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Browserslist Build Status

Get browser versions that match given criteria. Useful for tools like Autoprefixer.

You can select browsers by passing a string. This library will use Can I Use data to return the appropriate list of all matching versions.

For example, the last version of each major browser and versions, with a usage of over 5% in global usage statistics:

browserslist('last 1 version, > 5%');
//=> ['and_chr 41', 'chrome 41', 'chrome 40', 'firefox 37', 'firefox 36',
//    'ie 11', 'ie_mob 11', 'ios_saf 8.1-8.3', 'opera 27', 'safari 8']

Browserslist will use browsers criterias from:

  1. First argument.
  2. BROWSERSLIST environment variable.
  3. browserslist config file in current or parent directories.
  4. If all methods will not give a result, Browserslist will use defaults:
    > 1%, last 2 versions, Firefox ESR, Opera 12.1.

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You can specify the versions by queries (case insensitive):

  • last 2 versions: the last 2 versions for each major browser.
  • last 2 Chrome versions: the last 2 versions of Chrome browser.
  • > 5%: versions selected by global usage statistics.
  • > 5% in US: uses USA usage statistics. It accepts two-letter country code.
  • Firefox > 20: versions of Firefox newer than 20.
  • Firefox >= 20: versions of Firefox newer than or equal to 20.
  • Firefox < 20: versions of Firefox less than 20.
  • Firefox <= 20: versions of Firefox less than or equal to 20.
  • Firefox ESR: the latest [Firefox ESR] version.
  • iOS 7: the iOS browser version 7 directly.

Blackberry and Android WebView will not be used in last n versions. You should add them by name.

Browserslist works with separated versions of browsers. To use all versions of some browsers you can use Firefox > 0, but it is a very bad way.


Names are case insensitive:

  • Android for Android WebView.
  • BlackBerry or bb for Blackberry browser.
  • Chrome for Google Chrome.
  • Firefox or ff for Mozilla Firefox.
  • Explorer or ie for Internet Explorer.
  • iOS or ios_saf for iOS Safari.
  • Opera for Opera.
  • Safari for desktop Safari.
  • OperaMobile or op_mob for Opera Mobile.
  • OperaMini or op_mini for Opera Mini.
  • ChromeAndroid or and_chr for Chrome for Android (mostly same as common Chrome).
  • FirefoxAndroid or and_ff for Firefox for Android.
  • ExplorerMobile or ie_mob for Internet Explorer Mobile.


var browserslist = require('browserslist');

// Your CSS/JS build tool code
var process = function (css, opts) {
    var browsers = browserslist(opts.browsers, { path: opts.file });
    // Your code to add features for selected browsers

If a list is missing, Browserslist will look for a config file. You can provide a path option (that can be a file) to find the config file relatively to it.

Queries can be a string "> 5%, last 1 version" or an array ['> 5%', 'last 1 version'].

Config File

Browserslist’s config should be named browserslist and have browsers queries split by a new line. You can write a comment after #:

# Browsers that we support

> 1%
Last 2 versions
IE 8 # sorry

You can specify direct path to config by config option.