
total_assessment.blade.php 5.9KB

  1. @extends('layouts.master')
  2. @section('navigation')
  3. @include('local.managers.admins._new_navigation')
  4. @stop
  5. @section('main')
  6. <div class="row">
  7. <div class="col-md-12">
  8. <p>This report contains the Assessment for all Students for all Schools and Programs during the following
  9. semester(s):</p>
  10. <ul>
  11. @foreach (Session::get('semesters_info') as $semester_info)
  12. <li>{{ $semester_info }}</li>
  13. @endforeach
  14. </ul>
  15. <!-- <h3>Table of Contents</h3> -->
  16. <!-- <ol id="table-of-contents" class="upper-roman">
  17. </ol> -->
  18. <table class="table table-condensed table-bordered datatable">
  19. <thead>
  20. <tr class="center-text">
  21. <th>Semester</th>
  22. <th>School or College</th>
  23. <th>Program ID</th>
  24. <th>Program Code</th>
  25. <th>Outcome</th>
  26. <th>Student Number</th>
  27. <th>Student Program</th>
  28. <th>Criteria</th>
  29. <th>Courses</th>
  30. <th>Expected Result For Achievement</th>
  31. <th>Student Result</th>
  32. </tr>
  33. </thead>
  34. <tfoot>
  35. <tr class="column-search">
  36. <th><select class="column-search-select form-control">
  37. <option value=""></option>
  38. </select></th>
  39. <th><select class="column-search-select form-control">
  40. <option value=""></option>
  41. </select></th>
  42. <th><select class="column-search-select form-control">
  43. <option value=""></option>
  44. </select></th>
  45. <th><select class="column-search-select form-control">
  46. <option value=""></option>
  47. </select></th>
  48. <th><select class="column-search-select form-control">
  49. <option value=""></option>
  50. </select></th>
  51. <th><select class="column-search-select form-control">
  52. <option value=""></option>
  53. </select></th>
  54. <th><select class="column-search-select form-control">
  55. <option value=""></option>
  56. </select></th>
  57. <th><input class="column-search-bar form-control" type="text" placeholder="Buscar" /></th>
  58. <th><select class="column-search-select form-control">
  59. <option value=""></option>
  60. </select></th>
  61. <th><select class="column-search-select form-control">
  62. <option value=""></option>
  63. </select></th>
  64. <th><select class="column-search-select form-control">
  65. <option value=""></option>
  66. </select></th>
  67. </tr>
  68. </tfoot>
  69. <tbody>
  70. @foreach ($total_assessments as $total_assessment)
  71. <tr>
  72. <td>{{ $total_assessment->semester }}</td>
  73. <td>{{ $total_assessment->school }}</td>
  74. <td>{{ $total_assessment->program }}</td>
  75. <td>{{ $total_assessment->program_code }}</td>
  76. <td>{{ $total_assessment->outcome }}</td>
  77. <td>{{ $total_assessment->student_number }}</td>
  78. <td>{{ $total_assessment->student_conc_code }}</td>
  79. <td>{{ $total_assessment->criterion }}</td>
  80. <td>{{ $total_assessment->course }}</td>
  81. <td>{{ $total_assessment->expected_result }}</td>
  82. <td>{{ $total_assessment->result }}</td>
  83. </tr>
  84. @endforeach
  85. </tbody>
  86. </table>
  87. </div>
  88. </div>
  89. <span class="js-vars" data-pdf-url="{{ URL::action('OutcomesController@totalAssessmentReport') }}"></span>
  90. @stop
  91. @section('included-js')
  92. @include('global._datatables_js')
  93. @stop
  94. @section('javascript')
  95. // Build table of contents
  96. var outcome = $('.outcome');
  97. var str ='';
  98. str+='<li><a href="#'+outcome.attr('id')+'">'+outcome.text()+'</a>
  99. <ol class="schools upper-alpha">';
  100. /*$('[id^='+outcome.attr('id')+'-].school:visible').each(function(e){
  101. var school = $(this);
  102. str+='<li><a href="#'+school.attr('id')+'">'+school.text()+'</a>
  103. <ol class="programs">';
  104. $('[id^='+school.attr('id')+'-].program:visible').each(function(e){
  105. var program = $(this);
  106. if(!program.hasClass('no-courses'))
  107. str+='<li><a href="#'+program.attr('id')+'">'+program.text()+'</a></li>';
  108. else
  109. str+='<li>'+program.text()+'</li>';
  110. });
  111. str+='</ol>
  112. </li>';
  113. });*/
  114. str+='</ol>
  115. </li>';
  116. //$('#table-of-contents').append(str);
  117. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. // Events
  119. //
  120. $('.to-top').on('click', function(e) {
  121. e.preventDefault();
  122. $(this).scrollTop(0);
  123. $('html').animate({scrollTop:0}, 1);
  124. $('body').animate({scrollTop:0}, 1);
  125. })
  126. @stop