@extends('layouts.master') @section('navigation') @if (Auth::user()->role == 1) @include('local.managers.admins._navigation') @elseif(Auth::user()->role == 2) @include('local.managers.sCoords._navigation') @elseif(Auth::user()->role == 3) @include('local.managers.pCoords._navigation') @else @include('local.professors._navigation') @endif @stop @section('main')
This report contains performance information for all your Program's assessed courses during the following semester(s):
{{ $activity->name }} ({{ $activity->date }})
{{ $activity->rubric[0]->num_scales }} ( rubric[0]->getTitles(); ?> @if (sizeof($titles) != 1) @foreach ($titles as $index5 => $rubric_title) @if ($index5 != $activity->rubric[0]->num_scales - 1) {{ $rubric_title->text }}, @else and {{ $rubric_title->text }} @endif @endforeach ) @else {{ $titles[0]->text }} ) @endif
1 point scale
@else1-{{ $activity->rubric[0]->max_score }} point scale
@endif{{ $activity->rubric[0]->expected_points }} or more
{{ $activity->rubric[0]->expected_percentage }} %
{{ $formative_actions[0]->at_text }}: {{ $formative_actions[0]->description }}
Has no Formative Action yet
Criterion | Number of Students Assessed | Number of students that achieved the target | % | Outcomes | ||
{{ $ac_criterion->name }} | {{ Criterion::students_attempted($ac_criterion->criterion_id, $activity->id) }} | {{ Criterion::students_achieved($ac_criterion->criterion_id, $activity->id) }} | criterion_id, $activity->id); $out_ach = Criterion::students_achieved($ac_criterion->criterion_id, $activity->id); $percentage = 'N/A'; $activity->getOutcomeReport(); ?> @if ($out_att == 0){{ $percentage }} | @else @if ($percentage >= $activity->rubric[0]->expected_percentage){{ $percentage }}% | @else{{ $percentage }}% | @endif @endif
@foreach (Criterion::outcomes($ac_criterion->criterion_id) as $index6 => $outcome)
{{ $index6 + 1 }}. name . "\n\n\n "; ?> @endforeach |
>= 66.67% of the attempts
where('program_id', $course->program_id) ->where('semester_id', $course->semester_id) ->first(); //->expected_target; if (!$expected) { $expected = 'It has not been defined in the annual plan'; } ?> {{ $expected }}
Outcome | Number of Students Assessed | Number of students that achieved the target | % | |
{{ $outcome->name }} | {{ $outcome->attempted }} | {{ $outcome->achieved }} | @if ($outcome->percentage >= $expected){{ $outcome->percentage }}% | @else{{ $outcome->percentage }}% | @endif