@extends('layouts.master') @section('navigation') @if (Auth::user()->role == 1) @include('local.managers.admins._new_navigation') @elseif(Auth::user()->role == 2) @include('local.managers.sCoords._new_navigation') @elseif(Auth::user()->role == 3) @include('local.managers.pCoords._new_navigation') @endif @stop @section('main')

This report contains performance information for all your Program's assessed courses during the following semester(s):

@foreach ($schools as $school)

{{ $school->name }}

@if (!$school->programs->isEmpty())

Table of Contents

@foreach ($school->programs as $program) {{-- --}}

{{ $program->name }}

@foreach ($program->courses as $index2 => $course) whereNotNull('outcomes_attempted') ->whereRaw('outcomes_attempted not like \'%"'.$outcome->id.'":0%\'') ->with(array('activities'=>function($query) use(&$outcome){ $query->whereNotNull('outcomes_attempted'); $query->whereRaw('outcomes_attempted not like \'%"'.$outcome->id.'":0%\'');} )) ->where('code', $course->code)->where('number',$course->number) ->whereIn('semester_id', Session::get('semesters_ids')) ->get();*/ $sections_evaluating = Course::has('activities') //->whereNotNull('outcomes_attempted') //->whereRaw('outcomes_attempted not like \'%"'.$outcome->id.'":0%\'') ->with([ 'activities' => function ($query) use (&$course) { $activities = DB::table('activities') ->join('activity_criterion', 'activity_criterion.activity_id', '=', 'activities.id') ->join('assessments', 'assessments.activity_criterion_id', '=', 'activity_criterion.id') //->join('criterion_objective_outcome', 'activity_criterion.criterion_id', '=', 'criterion_objective_outcome.criterion_id') ->join('courses', 'courses.id', '=', 'activities.course_id') ->where('courses.code', $course->code) ->where('courses.number', $course->number) ->where('activities.draft', 0) ->where('activities.diagnostic', 0) //->where('criterion_objective_outcome.outcome_id', $outcome->id) ->select('activity_id') ->lists('activity_id'); //$query->whereNotNull('outcomes_attempted'); //$query->whereRaw('outcomes_attempted not like \'%"'.$outcome->id.'":0%\''); $query->whereIn('id', $activities); }, ]) ->where('code', $course->code) ->where('number', $course->number) ->whereIn('semester_id', Session::get('semesters_ids')) ->orderBy('semester_id') ->get(); ?>
@foreach ($sections_evaluating as $index3 => $section) @if (!$section->publishedActivities->isEmpty())

Course: {{ $course->code }} {{ $course->number }}-{{ $section->section }}

@endif @foreach ($section->publishedActivities as $index4 => $activity)
Activity {{ $index4 + 1 }}:

{{ $activity->name }} ({{ $activity->date }})

Performance Indicators:
rubric[0]); ?>

{{ $activity->rubric[0]->num_scales }} ( rubric[0]->getTitles(); ?> @if (sizeof($titles) != 1) @foreach ($titles as $index5 => $rubric_title) @if ($index5 != $activity->rubric[0]->num_scales - 1) {{ $rubric_title->text }}, @else and {{ $rubric_title->text }} @endif @endforeach ) @else {{ $titles[0]->text }} ) @endif

@if ($activity->rubric[0]->max_score == 1)

1 point scale


1-{{ $activity->rubric[0]->max_score }} point scale


Performance of Students by Learning Outcome Criteria

Target by criterion:

{{ $activity->rubric[0]->expected_points }} or more

Expected percent of students achieving the target by criterion:

{{ $activity->rubric[0]->expected_percentage }} %

@foreach ($activity->allActivityCriterionInfo() as $index5 => $ac_criterion) criterion_id, $activity->id); $out_ach = Criterion::students_achieved($ac_criterion->criterion_id, $activity->id); $percentage = 'N/A'; $activity->getOutcomeReport(); ?> @if ($out_att == 0) @else @if ($percentage >= $activity->rubric[0]->expected_percentage) @else @endif @endif @endforeach
Criterion Number of Students Assessed Number of students that achieved the target % Learning Outcomes
{{ $ac_criterion->name }} {{ Criterion::students_attempted($ac_criterion->criterion_id, $activity->id) }} {{ Criterion::students_achieved($ac_criterion->criterion_id, $activity->id) }} {{ $percentage }}{{ $percentage }}% {{ $percentage }}% @foreach (Criterion::outcomes($ac_criterion->criterion_id) as $index6 => $outcome) name . "\n\n\n
"; ?> @endforeach

Formative Actions:
formativeActionsWithCriteria(); ?> @if ($formative_actions)

{{ $formative_actions[0]->at_text }}: {{ $formative_actions[0]->description }}

Formative Action's Associated Criteria:
    @foreach ($formative_actions as $criteria)
  • {{ $criteria->name }}
  • @endforeach
Assessment Comments:
@if ($activity->assessment_comments != null)

{{ $activity->assessment_comments }}


Performance of Students by Learning Outcome

Activity {{ $index4 + 1 }}:

{{ $activity->name }} ({{ $activity->date }})

Target by learning outcome:

>= 66.67% of the attempts

Expected percent of students achieving the target by learning outcome:

where('program_id', $course->program_id) ->where('semester_id', $course->semester_id) ->first(); //->expected_target; if (!$expected) { $expected = 'It has not been defined in the annual plan'; } else { $expected = $expected->expected_target; } ?> {{ $expected }}

@foreach ($activity->getOutcomeReport() as $outcome) @if ($outcome->percentage >= $expected) @else @endif @endforeach
Learning Outcome Number of Students Assessed Number of students that achieved the target %
{{ $outcome->name }} {{ $outcome->attempted }} {{ $outcome->achieved }} {{ $outcome->percentage }}% {{ $outcome->percentage }}%


Diagnostic Activities

@foreach ($section->diagnosticActivities as $index4 => $activity)
Activity {{ $index4 + 1 }}:

{{ $activity->name }} ({{ $activity->date }})

Performance Indicators:
rubric[0]); ?>

{{ $activity->rubric[0]->num_scales }} ( rubric[0]->getTitles(); ?> @if (sizeof($titles) != 1) @foreach ($titles as $index5 => $rubric_title) @if ($index5 != $activity->rubric[0]->num_scales - 1) {{ $rubric_title->text }}, @else and {{ $rubric_title->text }} @endif @endforeach ) @else {{ $titles[0]->text }} ) @endif

@if ($activity->rubric[0]->max_score == 1)

1 point scale


1-{{ $activity->rubric[0]->max_score }} point scale


Performance of Students by Learning Outcome Criteria

Target by criterion:

{{ $activity->rubric[0]->expected_points }} or more

Expected percent of students achieving the target by criterion:

{{ $activity->rubric[0]->expected_percentage }} %

@foreach ($activity->allActivityCriterionInfo() as $index5 => $ac_criterion) criterion_id, $activity->id); $out_ach = Criterion::students_achieved($ac_criterion->criterion_id, $activity->id); $percentage = 'N/A'; $activity->getOutcomeReport(); ?> @if ($out_att == 0) @else @if ($percentage >= $activity->rubric[0]->expected_percentage) @else @endif @endif @endforeach
Criterion Number of Students Assessed Number of students that achieved the target % Learning Outcomes
{{ $ac_criterion->name }} {{ Criterion::students_attempted($ac_criterion->criterion_id, $activity->id) }} {{ Criterion::students_achieved($ac_criterion->criterion_id, $activity->id) }} {{ $percentage }}{{ $percentage }}% {{ $percentage }}% @foreach (Criterion::outcomes($ac_criterion->criterion_id) as $index6 => $outcome) name . "\n\n\n
"; ?> @endforeach

Formative Actions:
formativeActionsWithCriteria(); ?> @if ($formative_actions)

{{ $formative_actions[0]->at_text }}: {{ $formative_actions[0]->description }}

Formative Action's Associated Criteria:
    @foreach ($formative_actions as $criteria)
  • {{ $criteria->name }}
  • @endforeach
Assessment Comments:
@if ($activity->assessment_comments != null)

{{ $activity->assessment_comments }}


Performance of Students by Learning Outcome

Activity {{ $index4 + 1 }}:

{{ $activity->name }} ({{ $activity->date }})

Target by learning outcome:

>= 66.67% of the attempts

Expected percent of students achieving the target by learning outcome:

where('program_id', $course->program_id) ->where('semester_id', $course->semester_id) ->first(); //->expected_target; if (!$expected) { $expected = 'It has not been defined in the annual plan'; } else { $expected = $expected->expected_target; } ?> {{ $expected }}

@foreach ($activity->getOutcomeReport() as $outcome) @if ($outcome->percentage >= $expected) @else @endif @endforeach
Learning Outcome Number of Students Assessed Number of students that achieved the target %
{{ $outcome->name }} {{ $outcome->attempted }} {{ $outcome->achieved }} {{ $outcome->percentage }}% {{ $outcome->percentage }}%

@endforeach @endforeach
@endforeach @else

This program has not assessed any activity

@endif @endforeach
@section('included-js') @include('global._datatables_js') @stop @stop @section('javascript') // Build table of contents @stop