Nenhuma descrição

  1. .. _styles:
  2. Styles
  3. ======
  4. Section
  5. -------
  6. Below are the available styles for section:
  7. - ``pageSizeW`` Page width in twips (the default is 11906/A4 size)
  8. - ``pageSizeH`` Page height in twips (the default is 16838/A4 size)
  9. - ``orientation`` Page orientation, i.e. 'portrait' (default) or
  10. 'landscape'
  11. - ``marginTop`` Page margin top in twips
  12. - ``marginLeft`` Page margin left in twips
  13. - ``marginRight`` Page margin right in twips
  14. - ``marginBottom`` Page margin bottom in twips
  15. - ``borderTopSize`` Border top size in twips
  16. - ``borderTopColor`` Border top color
  17. - ``borderLeftSize`` Border left size in twips
  18. - ``borderLeftColor`` Border left color
  19. - ``borderRightSize`` Border right size in twips
  20. - ``borderRightColor`` Border right color
  21. - ``borderBottomSize`` Border bottom size in twips
  22. - ``borderBottomColor`` Border bottom color
  23. - ``headerHeight`` Spacing to top of header
  24. - ``footerHeight`` Spacing to bottom of footer
  25. - ``gutter`` Page gutter spacing
  26. - ``colsNum`` Number of columns
  27. - ``colsSpace`` Spacing between columns
  28. - ``breakType`` Section break type (nextPage, nextColumn, continuous,
  29. evenPage, oddPage)
  30. Font
  31. ----
  32. Available font styles:
  33. - ``name`` Font name, e.g. *Arial*
  34. - ``size`` Font size, e.g. *20*, *22*,
  35. - ``hint`` Font content type, *default*, *eastAsia*, or *cs*
  36. - ``bold`` Bold, *true* or *false*
  37. - ``italic`` Italic, *true* or *false*
  38. - ``superScript`` Superscript, *true* or *false*
  39. - ``subScript`` Subscript, *true* or *false*
  40. - ``underline`` Underline, *dash*, *dotted*, etc.
  41. - ``strikethrough`` Strikethrough, *true* or *false*
  42. - ``doubleStrikethrough`` Double strikethrough, *true* or *false*
  43. - ``color`` Font color, e.g. *FF0000*
  44. - ``fgColor`` Font highlight color, e.g. *yellow*, *green*, *blue*
  45. - ``bgColor`` Font background color, e.g. *FF0000*
  46. - ``smallCaps`` Small caps, *true* or *false*
  47. - ``allCaps`` All caps, *true* or *false*
  48. - ``rtl`` Right to Left language, *true* or *false*
  49. Paragraph
  50. ---------
  51. Available paragraph styles:
  52. - ``align`` Paragraph alignment, *left*, *right* or *center*
  53. - ``spaceBefore`` Space before paragraph
  54. - ``spaceAfter`` Space after paragraph
  55. - ``indent`` Indent by how much
  56. - ``hanging`` Hanging by how much
  57. - ``basedOn`` Parent style
  58. - ``next`` Style for next paragraph
  59. - ``widowControl`` Allow first/last line to display on a separate page,
  60. *true* or *false*
  61. - ``keepNext`` Keep paragraph with next paragraph, *true* or *false*
  62. - ``keepLines`` Keep all lines on one page, *true* or *false*
  63. - ``pageBreakBefore`` Start paragraph on next page, *true* or *false*
  64. - ``lineHeight`` text line height, e.g. *1.0*, *1.5*, ect...
  65. - ``tabs`` Set of custom tab stops
  66. Table
  67. -----
  68. Table styles:
  69. - ``width`` Table width in percent
  70. - ``bgColor`` Background color, e.g. '9966CC'
  71. - ``border(Top|Right|Bottom|Left)Size`` Border size in twips
  72. - ``border(Top|Right|Bottom|Left)Color`` Border color, e.g. '9966CC'
  73. - ``cellMargin(Top|Right|Bottom|Left)`` Cell margin in twips
  74. Row styles:
  75. - ``tblHeader`` Repeat table row on every new page, *true* or *false*
  76. - ``cantSplit`` Table row cannot break across pages, *true* or *false*
  77. - ``exactHeight`` Row height is exact or at least
  78. Cell styles:
  79. - ``width`` Cell width in twips
  80. - ``valign`` Vertical alignment, *top*, *center*, *both*, *bottom*
  81. - ``textDirection`` Direction of text
  82. - ``bgColor`` Background color, e.g. '9966CC'
  83. - ``border(Top|Right|Bottom|Left)Size`` Border size in twips
  84. - ``border(Top|Right|Bottom|Left)Color`` Border color, e.g. '9966CC'
  85. - ``gridSpan`` Number of columns spanned
  86. - ``vMerge`` *restart* or *continue*
  87. Image
  88. -----
  89. Available image styles:
  90. - ``width`` Width in pixels
  91. - ``height`` Height in pixels
  92. - ``align`` Image alignment, *left*, *right*, or *center*
  93. - ``marginTop`` Top margin in inches, can be negative
  94. - ``marginLeft`` Left margin in inches, can be negative
  95. - ``wrappingStyle`` Wrapping style, *inline*, *square*, *tight*,
  96. *behind*, or *infront*
  97. Numbering level
  98. ---------------
  99. - ``start`` Starting value
  100. - ``format`` Numbering format
  101. bullet\|decimal\|upperRoman\|lowerRoman\|upperLetter\|lowerLetter
  102. - ``restart`` Restart numbering level symbol
  103. - ``suffix`` Content between numbering symbol and paragraph text
  104. tab\|space\|nothing
  105. - ``text`` Numbering level text e.g. %1 for nonbullet or bullet
  106. character
  107. - ``align`` Numbering symbol align left\|center\|right\|both
  108. - ``left`` See paragraph style
  109. - ``hanging`` See paragraph style
  110. - ``tabPos`` See paragraph style
  111. - ``font`` Font name
  112. - ``hint`` See font style