orderBy('name', 'ASC')->lists('name', 'id'); $criteria = Criterion::withTrashed()->orderBy('name', 'ASC')->get(); $programs = Program::where("id", "=", $userProgram[0]->program_id)->get(); return View::make('local.managers.pCoords.criteria', compact('title', 'outcomes', 'schools', 'criteria', 'programs', 'objectives')); } public function editSchool() { $userSchool = Auth::user()['school_id']; Log::info($userSchool); $title = "Criteria"; $outcomes = Outcome::where("deactivation_date", '=', null)->orderBy('name', 'ASC')->lists('name', 'id'); $schools = School::find($userSchool)->get(); $criteria = Criterion::withTrashed()->orderBy('name', 'ASC')->get(); $programs = Program::where("school_id", "=", $userSchool)->orderBy('name', 'ASC')->get(); $listOfId = array(); foreach ($programs as $program) { $listOfId[] = $program->id; } $objectives = DB::table('objectives')->whereIn('program_id', $listOfId)->orderBy('text', 'ASC')->lists('text', 'id'); return View::make('local.managers.sCoords.criteria', compact('title', 'outcomes', 'schools', 'criteria', 'programs', 'objectives')); } public function fetchCriterionWithTemplate() { $json_to_send = array(); $json_to_send['criterion'] = DB::table('criteria')->where('id', '=', Input::get('id'))->first(); return json_encode($json_to_send); } public function fetchCriterion() { $json_to_send = array(); $json_to_send['criterion'] = DB::table('criteria')->where('id', '=', Input::get('id'))->first(); return $json_to_send['criterion']; } public function fetchAllCriterion() { $program_id = Input::get('program_fetch'); $outcome_id = Input::get('outcome_fetch'); $json = array(); $json['criterion'] = DB::select("SELECT * FROM `criteria` where id in (select criterion_id from criterion_objective_outcome where outcome_id ={$outcome_id}) and id in(select criterion_id from program_criterion where program_id = {$program_id})"); return json_encode($json); } public function fetchObjectivesForSelect() { $json = array(); Log::info(Input::get('allOutcomes')); foreach (Input::get('allOutcomes') as $id) { $json['outcomes'][$id] = DB::select("select name from outcomes where id = {$id}"); $json['objectives'][$id] = DB::select("select objectives.id, objectives.text, outcomes.name from objectives, objective_outcome, outcomes where objective_outcome.outcome_id ={$id} and objective_outcome.objective_id = objectives.id and objectives.active=1 and outcomes.id = objective_outcome.outcome_id"); } Log::info(print_r($json, true)); return json_encode($json); } public function fetchCriterionWithTrashed() { $json = array(); $json['criteria'] = DB::select(" select * from criteria where id = ?", array(Input::get('id'))); $json['outcomes'] = DB::select("select DISTINCT outcomes.id, outcomes.name from outcomes , criterion_objective_outcome where criterion_objective_outcome.criterion_id = ? and outcomes.id = criterion_objective_outcome.outcome_id order by outcomes.id", array(Input::get('id'))); $json['objectives'] = DB::select("SELECT DISTINCT objectives.id, objectives.text FROM objectives, criterion_objective_outcome where criterion_objective_outcome.criterion_id = ? and criterion_objective_outcome.objective_id= objectives.id ", array(Input::get('id'))); $json['objectives_outcome'] = DB::select("select objectives.id, objectives.text, objective_outcome.outcome_id from objective_outcome, objectives where objective_outcome.outcome_id in(select DISTINCT outcomes.id from outcomes , criterion_objective_outcome where criterion_objective_outcome.criterion_id = ? and outcomes.id = criterion_objective_outcome.outcome_id) and objectives.id = objective_outcome.objective_id ORDER BY outcome_id", array(Input::get('id'))); $json['program'] = DB::select("select criterion_id, program_id from program_criterion where criterion_id =?", array(Input::get('id'))); $json['activity_criterion'] = DB::select("select * from assessments where activity_criterion_id in (select id from activity_criterion where criterion_id = ?)", array(Input::get('id'))); foreach ($json['outcomes'] as $id) { $outId = $id->id; $json['outcomes_assoc'][$outId] = DB::select("select name from outcomes where id = {$outId}"); $json['objectives_assoc'][$outId] = DB::select("select objectives.id, objectives.text, outcomes.name from objectives, objective_outcome, outcomes where objective_outcome.outcome_id ={$outId} and objective_outcome.objective_id = objectives.id and objectives.active=1 and outcomes.id = objective_outcome.outcome_id"); } return json_encode($json); } public function delete() { DB::delete("delete from criteria where id = ?", array(Input::get('criterion_delete'))); $role = Auth::user()['role']; switch ($role) { case 1: return Redirect::to('criteria')->withInput(); case 2: return Redirect::to('school-criteria')->withInput(); case 3: return Redirect::to('program-criteria')->withInput(); } } public function isCriterionUnique($input, $existing_criterion = NULL) { // dd($input); Log::info('isCriterionUnique'); if (Input::get('program_id') != 0) $program_id = $input['program_id']; else $program_id = NULL; $saved_criterion = Criterion::withTrashed() ->where('name', '=', $input['name']) ->where('outcome_id', '=', $input['outcome_id']) ->where('program_id', '=', $program_id) ->first(); if ($saved_criterion) return false; else return true; } private function cleanInput() { $clean_input = array(); $clean_input['name'] = trim(preg_replace('/\t+/', '', Input::get('name'))); $trimmed = trim(preg_replace('/\t+/', '', Input::get('subcriteria'))); Log::info('trimmed 1 -->' . $trimmed . '<--'); if ($trimmed == '') { $trimmed = NULL; } else { $trimmed = json_encode(preg_split('/\r\n/', $trimmed)); } Log::info('trimmed 2 -->' . $trimmed . '<--'); $clean_input['subcriteria'] = $trimmed; $clean_input['outcome_id'] = Input::get('outcome'); $clean_input['objective_id'] = Input::get('objective'); $clean_input['program_id'] = Input::get('program_id'); $clean_input['copyright'] = trim(preg_replace('/\t+/', '', Input::get('copyright'))); $clean_input['notes'] = trim(preg_replace('/\t+/', '', Input::get('notes'))); // $clean_input['maximum_score'] = (int) Input::get('maximum_score'); // $clean_input['scale_title'] = Input::get('title'); //$clean_input['scale_description'] = Input::get('Scales'); // $clean_input['min_score'] = Input::get('min'); //$clean_input['max_score'] = Input::get('max'); // $clean_input['number_of_scales'] = sizeof($clean_input['scale_title']); return $clean_input; } private function makeValidator($clean_input) { /** Validation rules */ return Validator::make( array( 'name' => $clean_input['name'], 'subcriteria' => $clean_input['subcriteria'], 'outcome_id' => $clean_input['outcome_id'], 'notes' => $clean_input['notes'], 'copyright' => $clean_input['copyright'] //'maximum_score' => $clean_input['maximum_score'] ), array( 'name' => 'required|string', 'subcriteria' => 'string', 'outcome_id' => 'required|array', 'notes' => 'string', 'copyright' => 'string' //'maximum_score' => 'required|integer' ) ); } /** * Create a new criterion. * * @return Redirect Redirect back to form page */ public function create() { $clean_input = $this->cleanInput(); /** Validation rules */ $validator = $this->makeValidator($clean_input); /** If validation fails */ if ($validator->fails()) { /** Prepare error message */ $message = '

Error(s) creating a new Criterion:

'; /** Send error message and old data */ Session::flash('status', 'danger'); Session::flash('message', $message); $role = Auth::user()['role']; switch ($role) { case 1: return Redirect::to('criteria')->withInput(); case 2: return Redirect::to('school-criteria')->withInput(); case 3: return Redirect::to('program-criteria')->withInput(); } } else { // Check criterion uniqueness /*if (!$this->isCriterionUnique($clean_input)) { /** Send error message and old data Session::flash('status', 'danger'); Session::flash('message', 'This criterion is a duplicate of an already saved criterion because its name and associated program are the same.'); return Redirect::to('criteria')->withInput(); }*/ /** Instantiate new criterion */ $criterion = new Criterion; $criterion->name = $clean_input['name']; $criterion->subcriteria = $clean_input['subcriteria']; //gabriel añadió aqui //$criterion->number_of_scales = $clean_input['number_of_scales']; //$criterion->maximum_score = $clean_input['maximum_score']; if (Input::get('copyright')) $criterion->copyright = $clean_input['copyright']; if (Input::get('notes')) $criterion->notes = $clean_input['notes']; /** If criterion is saved, send success message */ if ($criterion->save()) { $criterionId = $criterion->id; foreach ($clean_input['outcome_id'] as $outcome_id) { foreach ($clean_input['objective_id'] as $objective_id) { DB::insert("insert into `criterion_objective_outcome` (`objective_id`, `outcome_id`, `criterion_id`) values ({$objective_id},{$outcome_id}, {$criterionId})"); } } /*for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($clean_input['scale_title']); $i++) { $scale = new Scale; $scale->title = $clean_input['scale_title'][$i]; $scale->position = $i + 1; $scale->description = $clean_input['scale_description'][$i]; $scale->min_score = $clean_input['min_score'][$i]; $scale->max_score = $clean_input['max_score'][$i]; if ($scale->save()) { DB::insert("insert into `criterion_scale` (`criterion_id`, `scale_id`) values({$criterionId},{$scale->id})"); } else { Session::flash('status', 'danger'); Session::flash('message', '

Error creating the Scales

'); $role = Auth::user()['role']; switch ($role) { case 1: return Redirect::to('criteria')->withInput(); case 2: return Redirect::to('school-criteria')->withInput(); case 3: return Redirect::to('program-criteria')->withInput(); } } }*/ foreach ($clean_input['program_id'] as $program_id) { DB::insert("insert into `program_criterion` (`criterion_id`, `program_id`) values({$criterionId},{$program_id})"); } Session::flash('status', 'success'); Session::flash('message', 'Criterion created: "' . $criterion->name . '".'); $role = Auth::user()['role']; switch ($role) { case 1: return Redirect::to('criteria')->withInput(); case 2: return Redirect::to('school-criteria')->withInput(); case 3: return Redirect::to('program-criteria')->withInput(); } } /** If saving fails, send error message and old data */ else { Session::flash('status', 'danger'); Session::flash('message', '

Error creating Criterion. Please try again later.

'); $role = Auth::user()['role']; switch ($role) { case 1: return Redirect::to('criteria')->withInput(); case 2: return Redirect::to('school-criteria')->withInput(); case 3: return Redirect::to('program-criteria')->withInput(); } } } } public function edit() { $title = "Criteria"; $outcomes = Outcome::where("deactivation_date", '=', null)->orderBy('name', 'ASC')->lists('name', 'id'); $schools = School::orderBy('name', 'ASC')->get(); $criteria = Criterion::withTrashed()->orderBy('name', 'ASC')->get(); $programs = Program::orderBy('name', 'ASC')->get(); $objectives = DB::table('objectives')->orderBy('text', 'ASC')->lists('text', 'id'); return View::make('local.managers.admins.criteria', compact('title', 'outcomes', 'schools', 'criteria', 'programs', 'objectives')); } private function cleanInputEdit() { $clean_input = array(); $clean_input['name'] = trim(preg_replace('/\t+/', '', Input::get('name'))); $trimmed = trim(preg_replace('/\t+/', '', Input::get('subcriteria'))); Log::info('trimmed 1 -->' . $trimmed . '<--'); if ($trimmed == '') { $trimmed = NULL; } else { $trimmed = json_encode(preg_split('/\r\n/', $trimmed)); } Log::info('trimmed 2 -->' . $trimmed . '<--'); $clean_input['subcriteria'] = $trimmed; $clean_input['outcome_id'] = Input::get('assoc_outcome'); $clean_input['objective_id'] = Input::get('assoc_objective'); $clean_input['program_id'] = Input::get('program_id'); $clean_input['copyright'] = trim(preg_replace('/\t+/', '', Input::get('copyright'))); $clean_input['notes'] = trim(preg_replace('/\t+/', '', Input::get('notes'))); /* $clean_input['maximum_score'] = (int) Input::get('assoc_maximum_score'); $clean_input['scale_title'] = Input::get('assoc_title'); $clean_input['scale_description'] = Input::get('assoc_scales'); $clean_input['number_of_scales'] = sizeof($clean_input['scale_title']);*/ return $clean_input; } public function update() { $criterion = Criterion::withTrashed()->find(Input::get('id')); $clean_input = $this->cleanInputEdit(); /** Validation rules */ $validator = $this->makeValidator($clean_input); /** If validation fails */ if ($validator->fails()) { /** Prepare error message */ $message = 'Error(s) updating the Criterion: '; /** Send error message and old data */ Session::flash('status', 'danger'); Session::flash('message', $message); $role = Auth::user()['role']; switch ($role) { case 1: return Redirect::to('objective')->withInput(); case 2: return Redirect::to('school-objective')->withInput(); case 3: return Redirect::to('program-objective')->withInput(); } } else { // // Check criterion uniqueness // if(!$this->isCriterionUnique($clean_input, $criterion)) // { // /** Send error message and old data */ // Session::flash('status', 'danger'); // Session::flash('message', 'This criterion is a duplicate of an already saved criterion because its name, assoaciated school or program, and progress indicators are the same.'); // return Redirect::to('criteria')->withInput(); // } /** Set info */ $criterion->name = $clean_input['name']; $criterion->subcriteria = $clean_input['subcriteria']; // Set program /* if (Input::get('program_id') != 0) $criterion->program_id = Input::get('program_id'); else $criterion->program_id = NULL;*/ // Set status if (Input::get('status') == 0) $criterion->deleted_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); else $criterion->deleted_at = NULL; if (Input::get('copyright')) $criterion->copyright = $clean_input['copyright']; else $criterion->copyright = NULL; if (Input::get('notes')) $criterion->notes = $clean_input['notes']; else $criterion->notes = NULL; /** If criterion is updated, send success message */ if ($criterion->save()) { $criterionId = $criterion->id; DB::delete("delete from `criterion_objective_outcome` where `criterion_id` ={$criterionId}"); DB::delete("delete from `program_criterion` where `criterion_id` ={$criterionId}"); foreach ($clean_input['outcome_id'] as $outcome_id) { foreach ($clean_input['objective_id'] as $objective_id) { DB::insert("insert into `criterion_objective_outcome` (`objective_id`, `outcome_id`, `criterion_id`) values ({$objective_id},{$outcome_id}, {$criterionId})"); } } /*DB::delete("delete from `scales` where id in (select scale_id id from criterion_scale where criterion_id = {$criterionId})"); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($clean_input['scale_title']); $i++) { $scale = new Scale; $scale->title = $clean_input['scale_title'][$i]; $scale->position = $i + 1; $scale->description = $clean_input['scale_description'][$i]; if ($scale->save()) { DB::insert("insert into `criterion_scale` (`criterion_id`, `scale_id`) values({$criterionId},{$scale->id})"); } else { Session::flash('status', 'danger'); Session::flash('message', '

Error creating the Scales

'); $role = Auth::user()['role']; switch ($role) { case 1: return Redirect::to('objective')->withInput(); case 2: return Redirect::to('school-objective')->withInput(); case 3: return Redirect::to('program-objective')->withInput(); } } }*/ foreach ($clean_input['program_id'] as $program_id) { DB::insert("insert into `program_criterion` (`criterion_id`, `program_id`) values({$criterionId},{$program_id})"); } Session::flash('status', 'success'); Session::flash('message', 'Updated criterion: "' . $criterion->name . '"'); $role = Auth::user()['role']; switch ($role) { case 1: return Redirect::to('criteria')->withInput(); case 2: return Redirect::to('school-criteria')->withInput(); case 3: return Redirect::to('program-criteria')->withInput(); } } /** If saving fails, send error message and old data */ else { Session::flash('status', 'danger'); Session::flash('message', 'Error updating the Criterion. Please try again later.'); $role = Auth::user()['role']; switch ($role) { case 1: return Redirect::to('criteria')->withInput(); case 2: return Redirect::to('school-criteria')->withInput(); case 3: return Redirect::to('program-criteria')->withInput(); } } } } public function index() { // el ID de los semestres que el usuario tiene seleccionado. $semesters_ids = Session::get('semesters_ids'); // buscar informacion de los semestres seleccionados $semesters = Semester::whereIn('id', $semesters_ids)->get(); $title = "Learning Outcomes and Criteria"; $outcomes = Outcome::orderBy('name', 'ASC')->get(); // $outcomes = DB::table('outcomes') // ->orderBy('name', 'asc') // ->get(); $schools = School::orderBy('name', 'ASC')->get(); // $schools = DB::table('schools') // ->orderBy('name', 'asc') // ->get(); $criteria = Criterion::withTrashed()->orderBy('name', 'ASC')->get(); // $criteria = DB::table('criteria') // ->orderBy('name', 'asc') // ->get(); // se annadio la nueva variable return View::make('global.view-learning-outcomes-criteria', compact('title', 'outcomes', 'schools', 'criteria', 'semesters')); } // copie index() y lo edite public function objectivesIndex() { if (Auth::user()->role == 1) { //uscar todos los objetivos $objectives = DB::table('program_user') ->join('objectives', 'objectives.program_id', '=', 'program_user.program_id') ->join('programs', 'programs.id', '=', 'program_user.program_id') ->select('objectives.id', 'objectives.text', 'programs.name') ->orderBy('objectives.text', 'asc') ->get(); } elseif (Auth::user()->role == 2) { //buscar los objetivos de la departamento (school) $objectives = DB::table('program_user') ->join('objectives', 'objectives.program_id', '=', 'program_user.program_id') ->join('programs', 'programs.id', '=', 'program_user.program_id') ->where('programs.school_id', Auth::user()->school_id) ->select('objectives.id', 'objectives.text', 'programs.name') ->orderBy('objectives.text', 'asc') ->get(); } elseif ((Auth::user()->role == 3) || (Auth::user()->role == 4)) { //buscar los objetivos de los programas cuales el profesor esta $objectives = DB::table('program_user') ->join('objectives', 'objectives.program_id', '=', 'program_user.program_id') ->join('programs', 'programs.id', '=', 'program_user.program_id') ->where('program_user.user_id', Auth::user()->id) ->select('objectives.id', 'objectives.text', 'programs.name') ->orderBy('objectives.text', 'asc') ->get(); } $title = "Learning Objectives and Criteria"; return View::make('global.view-objectives-criteria', compact('title', 'objectives')); } public function destroy() { $criterion = Criterion::withTrashed()->find(Input::get('id')); if (!$criterion->trashed()) { try { $criterion->delete(); Session::flash('status', 'success'); Session::flash('message', 'Deactivated criterion: "' . $criterion->name . '"'); } catch (Exception $e) { Session::flash('status', 'danger'); Session::flash('message', 'Error deactivating criterion."' . $criterion->name . '"'); } $role = Auth::user()['role']; switch ($role) { case 1: return Redirect::to('objective')->withInput(); case 2: return Redirect::to('school-objective')->withInput(); case 3: return Redirect::to('program-objective')->withInput(); } } else { try { $criterion->restore(); Session::flash('status', 'success'); Session::flash('message', 'Reactivated criterion: "' . $criterion->name . '"'); } catch (Exception $e) { Session::flash('status', 'danger'); Session::flash('message', 'Error reactivating criterion: "' . $criterion->name . '".'); } $role = Auth::user()['role']; switch ($role) { case 1: return Redirect::to('objective')->withInput(); case 2: return Redirect::to('school-objective')->withInput(); case 3: return Redirect::to('program-objective')->withInput(); } } } public function filterCriteria() { switch (Input::get('filter')) { case 'all': return Criteria::all(); break; case 'school': // If scoord if (Auth::user()->role == '2') { // Fetch all the programs whose school is the user's $program_ids = DB::table('programs')->where('school_id', Auth::user()->school_id)->lists('id'); // Return all criteria belonging to any of those programs return Criterion::whereIn('program_id', $program_ids) ->orderBy('name', 'ASC') ->get(); } // If pcoord else { // Fetch all the programs from the user's school; $program_ids = DB::table('programs')->where('school_id', Auth::user()->programs[0]->school->id)->lists('id'); return Criterion::whereIn('program_id', $program_ids) ->orderBy('name', 'ASC') ->get(); } break; case 'program': return Criterion::whereIn('program_id', Auth::user()->programs->lists('id')) ->orderBy('name', 'ASC') ->get(); break; default: return Criteria::all(); break; } } }