                    <li>Oprima 'Save Assessment' para guardar las puntuaciones. Puede volver a esta página luego si desea hacer cambios.</li>

                    <li>Si un criterio particular no puede ser evaluado, seleccione "N/A" (No Aplica). Esto <strong>no</strong> afectará la puntuación final del estudiante.</li>
                    <li>Si un criterio particular fue evaluado, pero el estudiante no completó el trabajo necesario, debe seleccionar "0". Esto <strong>sí</strong> afectará la puntuación final del estudiante.</li>
                    <li>Si un estudiante no completó el trabajo para esta actividad, seleccione "0" en todas las columnas de la fila de ese estudiante.</li>
                    <li>Si un estudiante se dio de baja, seleccione "N/A" (No Aplica) en todas las columnas de la fila de ese estudiante.</li>
                    <li>Las celdas con "0" o "N/A" <strong>no</strong> serán utilizadas para determinar si un criterio se alcanzó o no. Solamente las puntuaciones del 1 al 8 serán consideradas.</li>



        <p id="course">Course: {{{ $course->code }}} {{{ $course->number }}}</p>
        <p id="section">Section: {{{ $course->section }}}</p>
        {{ HTML::linkAction('ActivitiesController@show', 'Back to Activity', array($activity->id), array('class'=>'btn btn-default btn-sm pull-right')) }}
        <p id="activity" data-activity-id="{{{ $activity->id }}}">Activity: {{{ $activity->name}}} </p>
        <p>Passing Criteria: <span id="expected_percentage">{{{ $rubric->expected_percentage }}}% of students must obtain at least </span><span id="expected_points">{{{$rubric->expected_points}}}</span> points </p>

        <table id="assessment-table" class="table table-striped">
                        @foreach ($rubric_contents as $criterion)
                            <th class="criterion-field" data-criterion-id="{{{ $criterion->id }}}"><div class="th-box">{{ $criterion->name}}</div></th>
                        <th>Student Percentage</th>

            <!-- If the activity was assessed, load the assessment. Otherwise load empty sheet -->
                <!-- For each assessment -->
                @foreach ($assessments as $assessment)
                    <tr class="student-row">
                        <!-- Fetch student name -->
                        <td class="student-field" data-student-id="{{ $assessment->student_id }}">
                            {{{ $assessment->name }}}

                        <!-- For each criterion in the rubric, there's a score field -->
                        @for ($i = 0; $i<sizeof($rubric_contents); $i++)
                            <td class="score-field">
                                <select name="" id="" class="form-control">
                                <!-- Option from 0-8 -->
                                @for ($j=0; $j<=8; $j++)
                                    <!-- If the decoded scores with index as the assessment id and second index as criterion id equals the loop index, mark it as selected -->
                                    @if( $j ==  $scores_array[$assessment->id][$rubric_contents[$i]->id])
                                        <option value="{{$j}}" selected="selected">{{ $j }}</option>
                                        <option value="{{$j}}">{{ $j }}</option>

                                <!-- N/A option -->
                                @if( $scores_array[$assessment->id][$rubric_contents[$i]->id]=="N/A")
                                    <option value="N/A" selected="selected">N/A</option>
                                    <option value="N/A">N/A</option>
                        <td class="percentage">{{{ $assessment->percentage }}}</td>
                @foreach ($students as $student)
                    <tr class="student-row">
                        <td class="student-field" data-student-id={{ $student->id }}>{{{ $student->name }}}</td>
                        @for ($i = 0; $i<sizeof($rubric_contents); $i++)
                            <td class="score-field">
                                <select name="" id="" class="form-control">
                                    <option value="0">0</option>
                                    <option value="1">1</option>
                                    <option value="2">2</option>
                                    <option value="3">3</option>
                                    <option value="4">4</option>
                                    <option value="5">5</option>
                                    <option value="6">6</option>
                                    <option value="7">7</option>
                                    <option value="8">8</option>
                                    <option value="N/A">N/A</option>
                        <td class="percentage"></td>
                        <strong>Passed Criteria Percentage </strong>
                    @for ($i = 0; $i<sizeof($rubric_contents); $i++)
                        <td class="total"><strong><span class="total-value"></span>%</strong>


        <div class="text-center">
            <button id="button-submit-assessment" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">Save Assessment</button>


@section ('javascript')

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Page load
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Enable fixed headers

// Hide spanish instructions by default



// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Calculate average of students that passed a specific criterion
function percentagePerCriterion(columnIndex)
    // Object to hold the score sum of each criterion
    var sum = 0 ;
    var total = 0;


    // Iterate through rows of column
    $('table tbody tr td:nth-child('+columnIndex+')').each(function( index )
        var val = parseInt($(this).children('select').find(':selected').val());

        /* If N/A or 0 are chosen, they are ignored in the calculation.  */
        if(Number.isInteger(val) && val!=0)
            if(val >= parseInt($('#expected_points').text()))


    var percentage= (sum/total*100).toFixed(2);

    // If no criteria were assessed, set the percentage to 0.
    // This is to avoid show NaN%

    $('.total:nth-child('+columnIndex+') span').html(percentage);


// Calculate total for a specific student
function percentagePerStudent(row)
    // Object to hold the score student's total score
    var sum = 0 ;
    var total = 0;
    var percentage = 0;

        var val = parseInt($(this).children('select').find(':selected').val());
            sum += val;

    percentage =((sum/(total*8))*100).toFixed(2);

    //If percentage is not a number, set it to 0.



// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Events
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

// When any score changes, calculate percentages
$('select').on('change', function(e)

// Submit button is clicked
$('#button-submit-assessment').on('click', function(e)
    var expected_points = parseInt($('#expected_points').text());
    var expected_percentage = parseInt($('#expected_percentage').text());

    //Prevent page refresh

    // Row in the database
    var activity_id   =  $('#activity').data('activity-id');

    // Object to hold the score sum of each criterion
    var criteriaSumObject = new Object();

    // Object to hold % of students that passed each criterion
    var CriteriaAchievedPercentage = new Object();

    // Object to hold all student evaluations
    var studentAssessments = new Array();

    // Iterate through all students
    $('#assessment-table tbody tr').each(function( index )
        var ScoresObject     = new Object();        // Scores column in database
        var CriterionObject = new Object();     // Objects inside ScoresObject
        var SingleStudentAssessment = new Object();
        SingleStudentAssessment.student_id = $(this).find('.student-field').data('student-id');

        // For each criterion, store the score in array
        $(this).children('td.score-field').each(function( index )
            // Table cell with a score
            var scoreField = $(this);

            // Criterion being evaluated in current iteration
            var criterion_id = $('.criterion-field').eq(index).data('criterion-id');

            // Score in the cell
            var score = scoreField.children('select').find(':selected').val();

            // Store the score in the scores Object

            // Initialize the index for the sum object, if it's undefined
            if(typeof(criteriaSumObject[criterion_id]) == 'undefined')

            // Add to this criterion's total

        SingleStudentAssessment.scores = ScoresObject;
        SingleStudentAssessment.percentage = $(this).find('.percentage').text();
        console.log('student object: '+JSON.stringify(SingleStudentAssessment));

        var clone = jQuery.extend({}, SingleStudentAssessment);


    console.log('students: '+JSON.stringify(studentAssessments));
    console.log('total points per criteria: '+JSON.stringify(criteriaSumObject));

    // Iterate through all evaluated criteria, determining which were achieved
    // by comparing the completion percentage to the expected percentage
    var CriteriaAchievedResults = new Object();

        var id = $('.criterion-field').eq(index).data('criterion-id');

        CriteriaAchievedPercentage[id] = parseFloat($(this).find('span').text());

        //Set whether criterion was achieved (1) or not (0)
        if(CriteriaAchievedPercentage[id] >= expected_percentage)

    console.log('criteria results: '+JSON.stringify(CriteriaAchievedResults));
    console.log('criteria percentages: '+JSON.stringify(CriteriaAchievedPercentage));

    // Save activity to the database
        "{{ URL::action('ActivitiesController@saveAssessment') }}",
            activity_id: activity_id,
            criteria_achieved_percentage: JSON.stringify(CriteriaAchievedPercentage),
            criteria_achievement: JSON.stringify(CriteriaAchievedResults),
            student_scores: JSON.stringify(studentAssessments),
            window.scrollTo(0, 0);


// Language button is clicked
$('#button-language').on('click', function(e)


// Criterion name is clicked
$('.criterion-field').on('click', function()
        type: 'POST',
        url: "{{ URL::action('CriteriaController@fetchCriterionWithTrashed') }}",
        data: { id: $(this).data('criterion-id') },
        success: function(data)

            $('.modal-body tbody tr').empty();
            $('.modal-body tbody tr').append

                $('.modal-body tbody tr').append('<td>'+data.notes+'</td>');
                $('.modal-body tbody tr').append('<td></td>');

