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noptify is a little wrapper around nopt module adding a more expressive, commander-like, API and few helpers.


 var program = noptify(process.argv, { program: 'name' })
   .option('port', '-p', 'Port to listen on (default: 35729)', Number)
   .option('pid', 'Path to the generated PID file', String)

 var opts = program.parse();

Returns an instance of Noptify


Noptify provides the API to parse out option, shorthands and generate the proper generic help output.

  • args - The Array of arguments to parse (default: process.argv);
  • options - An hash of options with the following properties
    • program - The program name to use in usage output

Every noptify instance is created with two options, -h, --help and -v, --version.


Parse the provided options and shorthands, pass them through nopt and return the result.

When opts.help is set, the help output is displayed and help event is emitted. The process exists with 0 status, the help output is automatically displayed and the help event is emitted.


var program = noptify(['foo', '--help'])
  .on('help', function() {
    console.log('  foo bar --baz > foo.txt');

var opts = program.parse();
// ... Help output ...
// ... Custom help output ...
// ... Exit ...


Define the program version.


Define name option with optional shorthands, optional description and optional type.


Simply output to stdout the Usage and Help output.

Mocha generated documentation


returns an instanceof Noptify.

assert.ok(noptify() instanceof noptify.Noptify);

is typically used like so.

var program = noptify(['node', 'file.js', '-d', '--dirname', './', '-p', '3000', 'app.js', 'base.js'])
  .option('debug', '-d', 'Enabled debug output', Boolean)
  .option('dirname', 'The path to the output directory')
  .option('port', '-p', 'The port you wish to listen on', Number)

// opts => nopt result
var opts = program.parse();

assert.deepEqual(opts, {
  port: 3000,
  debug: true,
  dirname: './',
  argv: {
    remain: ['app.js', 'base.js'],
    cooked: ['--debug', '--dirname', './', '--port', '3000', 'app.js', 'base.js'],
    original: ['-d', '--dirname', './', '-p', '3000', 'app.js', 'base.js']

allows definitiion of shorthands separately.

var opts = noptify(['node', 'file.js', '-lc'])
  .option('line-comment', 'Ouputs with debugging information', Boolean)
  .shorthand('lc', '--line-comment')

assert.equal(opts['line-comment'], true);


provides the helper method to read from stdin.

var program = noptify();
assert.ok(typeof program.stdin === 'function', 'stdin defined');

is invoked only when .parse() is called.

var program = noptify(['', '']);
var str = 'testing out stdin helper';
program.stdin(function(err, res) {
  assert.equal(res, str);


process.nextTick(function() {
  process.stdin.emit('data', str);


provides the .command() utility.

assert.ok(typeof noptify().command === 'function');

Parses remaining arguments and route to the appropriate command

can be a simple function.

var program = noptify(['', '', 'init', '--debug', 'foo']).option('debug', 'an option');

program.command('init', function(args, opts) {
  // args ==> sliced args at command position
  // opts ==> nopt parsed object
  assert.deepEqual(args, ['--debug', 'foo']);
  assert.equal(opts.debug, true);
  assert.equal(opts.argv.remain[0], 'foo');


or another program, an Noptify instance.

var args = ['', '', 'init', '--debug', 'myapp', 'foo'];

var init = noptify(args)
  .option('debug', 'Debug output')
  .command('myapp', done.bind(null, null));

noptify(args).command('init', init).parse();