StickyTableHeaders ================== So what's it good for? Well, let's say you want to display a long list of fairly uniform tabluar data, like [stock exchange listings]( or [sport statistics](,SG,G,GF,SF,PF,F,FC,C) but you don't want your users to get lost in the data as they scroll down on the page. StickyTableHeaders to the rescue: By applying the StickyTableHeaders jQuery plugin to the table, the column headers will stick to the top of the viewport as you scroll down. Go ahead and [try out a demo]( The code is based on [this proof of concept]( Installation ------------ The best way to install is using [Bower]( ```bash bower install StickyTableHeaders ``` Alternatively, you can download the latest version from [jquery.stickytableheaders.min.js]( Usage ----- Initializing the plugin is pretty straight forward: ```js $('table').stickyTableHeaders(); ``` ###Tear down To remove the plugin: ```js $('table').stickyTableHeaders('destroy'); ``` ###Trigger an update manually ```js $(window).trigger('resize.stickyTableHeaders'); ``` ###Options You can initialize the plugin with an options map to tweak the behavior. The following options are supported: ####`fixedOffset` A number or jQuery object specifying how much the sticky header should be offset from the top of the page: ```js $('table').stickyTableHeaders({fixedOffset: $('#header')}); ``` ####`scrollableArea` A DOM element or jQuery object. Allows you to overwrite which surrounding element is scrolling. Defaults to `window`. [Check this demo for an example]( As described in [pull request #33]( responsive pages might need to re-initialize the plugin when the user resizes his browser. This is can be done by calling the plugin with the new options: ```js $('table').stickyTableHeaders({fixedOffset: [new-offset]}); ``` Confused? --------- If any of this is confusing, please check out the [/demo]( folder. There are a couple of examples in there. E.g. you can see how to use it with Twitter Bootstrap. Known Issues ------------ - Internet Explorer: You need to set the padding of the `<th>`s explicitly in the css in order to make the plugin work - Internet Explorer: Adding horizontal margin to the table causes the header to be misaligned when scrolling. (Issue #10) - Using the plugin together with [tablesorter]( breaks in Internet Explorer 8 Browser Support --------------- The plugin has been verified to work in: - Chrome 35 - Firefox 29 - Internet Explorer 8-11 - Safari 5 NOTE: It does not work in Internet Explorer 7 (but it degrades nicely)