@extends('layouts.master') @section('navigation') @if($role==1) @include('local.managers.admins._navigation') @elseif($role==2) @include('local.managers.sCoords._navigation') @elseif($role==3) @include('local.managers.pCoords._navigation') @else @include('local.professors._navigation') @endif @stop @section('main')
Student Number: {{{ substr($student->number, 0, 3)}}}-{{{substr($student->number, 3, 2)}}}-{{{substr($student->number, 5, 4)}}}
Course: {{{ $course->name }}} ({{{ $course->code }}} {{{ $course->number }}}-{{{ $course->section }}})
Criterion | Score | Reason |
{{{ $row['name'] }}} | {{{ $real_score }}} | @if($real_score == 1 || $real_score == 2) {{ nl2br($row['description12']) }} @elseif ($real_score == 3 || $real_score == 4) {{ nl2br($row['description34']) }} @elseif ($real_score == 5 || $real_score == 6) {{ nl2br($row['description56']) }} @elseif ($real_score == 7 || $real_score == 8) {{ nl2br($row['description78']) }} @else There is not enough information to assess this criterion, or the student did not complete the required work. @endif |
Percentage: {{ $assessment->percentage }}%
Comments: {{ $assessment->comments }}
No activities have been assessed.