<?php include_once 'Sample_Header.php'; // New Word document echo date('H:i:s'), ' Create new PhpWord object', EOL; $phpWord = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord(); $phpWord->setDefaultParagraphStyle( array( 'align' => 'both', 'spaceAfter' => \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared\Converter::pointToTwip(12), 'spacing' => 120, ) ); // Sample $section = $phpWord->addSection(); $section->addText( htmlspecialchars( 'Below are the samples on how to control your paragraph ' . 'pagination. See "Line and Page Break" tab on paragraph properties ' . 'window to see the attribute set by these controls.' ), array('bold' => true), array('space' => array('before' => 360, 'after' => 480)) ); $section->addText( htmlspecialchars( 'Paragraph with widowControl = false (default: true). ' . 'A "widow" is the last line of a paragraph printed by itself at the top ' . 'of a page. An "orphan" is the first line of a paragraph printed by ' . 'itself at the bottom of a page. Set this option to "false" if you want ' . 'to disable this automatic control.' ), null, array('widowControl' => false, 'indentation' => array('left' => 240, 'right' => 120)) ); $section->addText( htmlspecialchars( 'Paragraph with keepNext = true (default: false). ' . '"Keep with next" is used to prevent Word from inserting automatic page ' . 'breaks between paragraphs. Set this option to "true" if you do not want ' . 'your paragraph to be separated with the next paragraph.' ), null, array('keepNext' => true, 'indentation' => array('firstLine' => 240)) ); $section->addText( htmlspecialchars( 'Paragraph with keepLines = true (default: false). ' . '"Keep lines together" will prevent Word from inserting an automatic page ' . 'break within a paragraph. Set this option to "true" if you do not want ' . 'all lines of your paragraph to be in the same page.' ), null, array('keepLines' => true, 'indentation' => array('left' => 240, 'hanging' => 240)) ); $section->addText(htmlspecialchars('Keep scrolling. More below.')); $section->addText( htmlspecialchars( 'Paragraph with pageBreakBefore = true (default: false). ' . 'Different with all other control above, "page break before" separates ' . 'your paragraph into the next page. This option is most useful for ' . 'heading styles.' ), null, array('pageBreakBefore' => true) ); // Save file echo write($phpWord, basename(__FILE__, '.php'), $writers); if (!CLI) { include_once 'Sample_Footer.php'; }