import MySQLdb class maldisql: def __init__(self, host="localhost", db="maldisoft", user="maldiuser"): passwd = "" self.db = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, db=db, user=user, passwd=passwd) self.db.autocommit(True) self.c = self.db.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) # New user functions def AddUser(self, email, passwd, name, last): try: self.c.execute("""INSERT into USER (email, passwd, name, last, lastaccess) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)""", (email, passwd, name, last)) except MySQLdb.IntegrityError, e: return "%s|%s" % ("Duplicate", e) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return self.c.lastrowid def GetUser(self, uid): try: self.c.execute("""select email, name, last, lastaccess from USER where uid=%s""", uid) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return self.c.fetchone() def UpdatePassword(self, pwd, uid): try: self.c.execute("""update USER set passwd=%s where uid=%s""", (pwd, uid)) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return None def UpdateUser(self, uid, email, name, last): try: self.c.execute("""update USER set email=%s, name=%s, last=%s where uid=%s""", (email, name, last, uid)) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return None def ChangePassword(self, passwd): try: self.c.execute("""update USER set passwd=%s""", (passwd,)) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return None def ChangeEmail(self, email, uid): try: self.c.execute("""update USER set email=%s where uid=%s""", (email,uid)) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return None def Login(self, email, passwd): try: self.c.execute("""select uid, passwd from USER where email=%s""", email) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return None user=self.c.fetchone() if user and user["passwd"] == passwd: try: self.c.execute("""update USER set lastaccess=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where uid=%s""", user["uid"]) except: return None return user["uid"] else: return None # Create experiment functions def CreateExperiment(self, name, description, uid): try: self.c.execute("""INSERT into EXPERIMENT (uid, name, description) values (%s, %s, %s)""", (uid, name, description)) except MySQLdb.IntegrityError, e: return "%s|%s" % ("Duplicate", e) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return int(self.c.lastrowid) def UpdateExperiment(self, name, description, eid): try: self.c.execute("""update EXPERIMENT set name=%s, description=%s where eid=%s""", (name, description, eid)) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return None def DeleteExperiment(self, eid): try: self.c.execute("""delete from EXPERIMENT where eid=%s""", eid) except: return False return True def GetExperiments(self, uid): try: self.c.execute("""select eid, name, description, date from EXPERIMENT where uid=%s""", uid) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return self.c.fetchall() def CheckEIDOwner(self, eid, uid): try: self.c.execute("""select eid from EXPERIMENT where eid=%s and uid=%s""", (eid, uid)) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return False return True def GetColEID(self, eid, uid): try: self.c.execute("""select eid from USER_EXPERIMENT where eid=%s and uid=%s""", (eid, uid)) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return self.c.fetchone() def GetExperiment(self, eid): try: self.c.execute("""select uid, name, description, date from EXPERIMENT where eid=%s""", eid) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return self.c.fetchone() def ChangePassword(self, passwd): try: self.c.execute("""update USER set passwd=%s""", (passwd,)) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e def AddCollaborator(self, uid, eid): try: self.c.execute("""INSERT into USER_EXPERIMENT (uid, eid) values (%s, %s)""", (uid, eid)) except MySQLdb.IntegrityError, e: return "%s|%s" % ("Duplicate", e) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return self.c.lastrowid def AddExperimentCollaborator(self, eid, email): try: self.c.execute("""select uid from USER where email=%s""", email) user = self.c.fetchone() except: return "Fail! Some error with the collaborator email." if not user: return "No such collaborator in the system" return self.AddCollaborator(user["uid"], eid) def GetExperimentCollaborators(self, eid): try: self.c.execute("""select as name, USER.last as last, email, ueid from USER, USER_EXPERIMENT where USER.uid = USER_EXPERIMENT.uid and USER_EXPERIMENT.eid=%s""", eid) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return self.c.fetchall() def RemoveExperimentCollaborator(self, ueid): try: self.c.execute("""delete from USER_EXPERIMENT where ueid=%s""", ueid) except: return False return True def GetCollaborations(self, uid): try: self.c.execute("""select USER_EXPERIMENT.eid as eid, as name, description, date from EXPERIMENT, USER_EXPERIMENT where EXPERIMENT.eid = USER_EXPERIMENT.eid and USER_EXPERIMENT.uid=%s""", uid) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return self.c.fetchall() def AddSample(self, eid, uuid, name): try: self.c.execute("""INSERT into SAMPLE (eid, uuid, name) values (%s, %s, %s)""", (eid, uuid, name)) except MySQLdb.IntegrityError, e: return "%s|%s" % ("Duplicate", e) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return self.c.lastrowid def GetSamples(self, eid): try: self.c.execute("""select sid, name, uuid, lastmodified from SAMPLE where eid=%s""", eid) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return self.c.fetchall() def GetSample(self, sid): try: self.c.execute("""select eid, name, uuid, lastmodified from SAMPLE where sid=%s""", sid) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return self.c.fetchone() def AddPeak(self, sid, peak): try: self.c.execute("""INSERT into PEAK (sid, peak) values (%s, %s)""", (sid, peak)) except MySQLdb.IntegrityError, e: return "%s|%s" % ("Duplicate", e) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return self.c.lastrowid def AddExperimentPeak(self, eid, peak): try: self.c.execute("""INSERT into EXPERIMENT_PEAK (eid, peak) values (%s, %s)""", (eid, peak)) except MySQLdb.IntegrityError, e: return "%s|%s" % ("Duplicate", e) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return self.c.lastrowid def GetExperimentPeaks(self, eid): try: self.c.execute("""select * from EXPERIMENT_PEAK where eid=%s""", eid) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return self.c.fetchall() def RemovePeak(self, epid): try: self.c.execute("""delete from EXPERIMENT_PEAK where ep_id=%s""", epid) except: return False return True def GetPeaks(self, sid): try: self.c.execute("""select pid, peak from PEAK where sid=%s""", sid) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e peaks = self.c.fetchall() for peak in peaks: try: self.c.execute("""select intensity_id, peak, intensity from INTENSITY where pid=%s""", peak["pid"]) peak["intensities"] = self.c.fetchall() except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return peaks def AddIntensity(self, pid, peak, intensity): try: self.c.execute("""INSERT into INTENSITY (pid, peak, intensity) values (%s, %s, %s)""", (pid, peak, intensity)) except MySQLdb.IntegrityError, e: return "%s|%s" % ("Duplicate", e) except MySQLdb.Error, e: return e return self.c.lastrowid def close(self): self.db.close() def main(): check1 = 1 msql = maldisql() if check1: uid1 = msql.AddUser("","tuxi", "Jose", "Ortiz") uid2 = msql.AddUser("","tuxi", "Kariluz", "Davila") print uid1 print msql.ChangePassword("sleepy") print msql.ChangeEmail("", uid1) eid = msql.CreateExperiment("EXp1", "Esto es la descr", uid1) print "Experiment", eid print eid, uid2 print msql.AddCollaborator(uid2, eid) sid = msql.AddSample(eid, "hola", "asi se llama el sample") print sid pid = msql.AddPeak(sid, 1.3) print pid print msql.AddIntensity(pid, 100.3) print msql.GetUser(uid1) print msql.GetExperiments(uid1) print msql.GetCollaborations(uid2) print msql.GetSamples(eid) print msql.GetSample(sid) print msql.GetPeaks(sid) msql.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()