  "title":"Srcset and sizes attributes",
  "description":"The `srcset` and `sizes` attributes on `img` (or `source`) elements allow authors to define various image resources and \"hints\" that assist a user agent to determine the most appropriate image source to display (e.g. high-resolution displays, small monitors, etc).",
      "title":"Improved support for high-resolution displays with the srcset image attribute"
      "title":"Blog post on srcset & sizes"
      "title":"MDN: Responsive images"
      "title":"MDN: <img> element"
      "description":"Edge versions 13, 14 and 15 intermittently display distorted images as soon as they encounter a srcset attribute, seemingly dependent on caching and network timing. [see bug](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/platform/issues/7778808/)"
      "12":"a #2",
      "13":"n #3",
      "14":"n #3",
      "15":"n #3",
      "32":"n d #1",
      "33":"n d #1",
      "34":"n d #1",
      "35":"n d #1",
      "36":"n d #1",
      "37":"n d #1",
      "34":"a #2",
      "35":"a #2",
      "36":"a #2",
      "37":"a #2",
      "7.1":"a #2",
      "8":"a #2",
      "21":"a #2",
      "22":"a #2",
      "23":"a #2",
      "24":"a #2",
      "8":"a #2",
      "8.1-8.4":"a #2",
    "1":"Can be enabled in Firefox by setting the about:config preference dom.image.srcset.enabled to true",
    "2":"Supports the subset of the syntax for resolution switching (using the `x` descriptor), but not the full syntax that can be used with `sizes` (using the `w` descriptor).",
    "3":"Intermittently displays distorted images due to bug present (see known issues)"
  "keywords":"srcset attribute",