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Gabriel Santiago Plaza fc142f4fe2 Gabriel, trabajo hasta 11/17 4 gadus atpakaļ
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node_modules Added Laravel project and removed sensitive data 4 gadus atpakaļ
public Gabriel, trabajo hasta 11/17 4 gadus atpakaļ
.bowerrc Added Laravel project and removed sensitive data 4 gadus atpakaļ
.env.php.sample Added sample .env file 4 gadus atpakaļ
.gitattributes First commit 4 gadus atpakaļ
.gitignore First commit 4 gadus atpakaļ Added Laravel project and removed sensitive data 4 gadus atpakaļ
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READMEPLEASE.txt Gabriel, trabajo hasta 11/17 4 gadus atpakaļ
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server.php Added Laravel project and removed sensitive data 4 gadus atpakaļ


Laravel 4.2 Docs

Laravel 4.2 API

Learn Laravel


Server requirements:

  • PHP 7.1 with Composer
  • MCrypt PHP Extension

Run composer install in the project’s root directory.

Run the application with php artisan serve or see the next section to run in an Apache server.


Create a virtualhost with the following settings:

DocumentRoot $PATH_TO_PROJECT_ROOT/public
<Directory $PATH_TO_PROJECT_ROOT/public>
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted


Copy .env.php.sample to .env.php and replace with correct settings.

Other options can be set in app/config.


The environment determines which configuration files will be used. Configuration options for each environment can be set in app/config/$ENV. Options within files in this directory overwrite those in app/config with the same file name.

By default the application will use the local environment unless it’s running with a .edu domain. This can be changed in bootstrap/start.php and more environments can be added here.


Routes tell the application to which controller the request will be sent or which view will be displayed.

All routes must be registered in app/routes.php.


Migrations are used to create the database and make any changes to the schema.

Migrations are found in app/database/migrations and can be generated with php artisan generate:migration $MIGRATION_NAME.

Each migration has an up function that performs the migration and a down function that reverses it.


Views are the HTML structure for each page or section of a page. They use the blade templating engine.

Views are found in app/views.


Controllers handle requests and can return a View, Model, or some other data. They are found in app/controllers and usually correspond to a specific Model.

Controllers are in charge of preparing any data that might be necessary for a View, or it might create or update new entries for a Model.

Data can be sent to a View in an array of variables.