@extends('layouts.master') @section('navigation') @if($role==1) @include('local.managers.admins._navigation') @elseif($role==2) @include('local.managers.sCoords._navigation') @elseif($role==3) @include('local.managers.pCoords._navigation') @else @include('local.professors._navigation') @endif @stop @section('main')
{{ HTML::linkAction('ActivitiesController@show', 'Back to Activity', array($activity->id), array('class'=>'btn btn-default')) }} {{ HTML::linkAction('RubricsController@printview', 'Print', array($activity->id, $rubric->id), array('class'=>'btn btn-default')) }}

Course: {{{ $course->code }}} {{{ $course->number }}}

Section: {{{ $course->section }}}

Activity: {{{ $activity->name}}}

Passing Criteria: {{{ $rubric->expected_percentage }}}% of students must obtain at least {{{$rubric->expected_points}}} points

@foreach(json_decode($rubric->contents) as $index => $criterion) @if(isset($criterion->notes)) @else @endif @endforeach
Criterion Beginning (1-2) In Progress (3-4) Good (5-6) Excellent (7-8) Learning Outcome
{{ $index + 1 }}. {{{ $criterion->name }}} @if(property_exists($criterion, 'subcriteria'))
    @foreach($criterion->subcriteria as $subcriterion)
  • {{ $subcriterion }}
  • @endforeach
{{{ $criterion->name }}} @if(property_exists($criterion, 'subcriteria'))
    @foreach($criterion->subcriteria as $subcriterion)
  • {{ $subcriterion }}
  • @endforeach
{{ nl2br($criterion->description12) }} {{ nl2br($criterion->description34) }} {{ nl2br($criterion->description56) }} {{ nl2br($criterion->description78) }} {{ Outcome::where('id', $criterion->outcome_id)->first()->name }}
@stop @section('javascript') // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Page load // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- buildCopyrightList(); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Build list from copyright info in rubric function buildCopyrightList() { // Empty the copyright list $('#copyright-list').empty(); $('tbody tr').each(function( index ) { var criterion = $(this); // If there's copyright info (in this particular view, it checks for empty strings) if(criterion.data('criterion-copyright')!='') { // console.log('Copyright for index '+index+' not null.'); var copyright = criterion.data('criterion-copyright'); // If there is anything in the copyright list if($('#copyright-list li').length>0) { // console.log('In index '+index+', copyright list not empty.'); // Check copyright list for the same copyright text var found = false; $('#copyright-list li').each(function() { // If found, give the string its number if(copyright==$(this).find('span').text()) { // console.log('In index '+index+', matching copyright test found.'); copyrightNumber = Number.parseInt($(this).find('sup').text()); // console.log('In index '+index+', the matching number is '+copyrightNumber); // console.log('In index '+index+', text is'+ criterion.children('td:nth-child(1)').text()); criterion.children('td:nth-child(2)').find('sup').text(copyrightNumber); found =true; //to break return false; } }); // Otherwise, give it the next number and append a new item to the // list if(!found) { // console.log('In index '+index+', matching copyright test NOT found.'); var copyrightNumber = $('#copyright-list li').length+1; criterion.children('td:nth-child(2)').find('sup').text(copyrightNumber); $('#copyright-list').append('
  • '+copyrightNumber+' '+copyright+'
  • '); } } // Otherwise, give it number 1 and append it else { // // console.log('In index '+index+', copyright list is empty.'); criterion.children('td:nth-child(2)').find('sup').text('1'); $('#copyright-list').append('
  • 1 '+copyright+'
  • '); } } }); if($('#copyright-info li').length>0) { $('#copyright-info').show(); } else { $('#copyright-info').hide(); } } @stop